Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 191 Exorcism?

Chapter 191 Exorcism?

"I've said it a long time ago, there must be ghosts in this world! Just like the haunted villa nearby. When I passed by two days ago, I saw strange shadows inside. It was obviously a house that had been abandoned for many years. Here, the grass in the yard has grown very tall..."

Ayumi babbles on and on about her latest "adventure" and acts very excited.

"Hey, Conan, is that big brother a mage who can exorcise ghosts? Just like the show on TV?"

On the left, Conan was taught by Mao Lilan's ear, and on the right, Ayumi grabbed his arm and questioned him. His head hurt from the quarrel.

Fortunately, the savior arrived soon. Police officer Mu Mu rushed to the scene sweating profusely, and before he could stand still, he ran to Director Baima to salute and report.

"I'm very sorry, the subordinate is late, has the case been resolved by President Hanyu?"

Director Baima smiled without blaming him, and said with a smile: "It's okay, we're here soon, we're relatively close. As for the case, I need you to inquire about it."


Police officer Mumu turned around and led Gao Mushe and others to pull up the librarian who was still unconscious on the ground. Conan quickly shouted:
"Officer Mumu! We have found the body, and we know the criminal's motive!"

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko stood up without hesitation, "That's right, our young detective team successfully solved this case of drug trafficking, murder, and corpse hiding!"

"Conan, it's fine if we explain the case to the police officer. You should continue to listen to Sister Lan's lesson here, hehehe."

The two ran towards Takagi She happily, and took the initiative to tell the story of the incident. Conan was dragged back and forth by two girls, one big and one small, with a look of lovelessness.

The case is not complicated. The curator of the library was found by staff Yutian Kazuo when he hid poison in the book, and then the curator killed him and hid the body on the ceiling of the elevator box, which caused Conan to smell the smell of the corpse all the time. But no body was found.

During the day, the arrival of police officer Mu Mu excited the members of the juvenile detective team, and they clamored to find out the case.

Conan originally refused, but he hadn't investigated the case alone for a long time. As long as he was with Hanyu Qingan, he would have no chance, so he agreed for a while.

Things went very well. The little devils hid in the cabinet in the cleaning room. They didn't come out until after dark when everyone left the library.

It turned out that the curator of the library happened to be taking something out of a box of books. Conan immediately recognized that it was poison, and the motive was clear. The next step was the location of the corpse.

This is not difficult. Conan remembered that they were overweight when they took the elevator today, but obviously the people in the elevator did not reach the limit of overweight, so he thought that they might be on the top of the elevator.

Then, they started being hunted down...

The library phone couldn't be reached, and Conan's cell phone was placed with Dr. A Li for maintenance and upgrades. In desperation, he had to take out his guard and call someone.

When Hanyu Qingan called Yukino up, they were being chased by the murderer and running around in the corridor, but everyone except Conan, including the murderer, was startled by the sudden appearance of Shikigami at the same time.

"So, that big brother is an onmyoji?" Ayumi didn't quite understand the meaning of an onmyoji, but she probably understood that he was someone who could exorcise ghosts.

She ran up to Hanyu Qingan, looked at him curiously, and asked:
"Brother, I found a villa with ghosts, can you help to exorcise the ghosts?"

Qing'an Hanyu was chatting with director Baima, the old fox was very keen to find out that Yuki has become a reality, and he was temporarily making up nonsense.

I have edited a lot recently, and my thoughts are a little bit unsmooth for a while.Just when Ayumi came over to interrupt, he took advantage of the situation and dropped Director Baima.

Patting Ayumi on the head, Qingan Hanyu smiled, "Yes, yes, but I may have to go out recently, so I need to confirm the itinerary."

Then he asked Mao Lilan, "Xiao Lan, when are you leaving for that seaside villa?"

Mao Lilan was busy educating Conan, but didn't hear it for a while, and Conan quickly reminded her, "Sister Xiaolan, brother Hanyu is talking to you."

Mao Lilan came back to her senses, let go of Conan's big red and swollen ears, and walked over here, "What's the matter, Hanyu-kun?"

Hanyu Qingan repeated the question again, and Mao Lilan replied: "We are leaving the day after tomorrow, and then we will stay there for one night."

"If that's the case, I'll be free tomorrow, so I can go and see that haunted house." Hanyu Qingan bowed his head and said to Ayumi.

Go and see if there are any ghost-related cases. If so, maybe you can get another shikigami before the vampire princess.

"Great~" Ayumi was very happy, but after she was happy, she was a little puzzled, why did this big brother want to go with Sister Lan when she went out?
Beach house?

Could this big brother be Sister Lan's boyfriend?If that's the case, isn't Conan...

Ayumi has long noticed that Conan's attitude towards his sister Xiaolan is obviously different. After learning that Mao Lilan may have a boyfriend, she was secretly happy.

If that's the case, Sister Lan won't rob Conan from me.

Director Baima saw that the chat content of these people was not nutritious, so he secretly ran to the side to check his mobile phone, and he was completely relieved by the news he received - the ghost king was in place, and it was confirmed that it was Yamata no Orochi, who was organizing the first Exploratory attack.

Yamata no Orochi...the big monster in Japanese legend...appeared just like this...

Director Baima's mood was a bit complicated. The feeling of a well-known legend in Japan was indescribable when it was finally confirmed.

He is obviously an enemy of mankind, a monster that wreaks havoc, but somehow he has a strange sense of pride, a bit like people in other places have more earthquakes, tsunamis or natural and man-made disasters than others.

In the whole world, only the monsters in Japanese legends really appeared. Shiju and Yamata no Orochi are both Japanese, and the Federation is a shameful thief and robber who forcibly occupied Japan's Shiju.

However, after a strange sense of pride, Director Baima began to think about how to use Yamata no Orochi to maximize the benefits, and... the evaluation report on this Hanyu Onmyoji will be updated...


In a certain hostel, Kyogoku looked at the huge octopus monster on TV with a solemn expression. How could such a monster be defeated with fists and kicks?

Since monsters exist, then the end of martial arts must be more than that, and there must be room for further improvement.

Kyogoku really clenched his fists, and the expression on his face became resolute, stronger, stronger, so strong that he could defeat this kind of monster too!

(End of this chapter)

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