Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 189 8 Qi Orochi

Chapter 189
"No trouble, no trouble, maintaining social stability is our responsibility..." Director Baima waved his hand very modestly, and then changed the subject very naturally.

"The recent incident with the Ghost King is really worrying. Fortunately, you are here, President Hanyu. Otherwise, if the Ghost King appears in the city, I don't know how many casualties it will cause. It is simply a real-life Gomera monster invasion..."

This old fox is quite young at heart, yet he knows Gomera...

Although Director Baima didn't say it directly, Hanyu Qing'an understood what he meant. He probably wanted to watch him drop the ghost king to the designated place with his own eyes, so as to confirm and then re-evaluate his ability.

However, this is not a bad thing, Hanyu Qingan has already thought up his speech, he got up and said: "Director Baima, it's not convenient here, let's talk in the study."

"Hi." Director Baima stood up cheerfully, as if he didn't know anything, and he didn't hide his purpose at all.

It's hard to be disgusted by this kind of probing that is almost direct and frank. I have to say that this old fox is very good at it. If it is the kind of deep-minded and completely invisible, Hanyu Qing'an will just keep a respectful distance.

The two entered the study room, Hanyu Qing'an walked to the bookshelf, picked up the black dharma that was placed here, and said, "From now on, the ghost king will appear at this time every day in the future, is it okay?"

Director Baima shook his mustache, thought for a while, then nodded, "No problem."

Hanyu Qing'an organized the language, and began to fuzz, "Guiding the ghost king to appear is neither difficult nor easy. It's probably not difficult for those who know it, but not for those who are difficult. It basically depends on one's understanding."

"I don't know how the ancient onmyoji did it, but the method I personally researched is to learn from the sacrifice method of evil gods, make a statue of the ghost king, communicate with it, and let the spirit of the ghost king be projected on the statue."

"After having a spiritual imprint in this world, the ghost king will naturally tend to descend in the place with the imprint."

Director Baima listened intently, not daring to interrupt at all.

"The location problem is solved, and the next step is time. In order to avoid accidents, such as the statue being infiltrated by the spirit of the ghost king for too long, or bewitching ordinary people who don't know the truth, the ghost king will usually let the statue be completed within a period of time. come."

"If the King of Ghosts hasn't reached the time to break through the seal, you can make a proper move to help it break ahead of time." Speaking of this, Hanyu Qing'an laughed at himself.

"Speaking of which, there was a story like this before. Some cultivators noticed that the ghost king was about to break through the seal and descend to the Yang Realm. In order to prevent the ghost king from harming ordinary people, they used methods similar to sacrifices to guide the ghost king to descend to places inaccessible. , and ended up being chased and killed by ordinary people as evil.”

Director Baima understood: "The people at that time were uneducated, so they were ignorant. Now this kind of misunderstanding will not happen, and we will not allow such heroes who have contributed to world peace to be slandered."

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "Compared to heroes and so on, practitioners generally prefer quietness."

Director Baima nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Okay, let's not talk about those past events, let's start." Seeing that the goal has been achieved, Hanyu Qingya didn't waste any more saliva, and directly unscrewed the black dharma, and a statue of Yamata no Orochi appeared in front of him.

Director Baima was still thinking about the somewhat special word "past events" in Hanyu Qingan's mouth, but when he saw the statue of Yamata no Orochi, he suddenly cried out.

"Yamata no Orochi! Is the legendary Yaki no Orochi the ghost king?"

Hanyu Qing'an also only knew that it was Yamata no Orochi. He didn't know if hitting this thing would explode the shikigami. If there was a shikigami equipped with a shikigami, the shikigami would become stronger.

However, if Yuhun still needs to be strengthened... then it will be dead...

Hanyu Qingan didn't take it out directly, but screwed back the upper body of the black dharma first, and then opened it again, and found that it didn't seem to be invalid. It seemed that he could look back and see what the next ghost king would be.

He reached out and took out the statue of Yamata no Orochi. It looked like it was made of wood, but it was very realistic in terms of visual effects and tactility.

The moment Yamata no Orochi was taken out, a world map glowing with dim light appeared in mid-air. When Yuzu was thrown into the stone distance last time, Hanyu Qingan only took a glimpse, but this time he could see it clearly.

Not the entire map can be cast, some parts are obviously dark, and the range should be divided according to the time zone, that is to say, it can only be cast at night time in the target locality, and it cannot be cast when the sun is there.

This made Hanyu Qing'an think a little more. If this is the case, can the resurrected dead run around the earth and live in the night until the body completely rots, or the external vitality in the body is exhausted?

Forget it, don't try this, it's not very useful, and it's a lot of trouble.

After regaining his senses, Hanyu Qingan asked, "Can you see where is the most suitable place to put it?"

Speaking of Hanyu Qing'an's heart moved, the map was enlarged in some areas, the sea area in southern Japan and east of Okinawa was enlarged to the point where sparse and scattered small islands could be seen.

Director Baima was overwhelmed by the scene. He thought he was going to set up an altar, and then danced some weird dances, and then sent himself away to wait for the news. Unexpectedly, he just looked at the map to choose the location!

Director Hakuba had done his homework, and pointed to a location on the map. Hanyu Kiyoan nodded, enlarged that part a bit, and threw the statue of Yamata no Orochi into it.

When the statue entered the map, there was a burst of water ripples, and it was a bit like a bubble.

Director Baima's eyes widened, and he even wanted to reach out and touch the map, but the map was translucent, he could clearly see the floor, and the statue just disappeared!

"Okay, the ghost king should have appeared, you can send someone to..."

While talking, Hanyu Qingan suddenly stopped, he took out the vibrating mobile phone from his pocket, and saw that it was a distress signal!
He frowned slightly to check who sent the distress signal. Yuanzi was in the living room outside, so he wasn't too worried and remained calm.


Hanyu Qingan was completely relieved, whoever died Conan would not die, but the other party had not sent the "blessing" signal for a long time, and could not activate the spell in the other party's hand, so Hanyu Qingan had to go and see for himself.

"Is there something wrong with the ghost king?" Director Baima asked quickly when he saw that his expression was a little strange.

"No, the ghost king is going well. Something happened to an acquaintance. I need to take a look. Director Baima can go to the ghost king's affairs first, so I'll go first."

Director Baima quickly said: "It's okay, since President Hanyu said that the ghost king's affairs are going well, then there must be no problem. My car is parked downstairs. I'll take a look with you. If it's an ordinary thing, It might be easier for me to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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