Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 175

Chapter 175
Conan had already got up when Yoko Asanuma came out of the water, but with Kiyoya Hanyu around, he had no chance to solve the case with reasoning, so he didn't rush to wipe his body clean and get dressed.

I didn't come out until this time, because the conversation at the door was loud, but I didn't miss any information.

Hanyu Qingyan was too lazy to talk to Yoko Asanuma, raised his hand and summoned Peach Blossom Demon and Qingxing Lantern, then took out a small paper figurine, and said to it:

"Take the two of them to the nearby area and the ski resort to see if there are any dead bodies."

The Peach Blossom Demon is a real entity, not afraid of the cold, and can also act as a paper figurine's humanoid Gundam. The green lantern can illuminate and guide the way, and can also obey the small paper figurine's simple orders.

This kind of combination can just be used to search for corpses on a snowy night, and you can find them no matter what, so Hanyu Qingan can sit comfortably in a warm room and wait for the result.

"I think you probably don't know yet. I am an Onmyoji. It's actually not that difficult for an Onmyoji to make the dead speak."

The peach blossom demon walked past Yoko Asanuma, a peach blossom petal floated on her face, she reached out and took it off, the touch felt real.

"After my shikigami finds Kinoshita Akiko's body and brings her soul back, let her come face to face with you. On the last quiet night, I wish you a peaceful sleep."

After Hanyu Qing'an finished his handsome lines, he raised his legs and left, but the Peach Blossom Demon would not open the door, he still had to open the door, thinking about it, it's not handsome at all.

"Even if my body is gone, my soul will one day be revived at the same time as Shirayuki!" Conan looked at Yoko Asanuma, who had a worried face and trembling hands, and muttered in a low voice.

This is the line when Snow Girl jumped into the lake in "The Love of Snow Girl".

"Brother Hanyu didn't just talk about it casually. He can indeed bring the dead back to life. At that time, sister Asanuma, you will have to confront sister Kinoshita face to face."

Yoko Asanuma's heart felt cold when she said this, she stared at Hanyu Qingyan's back, looked at the blue lantern floating in mid-air, and it was difficult for her to have doubts.

Conan grabbed the towel hanging around his neck and didn't stop, "And Uncle Maori is a famous detective. Your excuse just now was a temporary thought, and you didn't have time to deal with the traces. There must be many loopholes. These are impossible. Didn't catch Uncle Molly's eyes, did you, Uncle?"

Mori Kogoro said very cooperatively: "That's right, Ms. Asanuma, if you really killed someone, I advise you to be honest and tell the truth. If you surrender, your sentence can be reduced appropriately."

Yoko Asanuma finally couldn't bear the pressure, and she broke down emotionally. She lowered her head dejectedly and admitted, "That's right, Akiko is dead, I killed her..."

"Why do you want to kill people? Is there any grievance between you?"

Mao Lilan was puzzled and lamented. Even though she had seen so many murders, she still couldn't understand why people should do this. It's all unspeakable grievances.

Yoko Asanuma shook her head, "She didn't do anything to me, but I couldn't accept it. We both participated in the drama audition at the same time, but I lost to her in the final."

"It wasn't just that one time, I lost to her in many auditions later on. Just like that, I watched her become a big star step by step, while I, who was similar to her, could only be her substitute."

"In particular, people often tell me that you do look like Akiko Kinoshita, but this is not a celebrity imitation show... As long as she is in this world, I will always be her shadow."

"When I think about this, I just..."

Yoko Asanuma couldn't continue speaking, and squatted on the ground covering her face.

Mao Lilan's face was very tangled, she didn't understand why she wanted to kill someone just for this reason.

Hanyu Qing'an has already gone far, otherwise he might complain that Yoko Asanuma's acting skills are really mediocre.

There are a lot of loopholes in this murder case, Yoko Asanuma's expression management is not in place, and her tone is a bit exaggerated. It is not surprising that she lost to Akiko Kinoshita.


Yoko Asanuma cried for a while, and then explained the place where the body was dumped. Hanyu Kiyosuke was whispering to Suzuki Sonoko in the room, and had to get up and get dressed to go out when he heard the news.

"See if I can come back early and soak in the hot spring together in the evening." Hanyu Kiyosuke whispered in Suzuki Sonoko's ear before leaving.

Suzuki Sonoko hid it with itchy ears, "Don't think about it, I will take Yuzu to the hot spring in a while, and she hasn't soaked in it yet."

"You can ask Xiaolan to take her to soak..." Hanyu Qingan started to come up with bad ideas again.

"There are still opportunities in the future. If it doesn't work, I'll ask my family to buy a hot spring hotel..." Suzuki Sonoko felt that it was not feasible in the middle of speaking, so that the family would know.

"Then it's settled. Later, we can arrange for the employees of the funeral service to patronize the hot spring hotel you opened." Before Suzuki Sonoko could react, Hanyu Qingan left after speaking.

Qing Xingdeng was taken away by the little paper figurine, Hanyu Qing'an thought about it, and had no choice but to summon the lantern ghost, ugly is a bit ugly, but at least it can illuminate.

I made a mistake before, the beautiful lamp should be kept for my own use, and the little paper man doesn't care about appearance.

Under the wind and snow, Hanyu Kiyosuke, Mori Kogoro and Conan followed Yoko Asanuma to find Akiko Kinoshita's body near the ski resort.

With the light of the lantern ghost, Conan saw many flaws at a glance, "Look, Uncle Maori, there is a bottle of sleeping pills next to Miss Kinoshita, which looks like suicide, but her hair is caught in her clothes, obviously Kill him, am I right?"

Mori Kogoro saw that it was really a contradictory detail, "Well, it's true..."

Conan is not simply addicted to this reasoning, but is helping Mao Lilan think of a suitable reasoning method for "Maori Detective Case Book", so that it can be settled on Mori Kogoro.

At this moment, Hanyu Qingan was staring at a snowflake-shaped luminous object floating on Kinoshita Akiko's body.

He summoned the Snow Maiden again, and the glowing snowflakes automatically floated onto Yuki's body and melted into it. After a burst of light and shadow flowed, the appearance of the Yukihime solidified.

Hanyu Qingan felt relieved for a while, as expected, the second guess was reliable, now there is no need to brave the snow into the mountains to find the legend of the snow girl.

However, it is still unclear whether this token of Shikigami's materialization was created after death because the deceased had acted as a Yukino, or it was just because it was a case related to Yuki.

If it's the former, it seems a little troublesome. Could it be that you still have to stare at the stars who are playing legends on TV, waiting for when they die and then come to your door?
Or is it more efficient to bring the Maori family to visit directly?

Hanyu Qingan felt that this seemed unreliable, and the idea of ​​the murder case related to Yukino might be more reliable.

In this case, I am afraid that we will have to pay more attention to the murder cases related to ghosts and ghosts in the future, but when it comes to this, there is no need to find a needle in a haystack, as long as we play around with the Maori family more, I guess it will be fine.

Hanyu Qingan reached out to touch Yukino's shoulder, and there was a cold touch. There is no suitable hostile unit here to test Yukino's skills, and Hanyu Qingan can only wait to go back.

However, Xuenv's skills might not be of much use for the time being, and Shi Ju couldn't fight for a while, and life was quiet and good, so he didn't need to fight and kill, so he could test the damage mechanism of Shikigami first.

(End of this chapter)

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