Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 221 Please God

Chapter 221 Please God
Director Baima took advantage of the situation and launched his own suggestion.

"If you'd like, we can provide another place to accommodate the new ghost king. After the sightseeing park is completed, the TV station will broadcast the arrival and defeat of the ghost king, so that the public can believe that the ghost king is controllable and avoid panic. "

"Of course, this sightseeing park and the income from subsequent operations belong to you, and we have no objection to putting it under your name or the name of the Suzuki Foundation." Director Baima added.

"You mean, I don't need to appear in public?" Hanyu Qingan asked, this proposal is actually a bit interesting, if it was before, he would definitely agree, but now...

"That's it." Director Baima nodded, seeing that Hanyu Qing'an was moved, he felt relieved.

However, Hanyu Qing'an frowned, and then asked: "Then how are you going to explain the matter of the ghost king? Find a fake onmyoji for me? Or make up a new reason?"

Director Baima's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized that there was a very important question that they hadn't confirmed—what does this Onmyoji think of orthodoxy?
Do you want to promote the Onmyoji way, or punish all liars who bear the name of Onmyoji?In addition, what is your attitude towards Shintoism and Buddhism, which are in competition with Yinyang Dao?

"If you are not satisfied, we can replace it with a priest or a mage..." Director Baima quickly explained, "We forgot to ask your opinion on the orthodoxy before making the plan. We were ill-considered."

Hanyu Qingan didn't expect him to understand it this way, but it seems that this question really needs to be mentioned. He thought about it carefully, and the development route of Yin-Yang Dao is actually somewhat similar to Taoism, mainly taking the upper-level route.

Such a route leads to the efficiency of communication among the lower classes, which is obviously inferior to Buddhism and Shintoism.

If you simply think about preaching, it must be the most efficient route to spread through the lower classes, but he is not on the mission of revitalizing the Yin-Yang Dao, and he is not interested in preaching, and he doesn't want his face to be known by everyone, so that he goes to Nowhere is quiet.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the upper-level Taoist route he took, from the present point of view, except for the old fox who always has nothing to disturb him, it is indeed quite quiet, so this route is still very suitable for him.

"As for Shintoism and Buddhism, I have no intention of interfering. As for Yinyang Dao... just don't let people ruin the reputation of Onmyoji, but you don't have to deliberately help promote it."

Director Baima knew it well, and Qingan Hanyu didn't plan to intervene.

"Okay, I understand. I'll ask someone to re-arrange it when I go back. I wonder if it's convenient for you to show a little miracle?" Director Baima quickly said the plan they had discussed.

"Our hope is that the shrine maidens will dance Kagura dances in front of the public, communicate with the gods, and then pray for the gods to come to the world. Of course, the so-called gods who came to the world are your shikigami..."

Hanyu Qing'an immediately understood that this plan was to put him on the top of Shintoism and Buddhism, and his own shikigami was a god worshiped by other families. This kind of operation was similar to the arrangement of shrines outside.

Hanyu Qing'an glanced at Director Baima suspiciously, suspecting that this plan was just thought of by him, and he learned and sold now.But it's not a troublesome thing, it's just the same as the remote phone call to activate the spell to summon the Peach Blossom Demon.

"Which gods are you going to invite?"

Upon hearing this, Director Hakuba knew that Hanyu Qingan had agreed, and he felt relieved, "If possible, we would like to invite Inari God, as well as Tamamomae, Shuten-Douji, and Daitengu three great monsters."

"Inari God is the god with the most believers in Japan. If Inari God can be invited to come to the world, the people will be very happy."

This Hanyu Qing’an knew a little bit about it. Japanese people’s beliefs are very distinctive. They are very devout to gods, and they are very devout to multiple gods of different sects that they believe in at the same time.

Japan has a population of [-] million and [-] million believers, this is not a joke.

There are a lot of gods in Japan, big and small, and the most influential one is Inari God, a local god formed by the fusion of Shintoism and Buddhism, who is in charge of harvest and business. There are more than 8 Japanese shrines, and at least 3 are Inari. God's.

When Hanyu Qingan was choosing shikigami before, he also considered this, so he chose Yuyatsu.

"Yes." Hanyu Qing'an nodded in response, "But let's forget about finding another place to house the ghost king. I think this valley is quite suitable, so there is no need to change the place."

Director Baima's heart skipped a beat. This... what he said just now was good, why did he suddenly take a sharp turn?
"This will disturb your cleansing..." Director Baima struggled.

There would be no problem with saying this before, but Hanyu Qingan now has a more secluded place, and he has already planned to use the residence prepared by his father-in-law to entertain guests.

With the courtyard attached to the system, whether it is a ghost king raised in the valley or a person with evil intentions, even if the sky is turned upside down, it will not affect his peaceful life in a different space.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't take it seriously, and said: "At that time, there will be no entrances and exits in the ghost king's area, and the valley will be completely sealed off, so that ordinary people will not be able to enter."

As for those who have evil intentions and take the initiative to seek death, so be it.

Director Baima saw Hanyu Qing'an's resolute attitude, and finally couldn't help telling the story about the federal garrison. It was obviously too late to count on those consultants who had their own ulterior motives.

Civil servants are best at holding meetings on trivial matters and slapping their heads on big ones, especially their own group of consultants who have their own positions. Waiting for them to be slapped on the head, it is better to slap their heads on their own.

Although it is good to say that there are too many mistakes and not doing anything, Director Baima, as the No.

"If there are only ordinary people or the power of our own country, we have ways to restrain their behavior, but you also know that the situation in Japan...we can't completely make decisions on our own."

These words have already paid for themselves, not only can they not be the masters, they are simply a plaything of the Federation.

Director Baima sighed, "Before, you spent your spiritual power to guide the ghost king Yamata no Orochi to the waters near Okinawa for the safety of human beings. This kind of merit is really incalculable."

"In order to prevent ships that don't know the truth from straying into that sea area and make all your hard work go to waste, we blocked it overnight."

"Then we tried to kill Yamata no Orochi, and indeed, as you said, we got some strange things, that's it... You see, it looks like the scales of Yamata no Orochi, but we don't know the specific function Clear……"

Hanyu Qing'an took a box from Director Baima, opened it, and inside were ten purple-black scales, even under the sunlight, it seemed to exude a trace of sinister coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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