Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 113 The first meeting between Ke Ai and Kamel 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 113 The first meeting between Ke Ai and Kamel 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

The next day, Toru Amuro was arranged by Kiyan Hanyu to accompany Oki to collect the ashes of his mother and daughter. At the beginning, only Toru Amuro and Masami Umezawa participated in the commission, and the latter could not speak, so it was obviously not suitable.

Although the cremation process is relatively simple, you only need to wait for the family members to sign, but there are still some ordinary people who don't know much about this process, and they are not in the mood to understand things right now, so Toru Amuro needs to help deal with it .

As for Umezawa Masami, I can only force her to bring the newcomers to familiarize themselves with the work process. After all, there is really no spare manpower. Hanyu Kiyosuke has to go to Dr. Ali's house to check and accept the machine, and order some other things by the way.

"President." Kamel said hello in a muffled voice, Yuzu huddled in Hanyu Kiyoan's arms with a little fear, and secretly looked at this big guy.

"Uh...Sorry, I seem to have scared her." Kamel smiled apologetically, with a sinister grin.

With this smile, Yuzu buried her head in Hanyu Qingan's arms.

Kamel: "..."

Hanyu Kiyoan touched Yuzu's head, comforted the new employee and said, "Don't take it to heart, this kid is rather shy, just get familiar with it later."

Kamel nodded, but he still felt that it was impossible. His appearance was indeed scary, and colleagues who were not familiar with him might regard him as a prisoner, let alone a child.

That is to say, Mr. Akai never misunderstood anything because of his appearance from the beginning, um, now the president is added.

Even the president's three-year-old daughter lives here, so it should have nothing to do with the black organization. Those people don't bring their families around, and they are almost all alone.

Thinking of this, Kamel followed his train of thought and came to a seemingly reasonable conclusion—only orphans would willingly work for the Black Organization, right?
If there are family members, most of them are coerced...

While thinking about it, he opened the car door, let Hanyu Qingan get into the car with Yuzu in his arms, and then got into the driver's seat with a little effort, and the car body suddenly sank.

Hanyu Qing'an also did not expect that among the four newly recruited employees, the one with the best driving skills was this big guy, he really is not good for his appearance.

The car started and drove very stably, much more stable than Amuro. Hanyu Kiyoan couldn't help but compare it. It seems that the high weight does have an advantage in this respect. Even if it is drifting and cornering, with this new employee in the car, it should be easy. It will pass steadily, with full security.

Judging from his size, this Kamel seems to be the bodyguard of a certain chaebol?In case of danger, step forward and block all the employers, Hanyu Qingan guessed silently.

Yuzu also seemed to be a little familiar with this stranger. She peeked at Kamel from Hanyu Qingan's arms, and looked at her own small arms and legs from time to time, as if wondering how much food she would have to eat to grow so big. .

Being scrutinized by two people, one big and one small, Kamel just felt uncomfortable. He didn't know what went wrong with him, did he show his flaws, and his identity was about to be exposed?
In this way, he drove nervously all the way until he arrived at Dr. Ali's house, and Hanyu Kiyoan got out of the car with Yuzu in his arms, and Kamel breathed a sigh of relief.

This feeling is too uncomfortable. I really don't know how Mr. Akai can be an undercover agent in that organization. He is really a powerful man.

Hanyu Kiyoan and Yuzu were not the only visitors to Dr. Ali's house today. Mao Lilan and Conan also came. They hadn't chatted for several days, and the two of them were a little bit impatient.

[Maolilan: Shinichi, let me tell you, Conan is really interesting. When I was at Yuanzi’s villa, Sonoko asked me what I would do if Conan wet the bed. At that time, I realized that Conan really didn’t have the habit of occasionally wetting the bed of his peers. .

As a result, when I got home that night, maybe it was because I was exhausted from tossing around, or maybe I drank too much water before going to bed. Early the next morning, I woke up and found him secretly washing his mattress in the bathroom. That looks good cute. 】

Conan:  …

Stop chatting, whoever loves chatting!
[Mao Lilan: Especially when he found me, his face was like a red apple, and he was very shy. 】

Conan suddenly became angry, picked up the keyboard and began to talk about Mao Lilan's embarrassing things when he was a child. The originally harmonious chat atmosphere gradually turned into exposing each other's shortcomings.

Hui Yuanai took a sip of black tea silently, and took time out of the tome to glance at Edogawa, who was a little abnormal today, and felt that people in love really have bad brains, even rational detectives can't understand. No exception, the same will become a fool.

At this moment, the doorbell rang downstairs, followed by inaudible conversations.

"Someone is coming, you'd better stop for a while and see if it's the children of the Detective Boys, in case they come and find out..." Hui Yuanai suddenly chuckled, as if expecting something good .

Conan took the time to reply, "Impossible, if it was those guys, with Yuanta around, the two of us would have heard his shouts a long time ago."

Hui Yuanai glanced at him unexpectedly, "It seems that your brain has not been completely broken, which is really gratifying."

Conan was used to her venomous tongue and didn't respond much, but he still ended the chat with Mao Lilan because Dr. Ali was going to use the basement. Although he didn't need a computer, Mao Lilan didn't dare to chat with him under the gaze of others.

"Let's go down and have a look, the president is here." Conan jumped off the chair.

When Hui Yuan Ai heard the word "President", she understood instantly, got up and took out a hair tie from the drawer, tied her hair into a simple ponytail, matched it with straightened black hair, and a few strands of hair scattered on the side of her face Silk, looks very neat.

"Don't be dazed there, staring at a girl like this will be regarded as a pervert." Haibara noticed Conan's eyes and reminded.

Conan quickly explained: "It's not what you think, it's just... poof... I remembered your shofar braid last time, hahaha..."

Conan couldn't help covering his stomach and laughing, Haibara was annoyed, walked up to him, stomped on his foot hard, then snorted coldly, turned and went out.

Conan hurriedly chased after him.

The two went downstairs one after the other, and the voices of Hanyu Qingan and Dr. Ali became more and more clear.

"Kammel, bring the money here." There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and Hanyu Kiyoan continued, "This is my newly recruited employee, and his driving skills are excellent."

"Oh, hello." Dr. Ali's voice was a little weak.

Haibara Ai and Conan finally saw the situation in the living room. President Hanyu and Dr. Ari were sitting opposite each other, and a burly man stood beside him.

The gloomy atmosphere and sense of oppression coming from the pavement made the two of them feel as if their hearts were clenched in an instant.

Conan couldn't help but cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and asked in a low voice to Hui Yuanai, whose face changed greatly:

"Hey, Huiyuan, this guy, shouldn't he belong to the organization? Why does he look so similar to vodka?"

(End of this chapter)

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