Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 162 Experiment

Chapter 162 Experiment
"Thank you for your hard work today, Umezawa, it's getting late, go back and have a good rest, and you will be busy with work again in a few days."

Miyano Akemi nodded towards Hanyu Qing'an, and then left quietly. In fact, she liked the job of taking care of Yuzu very much. This is a rare peaceful daily life, and it is not too good to be alone at home experience.

After seeing off Umezawa Masami, Hanyu Seiyasu turned his head and said to Suzuki Sonoko who was sitting on the sofa: "It's getting late, don't go back tonight, Sonoko."


Suzuki Sonoko looked at him speechlessly, she could hear clearly what Hanyu Kiyosuke said to Miyano Akemi just now, this is already a blatant attempt to misbehave!
"Sister Sonoko~"

Yuzu tugged Suzuki Sonoko's sleeve very cooperatively, looking pitiful and coquettishly irresistible.

Sonoko Suzuki rubbed Yuzu's face vigorously, and nodded cheerfully, "Okay, then I will take Yuzu to sleep in the bedroom tonight, and you sleep on the sofa in the living room."

"..." Hanyu Qing'an didn't expect this silly girl to be smart for a while, "The sofa is too soft, and my back hurts when I sleep."

Suzuki Sonoko gave him a sideways look, "You can also choose to sleep downstairs, the bed in the funeral home's hut is still there."

"Okay then, I'll sleep downstairs tonight." Hanyu Qingan smiled helplessly, and after he finished speaking, he leaned in front of Suzuki Sonoko, bent down and kissed her forehead, and whispered into her ear, "I will always Wait until the day you're ready."

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned, watching his leaving back, and suddenly remembered what Hanyu Kiyoan said the day he took a nap.

So, should I be more proactive?
Hanyu Qing'an was indeed just trying to make a joke with Sonoko, he planned from the beginning to do the zombie dog experiment tonight.

In the dead of night, the moonlight is cold.

Hanyu Qingan took out his embalming tools, first used a sewing gun to sew up the mouths of the two wild dogs, making them completely unable to open their mouths.

Then the wild dog's legs were tied up with high-strength steel wire ropes specially used for encoffining, so that it would not escape or run around after being resurrected.

The appearance of wild dogs and domestic dogs is very different, and they are wild animals that have just tried to hunt themselves. Hanyu Qingan is also engaged in the funeral industry, so there is no sympathy for them.

I have to say that these encoffining tools are really easy to use at this time.

After the preparations were completed, Hanyu Qingan summoned the Peach Blossom Demon and revived the two wild dogs. A green light flashed, and Hanyu Qingan's doubts were answered last time—the corpse would not be hostile, so it was a neutral unit.

Soon the two wild dogs opened their eyes, and then tried to struggle, but it was obviously useless.

After clarifying the situation, the two wild dogs began to look at the figure in front of them vigilantly and fearfully, whimpering or threatening growls from time to time.

The preparation of the two wild dogs was not for a controlled experiment. It was already confirmed that the resurrection power of the Peach Blossom Demon would fail at dawn.

The resurrection skill can only work once on the same life, which has also been tested, so the role of the other wild dog is actually to "kill chickens and monkeys".

If you want [Yanling Yishi] to replenish the vitality of the wild dog instead of causing damage when detonating the spell, you must make the wild dog a "friendly" unit, or at least a "neutral" unit .

And the most effective way to tame a dog is to let it see the end of its companion's resistance.

Hanyu Qingan moved his wrist, with a weird smile on his mouth, he stretched out his hand and dragged the most arrogant of the two wild dogs over by its tail...

Time passed slowly, and the night became darker and darker. Occasionally, a few dogs whimpered, which did not arouse people's curiosity, but only made the night more peaceful.

When he was busy until one o'clock in the morning, Hanyu Qingan finally nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the well-behaved zombie dog like a domestic puppy in front of him.

[Spell·Life] has taken effect, which means that it has no hostility towards itself.

Hanyu Qingan took out three spells and threw them on the dog's head, the wild dog didn't dare to move at all, allowing him to do whatever he wanted.

A flash of green light representing vitality flashed, and the wild dog looked more energetic, but the experience just now made it dare not have the slightest thought of resistance. The next step is to wait for the sun to rise...

In fact, Hanyu Qingan didn't do anything horrible or bloody, he just sterilized one of the dogs.

In his previous life, he accompanied a friend to sterilize a cat. The expression on that cat was really interesting, and what was even more interesting was the expression on a dog waiting in line for surgery...

Because he was deeply impressed by that scene, when Hanyu Qingan was selecting wild dogs, he deliberately chose two male dogs. After all, he is not a professional, and he does not know the technique of neutering female dogs.

Judging from the results, this little trick was very successful. The dog who was lucky enough to be a bystander is now very docile. If you shake the scissors in front of it again, it will be even more obedient.

Hanyu Qing'an dug out a spare body bag from the bottom of the bed, put the tame one in first, the cage hadn't arrived yet, so he had to make do with it first.

Then he put the one that unfortunately became a teaching sample into the original body bag.

This one struggled too much during the operation, obviously it didn't feel any pain at all, but it was forced to bleed a lot due to its struggle.

Seeing that it refused to calm down, Hanyu Qingan could only use a few shots of [Amulet·Destroyer] to restore it to a dead state.

The next job was to clean up the scene and look at the blood stains everywhere. With some headaches, he went to carry a bucket of water and a rag to clean up, so as not to turn around and scare people who didn't know the truth.

After cleaning up, Hanyu Qing'an completely lost sleepiness, looked at the moonlight outside the window, thought for a while, why not go out for a stroll, and dispose of the dead dog by the way.

Carrying the body bag, Hanyu Kiyoan went downstairs, put the body in the trunk of the car, and then sat in the driver's cab.

He really didn't know how to sort the garbage for this thing, and it wasn't suitable for throwing it into the trash can, so he simply went to the suburbs to find a place to bury it.

Well, by the way, you can also familiarize yourself with driving skills, which serves multiple purposes.

Hanyu Kiyoan is good at driving, but he is not used to driving on the right. The black car sometimes presses the line on the road and then adjusts back, looking wobbly.

Fortunately, there were no cars on the road in the middle of the night, otherwise there would definitely be a car accident.

However, just as Hanyu Qingan gradually mastered a little bit of right-hand driving skills, a car suddenly caught up and kept parallel to his car.

The other party whistled and then made a gesture. Although he didn't understand the gesture, Hanyu Qingan could guess that the other party was challenging him to drag racing. This kind of thing is quite common here.

Hanyu Kiyoan waved his hand, he still wants to "throw the corpse", how can he have the time to go racing.

But the other party still refused to give up, and kept dangling around the car, looking like he was determined to race with him.

Misfortunes always happen one after another. This entangled drag racing party has probably registered with the traffic police long ago, and the siren of the police car behind him is coming from far and near.


Hanyu Qingan: Sure enough, there will be adventures when going out...

 "Conan's Ke Xue Simulator" love food article, this author is very handsome (a piece of fifty cents, sent at [-] o'clock in the evening, delete in brackets)
(End of this chapter)

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