Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 135 Behind the organization is the federation?

Chapter 135 Behind the organization is the federation?
Suzuki Sonoko looked shocked, "A handsome man with long black hair?"

Hanyu Qingan patted her on the head amusedly, "It's just someone I met once, I don't even know him, but it's not long black hair, but blonde (KIN)."

Silver (GIN)!
The word Hanyu Qing'an uttered shocked Amuro Toru and the others, Kusuda Rikichi and the others even shrank their pupils, and Miyano Akemi looked at Hanyu Qing'an worriedly.

Does the president really know Gin?
"Ah? Silver (GIN) hair?" Suzuki Sonoko asked strangely, "Did it be dyed on purpose? Silver hair...wouldn't it look weird?"

"I'm talking about gold (KIN) and money (oukane). Well, my pronunciation may still be a bit problematic." Hanyu Qing'an was helpless.

As for the character of Gin, Hanyu Qingan only saw it once in the first episode of the Conan animation, and the rest of the sporadic glimpses were seen in the opening song and Conan's occasional memory screen.

What left the deepest impression on him was Gin's flowing golden hair and his black attire. As for what Gin looked like, he hadn't even seen it clearly.

With such long hair, I don't know how to cut it off or tie it up, and I don't show my face, so I don't look like a serious killer.

Kusuda Rikudao and the others finally put their hearts back into their stomachs. Gin (GIN) is silver-haired (GIN). It seems that it is just a misunderstanding.

However, Conan and Amuro Toru didn't think so. The former was because Hanyu Kiyoan just took a special look at himself, as if observing his reaction.

The latter is because he "understands" Hanyu Qingan's divination, and suspects that the president may have known something by using divination.

And even if you don't use divination, as a member of the mysterious side, without a teacher, how can you not have a few of the same kind?There is no way or channel to know about the organization.

The atmosphere was a bit dull for a while, except for Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan who were looking forward to the big meal later, the rest of the people had their own thoughts.

Even including Yuzu, she was thinking in her little head whether elder sister Yuanzi would soon become Yuanzi's mother, and how long she would have to wait...

Because of the misunderstanding just now, Hanyu Qing'an couldn't help but seriously think about the issue of gin. As a villain in Conan's world, it is a bit outrageous to pour poison on the protagonist at the beginning that can make people smaller.

Although it may be just the author's head-slapping setting, but now that he has come to the real world of Conan, there must be a set of self-justified logic.

So, what would a mysterious organization capable of developing this poison look like?Hanyu Qing'an tried his best to search for the few memories. He vaguely recalled the incident that Gin piloted a helicopter to shoot down the Tokyo Tower when he was joking.

So, Gin is already so blatant, why is the Japanese official still indifferent to this, relying on a high school student detective who turned into a primary school student to fight against it?
Hanyu Qingan used his extremely limited memory to deduce the most likely and logical conclusion-the Federation is behind that mysterious organization!
Only in this way can we explain why Gin dared to be so arrogant, while Japanese officials can only pretend to be stupid.

In addition, the development of strange drugs is also the old business of the Federation. In the name of vaccination, the Indians are injected with the virus, but it is all semi-public information.

That's why sometimes the federal people seem anti-intellectual, not because they are stupid, but because they have learned from the past.

In their view, politicians are the biggest liars, and the elites treat ordinary people like fools. In short, they have no credible words out of their mouths.

Thinking of this, Hanyu Qingan couldn't help but cast a pitiful look at Conan. This kid probably doesn't know what kind of existence he is facing.

But it shouldn't be a big problem. I haven't seen Gin or encountered any major events planned by a mysterious organization after coming here for so long. They are all ordinary criminal cases. After all, Conan's world is generally a peaceful modern society, right?
The rate of the most cases is a little bit high...

As long as Conan is honest and doesn't reveal his identity, Xiao Ai will probably be able to develop the antidote by himself in the future. It shouldn't take too long, at least not until Conan grows up.

Qingan Hanyu can't remember the exact time, but I remember that when I was in school, there seemed to be a heated discussion among some students who liked Conan, saying that it was Xiao Ai who developed the antidote, or something.

However, he lived on campus at that time, and he had no place to watch it, and he didn't like being spoiled, so he just listened to it.

When the university finally had a smart phone, there were too many good-looking things, and Conan was left behind, so that now almost all the memories of Conan were seen on TV when he was very young, and the rest is Some hearsay stalks.

By the way, there is also white dry wine, which is a temporary antidote and can also cure colds. It seems that it was brought by a black-faced Kansai detective. What is the name of that character?

"What are you thinking about?" Suzuki Sonoko was a little dissatisfied. This guy has been absent-minded all day long. He dressed up specially today, and he didn't even praise his beauty. Really...

"I'm thinking of a spell." Hanyu Qingan smiled mysteriously.

"What spell?" Suzuki Sonoko was easily distracted.

"A spell that can make people bigger." Hanyu Qingan's smile became meaningful, and this smile caused Conan's heart to stop suddenly. Is he talking to himself?
"Ah?" Suzuki Sonoko was taken aback for a moment, noticing his strange smile, then looked down at his chest, blushing, "Bah, the grapefruit is still there, what are you talking about?"

"???" Hanyu Qing'an looked puzzled.

Suzuki Sonoko looked around, Toru Amuro and the others pretended to be looking at the roadside scenery, she leaned into Hanyu Kiyoan's ear and whispered: "Let's talk about it later."

Hanyu Qing'an was puzzled and said: "There is nothing to keep secret, just add some other things to the white dry wine."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at him suspiciously, Baiganjiu...can it really work?Can I make it bigger?
"This thing can also cure colds. If Conan doesn't have a cold tomorrow, you can try it." Hanyu Qingan glanced at Conan.

Conan thought to himself, sure enough, he knew, right?Is this telling myself to go back and drink Baigan?

Toru Amuro asked with a strange expression: "President...the baigan wine you mentioned has something else in it. Could it be... ginseng and tiger... bone or something?"

Hanyu Qingan looked at Toru Amuro in surprise, "I didn't expect you to understand it well."

"..." Toru Amuro squeezed out a stiff smile, thinking it was some kind of magic spell, but the result was aphrodisiac, right?When I was studying Chinese ancient books recently, I just learned about it.

It's spells and medicinal wine, all aimed at the needs of middle-aged and elderly people in the upper class. The president is really good at making money.

Well, the funeral seems to be aimed at this target audience, what a brilliant vision...

(End of this chapter)

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