Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 122 True: Separate Actions

Chapter 122 True: Separate Actions

Since there was no need for a funeral, Hanyu Qingan had nothing to do, so he left directly, put away the shikigami, changed back to his usual attire, and led a group of subordinates to leave the manor under Masuyama Momi's somewhat inexplicable eyes.

Amuro Toru and the others had to organize their tools and items, so Hanyu Kiyosu took Suzuki Sonoko and walked away first, waiting for them to catch up.

This kind of night is very quiet, without the hustle and bustle of the city center. Living in a big city like Tokyo for a long time will feel depressing. The Masuyama family’s manor just happens to be close to nature.

"I say……"

"The garden..."

"You listen to me first."

Hanyu Qing'an directly interrupted Suzuki Sonoko, which made the latter look at him in disbelief, how could there be such a person, isn't it normal for the girl to speak first?
However, Hanyu Qingan didn't mean to let her at all, and said to himself: "You seem a little unconfident today."

Suzuki Sonoko was startled, he saw it?Could it be that the fact that I was fascinated by Ms. Masuyama was exposed?

"Actually, you have no reason to be like this. Everyone is unique, and you are excellent in every aspect. There is no need to worry too much."

Said Hanyu Qingan took off the headband on her head, "Do you know that you are actually very beautiful like this? It is very attractive to me."

Suzuki Sonoko felt relieved, turned his head away, "You really think so? Ms. Masuyama is not much more attractive than me? And my personality is not like Xiaolan..."

Hanyu Qing'an interrupted her again, "Sonoko, only when you are good to yourself can others treat her well. Xiaolan has a good personality, yes, but she can always be good to you, doesn't it mean that you are also good ?"

"Have you ever seen Xiaolan being nice to bad people all the time?"

Suzuki Sonoko blurted out, "Uncle Kogoro."

"..." Qing'an Hanyu was stunned, he didn't know how to refute, he seemed to make sense, "Uh... Detective Maori is Xiaolan's father after all, so it doesn't matter."

"Then there is a reasoning freak, Xiaolan has always been very kind to that guy." Suzuki Sonoko was upset for Xiaolan when he mentioned it.

Hanyu Qingan knew that she was talking about Kudo Shinichi, but he had nothing to say after thinking about it, he shouldn't know him now.Forget it, let's skip this topic.

"Anyway, you have to have confidence in your own charm." Hanyu Kiyosuke rubbed her head, then walked towards the car that was following, Amuro Toru had been following the two of them for a while.

"Hurry up and get in the car, I will take you home to rest first."


Suzuki Sonoko followed him into the car obediently, forgetting what she wanted to say.


For Hanyu Qingan and others, this was a peaceful night, but for the people in Masuyama Manor, it was a dangerous night.

When dawn was approaching, it was the time when the entire city was most slack, and it was also the time when people here were most vigilant.

Kenzo Masuyama finally reappeared in front of the guests after disappearing overnight, but he seemed to have exhausted his life force and was unable to continue walking, so he was carried down.

His face was ashen, and only when he squirmed his lips and whispered his last words to Masuyama Momi, could people confirm that he was still conscious.

Only then can it be confirmed that it is still him.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he was put in the coffin, and it was not until the dawn light fell on his face that this big man in the financial world finally lost his voice.

Masuyama Momi had red-eyed people to seal the coffin, and then carried it into the hearse - this was a vehicle they had prepared long ago, and it was also a vehicle that the public security authorities focused on monitoring.

The hearse carried Masuyama Mami and the body of Kenzo Masuyama, and headed for the crematorium. They were under surveillance all the way until...

At a fork in the road, the hearse suddenly deviated from the direction and disappeared after a few turns. When the surveillance personnel found the hearse again, Momi Masuyama was no longer in the passenger seat.

Naturally, it is impossible for Kenzo Masuyama's body to remain on the hearse.

But no one in the public security panicked. This was a very simple routine, and it was all expected. They had installed a locator in the hearse containing Kenzo Masuyama's body very early on.

Even if the hearse removes all kinds of decorations and tries to disguise it as an ordinary truck, the surveillance personnel can still track its location.

At the intersection, Yumi Miyamoto stopped the truck and asked the driver to show his driver's license after showing his ID, which was part of the reconfirmation.

The driver didn't show any disobedience, and everything seemed normal until Yumi Miyamoto noticed the woman in the passenger seat...


"So, at that time, Masumi Masuyama had disappeared? The truck was no longer containing Kenzo Masuyama's body?" Kuroda Hei asked a police officer.

The other party nodded, "Yes, not only the other hearse is a cover-up, but this one too."

"Then how did they transport Kenzo Masuyama's body away?"

The other party's face was a little tangled, and he explained: "When we finally found the truck, we found that there was only one wax figure inside, and it was a headless wax figure, so..."

Kuroda was silent for a while, "So, what they sent to the hearse was Kenzo Masuyama's head, and his body was all wax figures? The rest of the real body had been dismembered and taken away long ago, and the final head was taken away by Masuyama Mami took it back?"


The room fell into silence again. The mistake this time was not a problem of execution, but a failure to change the mind from the very beginning, and it was still using a normal worldview to make plans.

Does Masuyama Kenzo being able to speak mean that he is present?The rest of the head is not the same.Using existing scientific knowledge to speculate on extraordinary events is the biggest problem exposed by this operation.

Kuroda Hei did not say anything, but only ordered: "After returning home, strengthen Chinese learning, organize collective training for people, study various legends and ancient books, and complete the transformation of thinking as soon as possible."



"Yes, it looks very delicate."

A few days later, Hanyu Qing'an looked at the omori in his hand and was very satisfied. In fact, the material of this thing is very ordinary, and the workmanship is exquisite at most, but this is what he asked for. It is interesting to be extraordinary in the ordinary.

The appearance of Yushou was drawn by him according to the red Yushou in the Onmyoji game. It was originally a buff icon for income bonus. It is just right to use it as a "membership card", after all, "blessing" is really It is to buff customers.

Open it, and there is a small plastic card-like thing inside, with instructions for use printed on it, and it also has the function of storing charms, so as not to accidentally buy spells that cost a lot of money and lose their effectiveness in water.

Of course, for the big shots, money is more of a concern than missing out on a weekly opportunity to reinvigorate or reminisce about youthful beauty.

"According to your instructions, the codes of the normal sequence are prefixed with month, fire, water, wood, metal, earth, and day, and the date of use is limited at the same time, followed by the heavenly stems and earthly branches to distinguish them. In addition, the special sequence is also done well. gone."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, "Prepare me a few special sequence wards and some normal wards, and I will give them together as gifts when I go to the Suzuki Foundation's [-]th anniversary tomorrow."

"As for the rest of the first batch of 140 copies, I'll hand it over to Director Baima. I think he should be very happy."

For the celebration of the Suzuki family, most of the people present were target customers. Hanyu Qingan thought about taking this opportunity to distribute the omamori, or asked the Suzuki family to distribute it on his behalf.

But if you don't talk about it, it's like setting Suzuki's house on the fire. It's a very serious problem to give it to someone. If you think about it, you should leave this troublesome matter to Director Baima.

(End of this chapter)

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