Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 212 Amuro: I've Got It

Chapter 212 Amuro: I've Got It
"Ah, I'm finally back~" Suzuki Sonoko lay down on the sofa as usual when he entered the door, Yuzu very actively moved up to her and threw himself on her body.

"Did you miss me~ little guy?" Suzuki Sonoko turned over and hugged Yuzu in her arms for a while.

"Think~" Yuzu replied loudly.

"How much do you think?"

Yuzu tilted her head and thought for a while, "I think the same as I miss my father."

Suzuki Sonoko smiled immediately, "This child is really good at talking, and I didn't forget to bring you with me at this time? I remember that when we first met, she was so sweet."

Hanyu Qingan also agrees very much, if it is replaced by Genta and those little devils, it will be a headache.

"How have you been these two days? Nothing happened at home, right?" Hanyu Kiyosuke asked Miyano Akemi.

Last night, whether it was Kusuda Rikuto, Phantom Thief Kidd, Haibara Ai next door, Kamel, Akai Shuichi and others, they all tried to keep quiet and didn't make too much noise.

But Miyano Akemi still felt something, and woke up in a deep sleep. The sister next door, and Akai Shuichi on the building in the distance, may be the reason.

It's just that she didn't try to do anything after waking up, because there was still Yuzu to take care of.

Before Hanyu Qingan left, he kept all the upgraded little paper figurines with attack and defense power, except for one in the safe, the others were given to Yuzu.

Miyano Akemi knew about this, but what children need is not only material protection, but also a sense of psychological security, so she never left Yuzu's side even when she woke up, so she didn't care about what happened. Not sure.

A note was handed to Hanyu Qing'an, he looked down, it said: Something may have happened downstairs last night, but I don't know exactly what happened, I didn't dare to leave Yuzu.

Hanyu Qingan nodded, "You did a good job, you worked hard."

Miyano Akemi shook her head with a smile, then motioned for herself to leave first.

After she left, Hanyu Qingan took out the black dharma from his bag, and felt a headache. This thing is really difficult to handle. Before he left yesterday, he still felt that it was not safe enough to put it in the safe, even with a small paper man guarding it, so he deliberately Bring it on.

To say that this thing seems to be a bit evil, after remembering what Yuzu said last time, he deliberately asked Yuanzi to try it, and when he was present, there was no abnormality.

But after he left this thing for a certain range, Yuanzi heard that the thing inside the black dharma seemed to be talking to her, and kept beguiling her to open the dharma and release the ghost king.

The only good news is that this thing is not too big, it is about the size of an egg, so it is okay to carry it with you for the time being.

Speaking of which, the rule of not being able to keep two black dharma for a long time at the same time is in line with the characteristics of this thing.

If you can keep more than one at the same time, two of them can be used as a walnut plate. If there are more, it will be hard for Hanyu Qingan to imagine that he has a bunch of black dharma hanging on his body.

Putting Bodhidharma in a zippered pocket, Hanyu Qingan said to Suzuki Sonoko: "It's not early today, Yuzu just finished eating, he should be sleepy later, you put the bath water first, I'll go upstairs Take care of things and be back soon."

Suzuki Sonoko held the potato chips that she had fed her with grapefruit in his mouth, and waved his hand, not knowing what it meant.

After going downstairs to the funeral parlor, Hanyu Kiyoan went straight to the hut, opened the safe, took out the box, and checked the condition of the diamond first. It’s hard to lose this thing, you can’t just get another artificial diamond and send it , that would be too unprofessional.

Luckily the diamond is intact.

Then he opened the big box, the little paper man was very vigilant this time, he became vigilant when he saw the bright light, and after seeing Hanyu Qing'an, he was a little excited, and then began to show his achievements with gestures.

However, Hanyu Qingan didn't have time to guess its meaning, all his attention was on the card in the box.

[Diamonds are artificial, the safe is too bad, the little paper man has a bad temper, and he has no quality. It is recommended to strengthen education.

Finally, a piece of advice, your employee surnamed Nantian has some problems, above.

——Phantom Thief Kidd]

"Is this what Umezawa said?" Hanyu Qing'an suddenly realized that the co-author was the Kaitou Kidd who came to the door. It seemed that during the company celebration of Sonoko's family, this thief who liked to play handsome remembered it. This time I came here to find a place.

However, this Kaitou Kidd, like the rumors, prefers to show off his skills and is not interested in the things he wants to steal.

The most important things for this funeral home right now are probably this little paper man and the client's ashes and diamonds. The rest are documents and office supplies, which are of no value.

But what happened to Kusuda?

Hanyu Qingan looked at the little paper figurine drawing circles over there, poked it with his finger, and asked, "Is it a guy in white clothes and a white cape who came to steal something?"

The little paper man tilted his head and thought for a while, then shook his head quickly, and then began to make gestures and draw again.

Hanyu Qing’an couldn’t understand it at all this time. He felt that Kaito Kidd’s words made sense. The issue of the little paper man’s education must be put on the agenda immediately. If he can’t speak, he can write like Umezawa. From now on, let the little paper man follow Yuzu Learn to write together.

The little paper figurine didn't know what was waiting for it, and it was still doing all kinds of movements, trying to make Hanyu Qing'an understand what it meant.

"You can draw to express your meaning even if you don't know how to write, will you know how to draw?" Qingan Hanyu poked the little paper figurine's belly.

The little paper figurine shivered and curled up as if it had been scratched. Regarding Hanyu Kiyoan's question, he took the time to spread his hands and said that he would not do it at all.


Education is the foundation of a century-old plan. This is indeed true. Just because the little paper man is not a human being, one cannot ignore its education. Since the IQ is comparable to that of grapefruit, it is time to teach them well, so as to have a brighter future. future.

Well, better serve yourself.

Hanyu Kiyoan put the diamond and the box away, and was about to go back upstairs with the little paper figurine, but saw Toru Amuro as soon as he left the hut.

"President, I heard from Umezawa that you are back, so I came here to report on the work. The office space for new employees has been prepared. When do you think you have time to visit?"

Toru Amuro reported in a serious manner, Hanyu Qingan thought for a while, and asked back: "Has your recruitment work been completed?"

"..." Toru Amuro shook his head blankly. He has been crazy busy these days. He was called out by Belmode to meet up last night. He didn't sleep all night. Now he asked me if I had finished recruiting new employees. I won't be separated again!
Hanyu Qingan nodded, without any intention of blaming, he just said: "Then I will go after the new employees are recruited, so as to save two trips."

Amuro looked at the nose through the eyes and the heart through the nose, and felt a sense of enlightenment, so why did I stay up late and work overtime these days?

When the two were talking, the little paper figurine in Hanyu Qingan's hand was struggling violently...

 Thanks for the reward last week [Small Yingmei, Ying Rui, Peanut Rice, Book Friends 20180702202914485, Lemon Black Tea is Not Sweet at All, Yuxing Gulan], thank you for your support~
  ps: Let me see who doesn't go on a date on Valentine's Day and reads novels? (Authors who have to work hard to code on Valentine's Day are just in need of readers who have nothing to do but read novels on Valentine's Day (.ω.))

(End of this chapter)

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