Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 103 I can't explain it clearly

Chapter 103 I can't explain it clearly

The noise of the helicopter was overwhelming, disturbing the night that was already drowned by the sound of rain, and the huge searchlight guided the helicopter to slowly land on the open space in front of the villa.

Several accompanying police officers went down to check the situation first, and then came back quickly to report.

"There are traces of being chopped on the suspension bridge, which is man-made vandalism, and decomposed limbs were found nearby, all of which were found except the head."

Director Hakuba was helped off the plane by Police Officer Megure, and nodded, "Let's go into the villa and see if President Hanyu is safe and sound."

Police Officer Megure said that it still needs to be seen. If someone really wants to harm Master Hanyu, how many people and weapons will he have to use to beat that blue dragon.

The people inside have heard the noise long ago, after all, no one can sleep tonight.

Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly jumped off Hanyu Kiyoan's bed, and the latter said calmly, "Why are you so afraid? We didn't do anything, and there were still two quilts covered."

Suzuki Sonoko shook his head vigorously, "If you don't hurry up, my sister and Miss Xiaolan will come to find you later, and I won't be able to explain clearly by then."

Hanyu Qingan looked at her flustered look with some amusement.

"By the way, it's so late, who will come?" Suzuki Sonoko asked strangely.

Hanyu Qingan stood up from the bed, thought for a while, "Maybe it's Amuro, I promised to call him at eleven o'clock, but now it's almost 11:30, he probably found that he couldn't reach me, so Call the police."

"Why did you ask him to call you?"

"It's about the funeral home's recruitment."

"Oh." Suzuki Sonoko was not very interested, so he didn't ask further.

She lay on the crack of the door and looked out, and saw that everyone else had already gone out, so she opened the door and went out.As a result, when she tiptoed past Mao Lilan's room, the door suddenly opened.

"Yuanzi? What are you doing here?" Mao Lilan looked at her strangely, Yuanzi's bangs were also put down, and she almost didn't recognize her.

"I... I just came down from upstairs and wanted to call you..." Suzuki Sonoko's eyes wandered and his tone was weak.

Conan directly exposed her, "Sister Yuanzi, the direction you are facing with your toes is the stairs. If you came down to call us from upstairs, you can't turn around and go back immediately, right? And you are still standing on the side of the door near the end of the corridor. That's even more unreasonable."

"I want you to be troublesome!" Suzuki Sonoko punched Conan on the head.

Mao Lilan snickered and said, "Conan is right, and why are you so nervous and blushing?"

Suzuki Sonoko hesitated and explained: "I, I'm just scared, so..."

Mao Lilan had a clear expression, knowing that it was related to Hanyu Qing'an's instructions during the day, "I understand, I was also very scared just now, so I ran to Conan's bed to sleep with him."

The pain on Conan's head disappeared instantly, and he scratched his face shyly.

"I didn't sleep with Hanyu-kun!" Suzuki Sonoko blurted out.

"???" Mao Lilan inspected Fan Suzuki Yuanzi from top to bottom, seeing that the latter was hairy, and then advised earnestly: "Yuanzi, are you going too fast like this?"

"..." Suzuki Sonoko felt that he couldn't explain clearly, but he still said unwillingly, "There really isn't..."

Hanyu Qing'an finally arrived late and came out of the room, "Aren't you going down yet? Someone came to pick us up and left, although there is nothing wrong with sleeping here."

Mao Lilan and Conan turned their heads to look at Hanyu Qingan in unison, expressing shock at his "bold" statement, is this saying that sleeping with Sonoko is good?

Hanyu Qingan noticed the expressions of the two of them, thinking that they felt the situation downstairs, and expressed surprise that he could fall asleep peacefully.

"Oh, you probably won't feel good. Let someone take you home later."

Suzuki Sonoko covered her face, walked to him silently with her head down, tugged at his sleeve, "Stop talking, let's go."

"In such a hurry? Don't you need to go back upstairs to change?" Hanyu Qing'an asked strangely.

There are four people here, only Suzuki Sonoko is still wearing pajamas, and the others have changed into regular clothes.

Mao Lilan and Conan blushed instantly, and looked at them dumbfounded. What a bold speech this is, it is too high-end, and it cannot be learned, it cannot be learned.

Seeing Hanyu Qingan's drawing getting darker and darker, Suzuki Sonoko ran away sullenly...Go to the third floor to change clothes.

Hanyu Qing'an watched her running in a hurry, and felt that this was the garden full of vitality.

The three went downstairs, and a group of policemen in the restaurant were surrounding Takahashi Ryoichi and Ikeda Chikako in amazement. A talking head is more incredible than a talking corpse.

"Ah, President Hanyu, Jiushu greets you." Director Baima greeted him with a smile on his face.

It's this sentence again... It's only been a few days since I met Hanyu Qingan, and he has no power to complain about Director Baima's stupidity.

"It's on my side." Hanyu Qing'an didn't know how to reply, so he responded casually, but he acted like a master, and whatever he did could be interpreted as his personality, so it didn't matter.

"It's so late, and you came here on purpose, what's the matter?"

Director Baima chuckled, "I heard that something happened to you here, so I came here overnight."

"Oh? Your news is really well-informed." Hearing what Hanyu Qingan heard from him, it seemed that it wasn't Amuro who called the police, otherwise he must have said it.

Director Baima's smile remained the same, and he didn't panic at all, "The main reason is that you made too much noise last time. We suppressed it for a few days and still couldn't suppress it. Many people started looking for you tonight, and then I found that I couldn't get in touch."

"Finally, I found out about your location from Suzuki's house and found out about the situation here."

Hanyu Qing'an became serious, feeling a little strange, did the threat last time have the opposite effect?Excited these people even more?Is this crowd Stockholm syndrome?
Seemingly noticing the doubt in his eyes, Director Baima didn't hold back, and continued: "The healing technique you used last time made people younger on the spot. Later, you said that it was the result of replenishing vitality, so... ..."

Hanyu Qingan was still puzzled, "I didn't have time to say it at the time, but you all know how long the resurrection power of the dead can last. Several days have passed, and you should have discovered that the replenished vitality can't last until daytime."

"Of course it's clear, but... what does that matter?" Director Baima's expression suddenly became a little serious, "Old people feel very little, and it's hard at night. They need the energy of youth most, but it's during the day, um , it's not that urgent."

Hanyu Qingan vaguely understood something from his expression. He had heard of the sadness and helplessness of middle-aged and elderly people, but it is pale to understand this kind of words between people. Only by experiencing it personally can one be deeply experience.

It's a pity that he is a young man, in two lifetimes, and he has not yet had such a profound experience. Before, he had always wanted to show his strength, but he ignored it.

(End of this chapter)

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