Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 141 Fujiwara Hana?

Chapter 141 Fujiwara Chika?

Hearing Hanyu Seiyasu's question, Suzuki Sonoko was still a little absent-minded, and nodded.

"Well, when I was a child, I always ran around the neighborhood. Once I accidentally broke into his house and was caught by the guards. He didn't get angry when he found out, and even took me to play around the manor."

"By the way, don't you know him?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at Hanyu Qing'an strangely.

Hanyu Qingan asked doubtfully, "Should I know him?"

"Grandpa Fujiwara used to be the Prime Minister." Suzuki Sonoko looked at Hanyu Kiyosuke in surprise.

"That's it..." Hanyu Qing'an was calm on the face, but he was a little surprised in his heart. The Prime Minister surnamed Fujiwara, my good guy, could it be Chika Fujiwara's great-grandfather?
He remembered this incident very clearly, because Miss Kaguya's series came out late, and he was quite impressed, and at that time there was a reference to Secretary Fujiwara as the prime minister.

But... will you meet Fujiwara Chika's great-grandfather in the world of Conan?Hanyu Kiyoan was a little puzzled.

"This former Prime Minister Fujiwara, does he have a great-granddaughter named Qianhua?"

"Great-granddaughter?" Suzuki Sonoko was a little strange, "I only remember a little girl named Toyoshi, there seems to be no one named Qianhua... But after I entered high school, I didn't come here for a while, I don't know Is there any addition to their family?"

Director Baima interrupted: "Senior Fujiwara's granddaughter-in-law is a diplomat. She just took maternity leave recently. Are you talking about the child in her belly? The couple are here. I'll ask someone to ask."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Hanyu Qingan to respond, he left the room on his own, and closed the door by the way.

Hanyu Qingan complained secretly, this old man really knows a lot.Still, a diplomat?That should be about the same...

Without outsiders, Hanyu Qingan changed back to his usual attire, leaned on the sofa, Suzuki Sonoko sat beside him and asked, "Did my coming here affect you?"

When she entered the room and saw Director Baima, she knew there was a problem, "Although I don't know what they are looking for you, but if you are in trouble, don't think too much, I just heard about Grandpa Fujiwara and came to see .”

Hanyu Qing'an frowned slightly, picked up her hand and fiddled with it, sighed and said, "It's indeed a bit, you have to repay me well later."

Suzuki Sonoko got up without saying a word, and was about to leave, "Forget it, let's leave now!"

"It's okay, if it's you..." Hanyu Qing'an said with a look of affection.

Suzuki Sonoko took a deep breath, turned his head away, and avoided being affected by his expression, "No, it's completely unnecessary! Birth, old age, sickness and death, everyone has their own destiny. Grandpa Fujiwara has always been open-minded, so I think he can think about it."

"..." Qingan Hanyu sighed, it's not easy to be deceived.

There was a knock on the door, interrupting the two of them, Hanyu Kiyosuke let go of Suzuki Sonoko and called "Please come in", while changing into the onmyoji costume.

A young man pulled a little girl with pink hair, supported his pregnant wife, and walked in behind Director Baima.

"As expected of Master Hanyu, he can even know this kind of thing!" Director Baima admired and admired, while the young couple looked at Qingan Hanyu curiously.

"I just asked. They really thought of the name 'Qianhua' for the unborn child, but because they still don't know the gender of the child, they have thought of several backup names for male and female names."

"They came today because they wanted Mr. Fujiwara to decide on a name for the child. The name 'Qianhua' has never been mentioned to anyone."

Hanyu Qingan looked at the little girl who was about the same age as Yuzu, the pink hair was really conspicuous, so he was almost sure.

Then he looked at the pregnant woman's belly, so... Fujiwara Chika hasn't been born yet?
Hanyu Qingan saw that the couple were a little flustered. They naturally knew about the magic of Hanyu Qingan. Seeing this, Director Baima helped them and asked:
" there something wrong?"

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "No, this unborn child is very lucky, and the name 'Qianhua' is very suitable."

After saying the ambiguous words, Hanyu Qingan added, "However, don't let this kid play video games in the future."

The couple looked at each other, not understanding why he emphasized this.

Hanyu Qingan conjured up two talismans, folded them into paper cranes, and gave them to the little girl Toyomi Fujiwara and the unborn Chika Fujiwara, and then looked at Director Hakuba.

"Shikigami cannot appear during the day, and there is nothing I can do about it."

Director Baima opened his mouth, but in the end he just sighed, and the Fujiwara couple beside him also looked worried.

"But it's not impossible at all." Hanyu Qing'an is well versed in how to whet people's appetites and highlight the difficult points of things, "I can feel that I am about to break through in my practice recently, and it should be almost the same after a few more funerals, so ..."

Hanyu Qing'an wanted to say, see if he can let the old man Fujiwara carry on for a while, but Director Hakuba and the Fujiwara couple have already become excited.

"We'll go find someone who needs to hold a funeral right away. The Fujiwara family will pay all the expenses. I just don't know if the funeral can be held together. Will it affect your practice?"

Kiyoshi Hanyu said with confidence that you not only want to entrust the funeral together, but also hold it together?
Hmm... Seems like there's nothing wrong with it?
"Give it a try." Kiyoshi Hanyu said in peace that you don't mind, as long as you get a lot of money for a job, Amuro and the others must be very happy.

Director Hakuba took the Fujiwara couple to work, and Hanyu Kiyoan and Suzuki Sonoko were left in the room. At this time, the usual appearance is more suitable, otherwise some things will damage the image of Onmyoji, so Hanyu Kiyoan changed again. went back.

"Did you get something from divination? How did you know what the family named the child?" Suzuki Sonoko couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, tugging at Hanyu Qing'an's sleeve.

Hanyu Qingan leaned back on the sofa, pointing to his cheek wearily, the meaning was obvious.

Suzuki Sonoko felt itchy like a cat scratching her heart, hesitated for a while, and then leaned closer, and left as soon as her lips touched, "Can we talk now?"

"Yeah, I got it."

"and then?"

"What then?"

Suzuki Sonoko clenched her fists angrily, "It's too much, you're not an equal exchange at all."

Hanyu Kiyoan raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, it's nothing special at first, but that child is a little special, by the way, is there a Zaibatsu called Shinomiya?"

Suzuki Sonoko nodded, "Yes, but I'm not very familiar with them. Their family is very old-fashioned, unlike our family and the Fujiwara family."

"Oh." Hanyu Qingan nodded, "Your family has a good relationship with the Fujiwara family too?"

"Yes." Suzuki Sonoko said casually, "A few days ago my father came here to borrow books, and he told me today to let me visit Grandpa Fujiwara."

"Borrow books?"

(End of this chapter)

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