Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 120 Will-o'-the-wisps are the key to practice? 【happy New Year】

Chapter 120 Will-o'-the-wisps are the key to practice? 【happy New Year】

The guests who mourned at the scene didn't know that Hanyu Qing'an was actually only about half of them, and most of the remaining identities were not too different from Masuyama Kenzo, but not many had seen this kind of scene with their own eyes.

There is also a police eyeliner inside, but the black organization can naturally guess this kind of thing, and even if they don't guess it, they will take precautions and clean up their hands and tails.

Because of this, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, apart from Hanyu Seiya's eye-catching ceremony here, there is also a secret fight.

However, those things are still pending for the time being, and the curtain will not be drawn until dawn.


It was almost midnight, and Kenzo Masuyama went downstairs as scheduled to entertain the guests.

His face was calm, as if he didn't know that he was dead at all, he pulled this one to talk about the company's business, and pulled that one to talk about the past, regardless of whether the other party wanted it or not.

The one-eyed monk on the stage kept emitting Buddha's light, some guests couldn't help their curiosity, and finally asked.

"Mr. Fushan, how do you feel now? Does the sound of chanting over there, and the Buddha's light, affect you? Do you feel attracted by the Buddha Kingdom?"

Kenzo Masuyama's face twitched a little, and he will definitely be asked these questions again when he returns upstairs!These people think that they are already dead anyway, so they don't plan to be polite to themselves, do they show mercy?

"No, there is no Buddhist kingdom after death. According to that Yin Yang master, he is going to the Underworld." Mushan Xiansan replied with a pale face.

"If that's the case, do you want to reincarnate later? Then Mr. Fushan will ask the master to intercede with the underworld for you, so that you can have a good pregnancy."

What I said made some people feel a little anxious. Among the guests present, big capitalists or politicians per capita, who is meritorious enough to cast a good pregnancy?

It's no wonder that some time ago, those real big shots suddenly started doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, so I knew it a long time ago!
"There is no such thing as reincarnation. The underworld is the place that governs the life of all creatures. After death, the souls of all things in the world will be detained by black and white. After passing through the gate of the underworld, all their good and evil in the yang world will be in the yin world." The border is over."

Toru Amuro suddenly appeared next to Kenzo Masuyama, and helped explain, "In addition, Yin and Yang are different from each other and constitute a world of their own. There are not only hells, yellow springs, and hells in it, but a truly complete world. Countless creatures live there."

Seeing that they mentioned him, Hanyu Qingan asked Amuro Toru to come forward and explain a little bit, lest these people come back and say some ridiculous things to him - such as asking him to help bribe the Lord of the Underworld.

Seeing these people approaching him, Toru Amuro quickly explained that he was only Master Hanyu's assistant, and he only had a superficial understanding of these issues, so he couldn't answer all their doubts, and Master Hanyu himself was resting, performing a large-scale yin and yang technique for a while prepare for.

"Have another cup." At this time, Hanyu Kiyosuke was drinking the tea that Suzuki Sonoko poured.

Suzuki Sonoko reluctantly refills another glass for him, she is so angry, she is obviously unwilling, and she has to take the occasion into account, so she can't get angry, really, after the funeral is over...

Seeing that the time was almost up, Hanyu Qingan felt that the will-o'-the-wisp on Masuyama Kenzo's body should have come out, he pulled himself together, stood up, and walked to the wooden desk...

It was night, dark clouds covered the moon, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and a blue dragon came through the sky, with divine power like a prison.

Seeing the blue dragon surrounded by lightning around Hanyu Qingan, even Belmode, who is used to things in this world, can't help but feel shocked. Is this really a power that humans can directly control?
scary man...

"Kun is soft but moves yet rigid, and when it is quiet, it is virtuous. When it is mastered, it has permanence. It contains all things and turns into light. The way of Kun is smooth, and it is in line with the sky. There must be celebrations in the house of goodness, and there will be celebrations in the house of bad There must be disasters left..."

Hanyu Qing'an's voice spread in the empty courtyard, his voice was cold and solemn.

Suzuki Sonoko forgot the little entanglement in his heart before, watching him in a daze, his usual gentle appearance and his current handsome appearance, double...

After reciting the scriptures, a faint blue will-o'-the-wisp appeared on Kenzo Masuyama's body, and both Belmod and Kenzo Masuyama stared at each other.

coming!This is it!
They had known before that there would be will-o'-the-wisps appearing from the body of the deceased every funeral, and they guessed that this thing might be related to what Hanyu Kiyoan said about the cultivation becoming stronger, and even this is the real key to mastering extraordinary power!
Seeing the will-o'-the-wisp emerging from his chest, Masuyama Kenzo impatiently reached out to grab it.

This is probably his only chance to change the status quo. After all, this thing came from himself. If this is the basis of practicing Yin Yang, then he should have the best chance!
Grabbing it is like catching it in the air.

"All those who are facing the battle march forward!" Masuyama Kenzo roared in a low voice, thinking that he just failed because he didn't use a spell, so he tried to catch it again, but still got nothing.

"Do it! Yuan Henryzhen! On the ninth day of the ninth day, don't use Qianlong!"

"Kun is the softest but also the most rigid, the quietest and the most virtuous..."

Masuyama Kenzo seemed to have gone mad to catch the will-o-wisp, but he couldn't do anything, and watched it drift towards Hanyu Kiyosuke.

Hanyu Qing'an looked at him with some puzzlement, baring his teeth and claws, screaming something in a low voice, what the hell is he doing, what's the use of grabbing this thing?You have no system.

Belmode saw all the actions of Kenzo Masuyama, and secretly guessed whether it had something to do with the fact that he didn't use Chinese just now.

Of course, it shouldn't be that simple. If you can use the ghost fire to practice just by chanting a spell, then it is impossible until now, only a true onmyoji like Hanyu Qing'an has appeared.

There should be some special methods and requirements for talents, such as the epiphany mentioned by Bourbon...

As the funeral came to an end, Kenzo Masuyama's complexion visibly became more sluggish to the naked eye, and even the vitality brought by the recovery could barely support him.

He bid farewell to the guests stiffly, thanked them for coming, and then staggered back to the castle to continue working...

Looking at his back, Hanyu Qingan secretly sighed in his heart, at such an advanced age, he not only has to work until he dies, but also has to work after death. If this is the life of a rich man, it would be too boring.

"Master Hanyu." Masuyama Momi walked beside him.

"Miss Masuyama, do you have any questions?"

"May I ask... what is that faint blue fire?"

Hanyu Qingan looked at her curious and slightly worried eyes, without any doubt, Anxiang, she might be afraid of something wrong with her grandfather, it's normal to have fear of the unknown.

However, this seems to be starting to make up again, this is really half the workload on fooling people...

(End of this chapter)

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