Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 169 The Legend of the Snow Maiden

Chapter 169 The Legend of the Snow Maiden
On a snowy night with no wind, wrapped in plain silver, a group of people walked forward under the guidance of the light of the Qingxing Lantern.

"Genbei B&B, this is the place, right?"

Mori Kogoro was panting heavily, his body was covered with luggage bags, and he was relieved to see the small inn in front of him. Walking up the mountain in heavy snow, even if it took a cable car for a long period of time, it would be fatal.

Hanyu Qing'an took back the Qingxing lantern, so as not to scare people who don't know the truth. Although it is only a ghost image, the light effect is still there. It is good as a flashlight without energy consumption, and you don't even need to hold it with your hands.

"Yuzu, we're here, and we'll be able to eat delicious snacks soon."

Suzuki Sonoko poked Yuzu's small face in Hanyu Kiyosuke's arms, and the latter tried his best to open a gap in his eyelids, and was defeated by the heavy eyelids again.

"Don't call her, I'll have something to eat in a while, and I'll wake up when I smell the scent." Hanyu Qing'an laughed.

Mao Lilan approached Suzuki Sonoko and joked, "I really didn't expect that you, Sonoko, would have such a day to take care of children."

Suzuki Sonoko put her hips on her hips and was still in good spirits, "Is there anything hard to do to Mrs. Sonoko! And Yuzu is so cute and cute, he is much better than your Conan."

Conan, who was innocently lying on the gun, sneezed. He looked at the bag hanging on his body and felt very wronged. Anyway, he also contributed, unlike some young lady who just carried a small bag, so easy.

"Okay, don't chat here, go in, I'm dying of cold." The middle-aged Mori Kogoro urged.

A few young and strong people looked around, how cold would it be when there was no wind in the snowy day, and it would be really cold when the snow melted, even the sun could not stop the chill.

This homestay is managed by an old couple, who warmly entertain Hanyu Qingan and others to settle down, and then serve hot tea and snacks.

The hot tea was delivered by a puppet, and several people looked at it curiously.

"It's quite similar to your little paper figurine." Suzuki Sonoko nudged Hanyu Qing'an with his elbow.

"Oh? Will guests also make this kind of puppet dolls?" The owner of the homestay asked curiously, "I left this one for a previous lodger. It's an interesting fate to say the least. The joy of being a homestay lies in this It's fate, haha."

"It shouldn't be of the same kind, but this puppet doll is very delicate." Hanyu Qing'an looked at the puppet doll carefully, and found that it was just an ordinary mechanical puppet without any special features.

Suzuki Sonoko on the side put the hot snack in front of Yuzu's nose, and soon the little guy fluttered his nose and opened his eyes, which made people laugh.

"By the way, I would like to ask you two, is there any legend about the Snow Maiden here?"

Hanyu Qingan asked about something serious, and he had checked it before coming. There are many places where the legend of the snow girl is spread, and it happens to be here as well.

As soon as she said this, the proprietress regained her spirits, and her originally kind appearance suddenly became a little weird, and she said gloomily:
"Of course, our area is famous for the frequent appearance of the Snow Maiden. Maybe the Snow Maiden will appear tonight. It is best for the guests not to go out too far at night, or..."

The proprietress is already very proficient in this set of deceptive commercial marketing techniques, but today's guests are a little strange, two grown men are fine, why don't even girls and children look scared?

"It would be great if I could meet a snow girl, so Qing'an-jun, you won't make a trip in vain." Suzuki Sonoko said happily, holding a warm teacup.

"Yeah, I hope it goes well." Hanyu Qingan didn't think he could meet the real Yukino, but it didn't stop him from looking for the birthplace of Yuki. "May I ask where the Yuki women here live?"

Snow girls...they?Where do you live?
The proprietress was dumbfounded, it was the first time she had met such a guest who took the legend of the snow girl seriously, and was not afraid at all, and was even eager to try.

"Well...guests, I still don't recommend you to find the place where Xue Nu lives, it's too dangerous." The boss quickly opened his mouth to help dissuade.

"It's okay, I'm an onmyoji, so I still have some means of self-protection." Hanyu Qing'an looked at the two of them sincerely with a smile on his face.

"..." The boss and his wife looked at each other, thinking that they might meet an unusual guest, and this might be a little troublesome.

If it is serious and insists on confirming the legend of the snow girl, then it is likely to trouble them. If it is to go to the mountains to find...

"Snow girls live on high mountains that no one has set foot in. It is very dangerous to enter the mountains in snowy days..." The boss tried to make a final struggle.

Kiyoshi Hanyu reassuredly said, what untouched mountains can there be in Japan?Isn't the highest mountain Fuji?Mount Fuji is not only untouched, but even crowded, especially during the peak tourist season.

Hanyu Qingan silently took out a small paper doll from his arms, put it on the table, the little paper doll moved, turned over, very diligently began to look at what work he needed to do, and then found Yuzu who was eating snacks , so ran over to help her wipe her mouth.

"Onmyoji's paper figurine technique is similar to this puppet doll."

Hanyu Qingan reached out and picked up the puppet doll and placed it next to the little paper figurine, who poked the doll curiously.

The boss and his wife stared at the little paper figurine with wide eyes, wondering if their eyes were dazzled, no matter how they looked at it, it was just a paper figurine, why could it move?What's the latest tech?
"Now can you tell me where the Yuki girls live?" Hanyu Qingan asked with a smile.

The boss and his wife looked at him dumbfounded, and said in a low voice: "Actually, we don't know very well... It's just that there is indeed a legend about Xuenv that has been handed down from ancient times. It is said that someone met Xuenv in the deep mountains behind, but the specific location I don't know..."

Hanyu Qing'an felt a little headache, wouldn't he have to climb all the surrounding mountains?It is true that the mountains here are not too high, but the mountain roads are difficult to navigate, and the range is not small. It will take a few days to find all of them.

The eyes of the boss and his wife were still attracted by the paper figurine, watching this miraculous little thing as flexible and intelligent as a human being, busy to and fro.

At this moment, another voice came from the door of the hotel, it was the arrival of a new guest.The boss and his wife looked at each other and hurriedly left. They couldn't stay here anymore, it was too weird.

"It is estimated that they are just using the legend of the snow girl as a gimmick, and they don't know the actual situation at all. Let's ask some other local old people later."

Suzuki Sonoko saw that Hanyu Qing'an seemed a little embarrassed, and comforted him from the side.

"Well, don't worry, just come out this time and have fun for two days, let's let the matter of Xuenv go as it pleases."

Hanyu Qing'an is just a guess, not necessarily true, so from the beginning, he didn't expect too much, so naturally it can't be said that he was disappointed.

"It's Akiko Kinoshita and Miss Yoko Asanuma, right?" The boss's voice came from outside.

"Huh? Akiko Kinoshita? Isn't that the heroine of "Snow Girl Love"?" Mao Lilan and Mouri Kogoro came to the spirit at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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