Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 105 New Bug: Remote Summoning!

Chapter 105 New Bug: Remote Summoning!
Toru Amuro stood at the door of Warehouse 404, staring at the gradually pattering rain outside in a daze. The president didn't know what happened, and he didn't hear any news until now.

It will be twelve o'clock in a while, and the applicants will arrive soon. He has already prepared other things, and is waiting for Hanyu Qingan's call.

He took out a small paper man and put it in the palm of his hand. Seeing the rain outside, the little paper man hid in Amuro Toru's arms obviously with some fear. This kind of cute behavior made him smile a little.

"It's okay to talk about the little paper man. The recruitment regulations have already said how to arrange it, but what is the charm for?" Amuro took out another blue charm and looked it over carefully.

He remembered Hanyu Qing'an's movement of shooting the spell, and learned it a bit, but the thing was so soft that it couldn't fly very far, and he snatched it back from mid-air with quick eyesight and hands.

Suddenly, the phone rang, Toru Amuro prepared the spell, held the little paper figurine in one hand, and took out the mobile phone with the other to connect it. Hearing Kiyoan Hanyu's voice from the other side, Toru Amuro felt a little more at ease.

Soon, Hanyu Seian's instructions came from the other side. Toru Amuro placed the charms one by one in the open space of the warehouse. Hearing Hanyu Seian's order in a low voice, the charms in front of him exploded into smoke and melted. Shikigami in various forms.

The president can actually summon shikigami remotely!

This was the first thought that flashed through Toru Amuro's head, and then he began to think about how to use this.

It seems that the most direct way to use it is to ask the president to support Shikigami from a distance, but if there is something that needs support, it should be troublesome to explain afterwards.

Long-range spell summoning is a usage recently researched by Qingan Hanyu, or a new bug.He couldn't think of the sensation caused by the healing effect of Peach Blossom Demon in time. It wasn't that he didn't care about his work, but that he had been studying his unreliable system without instructions.

After discovering the two bugs in the passive skill last time, he turned his attention to the basic attack skill again, and soon he realized that the spell used to summon shikigami and the spell thrown out by the basic attack were obviously the same thing.

Then a sudden whim will be logical.

Since it's the same thing, why can't he summon shikigami after a basic attack?Shoot the talisman into the enemy's body with a basic attack, and then summon the shikigami, even an intangible phantom can disturb the enemy, if it is to summon the peach blossom demon...

A two-dimensional beautiful girl is torn out of the enemy's body, who can resist it?Just thinking about that scene is a bit exciting, well, it's a bit too exciting, even a bit hellish.

But onmyoji, the yang world and the underworld are all the same, so there is no need to discriminate against pure power.

After testing the feasibility of using basic attacks and then summoning shikigami, Hanyu Qingan tried to summon shikigami without seeing the spell.

In constant experimentation, Hanyu Qingan suddenly discovered that he could sense the position of all the charms, even including the ones given to Director Baima before, and the two that were picked up!

But it's just a vague sense of direction. I know there is my own spell over there, but I can't tell who is holding it and which one it is. It's like a bunch of identical markers on a map, or the scale is relatively large. map.

After thinking about it carefully, an idea appeared in his head. Can other means be used to strengthen the connection with the spell?

Soon, Hanyu Kiyoan successfully discovered the function of the phone, and there was a remote call in front of Toru Amuro.


Hanyu Qingan and Amuro Toru did not deliberately avoid anyone during the call, so Director Hakuba heard it clearly. He touched the omamori hanging on his chest, and there were stacked spells inside.

After Hanyu Qing'an finished the phone call, he said with a smile: "So your spell can still be used like this? This is indeed a good thing that can protect the body and pray for blessings."

"New business can also be carried out in this way, so that customers don't need to go to the funeral parlor, and many privacy issues are avoided." Hanyu Qing'an said with a divergent thinking.

Director Baima's eyes lit up, this is really good news, although even if you have to go to the store to enjoy Master Hanyu's "treatment", everyone will still flock to it, but it would be great if you can take care of your face by the way.

At this moment, Ota Katsuki, who had just finished taking notes at the police, suddenly came over.

He looked at Hanyu Qingan eagerly, "President Hanyu, I wonder if it's not convenient for you to talk about the funeral commission right now?"

Hanyu Qing'an looked at him in surprise, at first he thought he was just a scumbag from a better family, but unexpectedly he was still a poor-minded, stupid son of a landlord.

"Is your father alright?"

Masaru Ota shook his head, "No, he is in good health. However, it's the same if you book the funeral first."

Ruthless man, Hanyu Qing'an respected him, and silently took out another business card and handed it to him. Everyone has done this, so there is no need for him to be stingy with a business card.

"If you really need it, call back and someone will talk to you about the specific entrustment."

Suzuki Sonoko, who was watching from the sidelines, tugged at her sister's clothes, "Is there something wrong with your friend? Even if you want to ease the relationship with Hanyu-kun, you can't go to this point, right?"

"Isn't he afraid that he will be beaten to death on the spot if he goes back and tells his father about this matter?"

Suzuki Ayako smiled, and didn't know what to say, but from now on, friends in these university clubs should no longer be able to gather happily together, right?

After graduating from university and entering society, in just a few years, people and things have changed...

"Ah, Xiaolan, are you finished? I just thought of something and wanted to ask you." Suzuki Sonoko waved to Mao Lilan.

"What's the matter?" Mao Lilan pulled Conan to her.

Suzuki Sonoko patted Conan on the head, "This matter has something to do with Conan."

"???" Conan asked with a question mark on his forehead, what does Yuanzi want to do?
"Xiaolan, how do you deal with this kid, Conan, who wets the bed?"

"?!" Mao Lilan looked bewildered, why did Yuanzi ask such a question suddenly.

Conan blushed and argued loudly, "I can't wet the bed! I'm not a child anymore!"

Suzuki Sonoko glanced at him, "What else can you be if you're not a child? A seven-year-old kid."

Conan said angrily: "I, even if I am seven years old, I won't wet the bed at this age!"

"Who said that? It's obvious that when Xiaolan was seven years old..."

Before Suzuki Sonoko could say it, Mao Lilan covered her mouth in shame and indignation.

"You are going to die! What are you talking about!"

Conan stared at Mao Lilan with wide eyes, the curiosity in his eyes almost overflowed. After Mao Lilan noticed it, he turned his head away with a bluff.

(End of this chapter)

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