Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 127 Tomoko: Am I going to be a grandma now? [Monthly ticket plus 3]

Chapter 127 Tomoko: Am I going to be a grandma now? [Monthly ticket plus 3]

The Nakamori Police Department came late with people, Kaitou Kidd stopped talking nonsense, and flicked his cloak, a white figure flew into the sky.

The Nakamori Police Department stopped on the side of the ship, raised its head, and was about to speak harshly at Kaitou Kidd's back, but the subordinates behind him didn't stop and bumped into him one by one, being squeezed between the subordinates and the ship's side. All the words were held back in my stomach.

Police Department Nakamori looked at the distant Shiro shadow unwillingly, and dropped his outstretched hand weakly.

The same goes for Conan on the side, he stared at Shiroying through gritted teeth, he thought he was just a thief who likes to juggle, but he was actually a scumbag who dared to attack Xiaolan, damn it!
Wait, Conan suddenly realized that something was wrong, he felt that the white shadow in the sky did not seem to be a real person, and he figured it out in a blink of an eye—this is a blindfold!

"Where is he going to escape from?" Conan frowned and looked around, muttering in a low voice, but he didn't find the location where Kaito Kidd was hiding, but he found Yuzu's abnormality.

"Yuzu, what are you doing there?"

Yuzu pointed suspiciously at a corner of the ship's side, "There didn't seem to be anything there just now, right?"

Conan's expression was startled, and he looked in the direction Yuzu pointed, and sure enough, there was a black lump in the shadow of the ship's side, and he didn't bother to verify it, and yelled at the top of his voice.

"Phantom Thief Kidd didn't fly away, he was there!"

"What?!" Police Department Nakamori came to life in an instant, and he struggled to squeeze out from his subordinates. The flesh on his face was deformed. After finally squeezing out, his subordinates also reacted, and followed him in the direction Conan pointed. A swarm of bees rushed over.

The phantom thief Kidd who was hiding under the black cloth had a bad way, so he decisively threw the black cloth over the head of the Nakamori Police Department who rushed in first, and then jumped off the cruise ship.

"Phantom Thief Kidd jumped ship!" Conan shouted again.

The Nakamori Police Department finally struggled to get up from under the subordinates, ran to the side of the boat, looked at the side of the boat, and immediately found the figure of the Kaitou Kidd swimming in the sea, he quickly took his subordinates to find the captain, and asked him to put down The boat went after him.

All these things happened so suddenly, Mao Lilan finally reacted until now, she looked down at the pearl in her hand, and wondered: "Why didn't Kaitou Kidd take away the pearl that he had so hard to steal?" ?”

Conan curled his lips unhappily, "Maybe it's because of conscience?"

Mao Lilan shook her head slightly, not feeling like it.

"Speaking of which, Yuzu was able to find the place where Kaito Kidd was hiding just now, that's amazing!" Mao Lilan patted Yuzu's head and praised.

Yuzu cooperatively rubbed her head against her hand, and smiled shyly, "They blocked it, Yuzu couldn't see the people flying into the sky."

Mao Lilan and Conan were dumb, well, it turned out that it was because they were too small to see the excitement, so they could only look around boredly.

"Okay, let's go back first, Sonoko and Hanyu-kun should be almost there, just return the dark star to Sonoko."

Mao Lilan brought Yuzu and Conan out to play, just to make it easier for Hanyu Qingan to meet Sonoko’s parents. Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly encountered the Kaitou Kidd. additional part.

Back at the venue, Mo Lilan was surprised that Hanyu Qingan was still chatting with Suzuki Sonoko's mother. After thinking about it, she should take Conan and Yuzu to eat in the corner first.

Unexpectedly, Hanyu Qingan had already seen the three of them. He had already changed back to his normal attire at this time, and waved with a smile, "Yuzu, come here, thank you for helping to take care of her, Xiaolan."

Mao Lilan looked hesitantly at the wilting Suzuki Sonoko, not knowing what was going on, but Sonoko's mother didn't seem to be losing her temper.

Yuzu timidly hid behind Mao Lilan, hugged her thigh, blinked her big eyes, trying to pretend that she didn't know Hanyu Qing'an.

"It's okay, come here, come here."

Hanyu Qingan greeted her again, Yuzu had no choice but to obediently walked over on her short legs, and called "brother" in a childish voice.

This "brother" made Hanyu Qing'an stunned for a moment. After realizing it, he held her in his arms with some distress, touched her head and said, "It's okay, just like usual, just call Dad."

When Tomoko Suzuki opened the gift package in front of him, he realized that Sonoko's parents definitely investigated and understood his situation, but this is also normal. Whose parents don't want to know who their daughter gets along with? What about the situation?

Even if he didn't know about it, he didn't intend to keep it a secret. At most, he would give the other party more time to digest it, and take it step by step. Now it's just ahead of time.

Yuzu looked up at Qingan Hanyu's expression, as if to confirm whether he was telling the truth, and then looked at Tomoko Suzuki on the opposite side.

Suzuki Tomoko was angry and funny, she was just afraid that her daughter would be cheated, why would she act like a big villain, but this child is really as good as Hanyu-kun said, so well-behaved that it makes people feel distressed.

What she understands seems to be far beyond the scope of her age, and she has to be careful to pay attention to other people's faces even when she is called.

"Yuzu is so cute, she is much more sensible than Sonoko when she was a child." In order to ease the atmosphere and reassure the little guy, Tomoko Suzuki took her daughter out and "executed".

Suzuki Sonoko had a sullen face, knowing that she couldn't stop her, so she threw herself into Mao Lilan's arms for comfort, but Mao Lilan just patted her head perfunctorily, and listened attentively to some embarrassing things about Yuanzi when she was a child.

"Xiao Lan! You are still my good friend! You are going too far!" Suzuki Sonoko finally couldn't help complaining in a low voice when he saw Mao Lilan's smile.

Mao Lilan avoided her resentful eyes, and replied confidently: "Who said in public that I was seven years old..."

Blushing, Mao Lilan couldn't continue, and then punched Conan who was giggling in embarrassment, "Conan, what are you doing here, go and see what dad is doing, it's been so long silhouette."

Conan, who had encountered an innocent disaster, had no choice but to touch the bag on his head to find Mori Kogoro, but he didn't need to look for it, this uncle was running around in the crowd.

"My lord, Kogoro Mori."

"Ah! It turned out to be a Maori detective. I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

"Oh? You actually know me! Hahaha, I didn't expect me to be famous. By the way, it's the first time we meet. This is my little girl's book "Maori Detective Case Book". Please feel free to enlighten me."

"Ling Ai is really talented, Maori detective is very lucky."

"Ahahahaha, yes, my daughter is quite outstanding."

"It just so happens that I know the owner of the "Literary Times" magazine. My business card should still have some face with him, and I ask Maori Detective to accept it."

"Huh? Ah, yes, thank you very much."

"By the way, I don't know if Ling'ai has a marriage contract? Although the dog is not good, but the character is still good..."

" daughter is still young..."

(End of this chapter)

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