Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 245 Physical Training

Chapter 245 Physical Training
"Then how did you cultivate to your current level?" Toru Amuro asked the key point.

Generally speaking, when it comes to secret methods, they will not be easily revealed to outsiders, especially in Japan, where inheritance is very important, but Kyogoku really relies on himself for the most part, so there is nothing bad to say.

"It's just normal karate practice, such as physical training, combat practice, and so on. It's just like that. Except for the instruction about 'winning without fighting' from Teacher Takami in elementary school, there is nothing special " Kyogoku said calmly.

Compared with Toru Amuro and others who focused on that high-spirited person, Hanyu Kiyoan doubted the word physical training. Could it be that the physical training this guy is talking about is...

【100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10km long run every day】

If it was this kind of physical training, even if he could blow up the earth with one punch, Hanyu Kiyoan wouldn't think it strange.

Seeing Toru Amuro and the others seem to find it hard to believe, Kyogoku was really dumb and not good at words, so he held back for a long time, so he could only say:
"How about I practice in the backyard when I'm free at night, and you guys come and take a look?"

"Hey, can you?" Mao Lilan asked in surprise.

Kyogoku nodded, "Well, it's okay, and there's nothing special about it."

Then he looked at the three of Amuro Toru and said sincerely: "I will be responsible for all the entertainment expenses this time. I still have medicinal wine that is very useful for bruises. I will personally deliver it to everyone's room later. I sincerely apologize, but I wonder if the three of you have any other questions or requests?"

After several conversations, the three of Toru Amuro also saw that Kyogoku was really an honest person, and it wasn't out of malicious intent to pick faults, so the three of them, who were not stingy at all, naturally agreed calmly.

Kyogoku’s attitude was too sincere, Hanyu Qing’an couldn’t say anything more for a while, and the three employees were too ignorant of the world, they didn’t know how to ask the opinion of the boss who stood up for them, so they agreed to forgive up.

However, considering the conditions for recruiting people at the beginning, it seems really difficult to expect the employees of the funeral home to understand the world.

After going around in a circle, the pot actually circled back to him. Hanyu Qingan felt that this is not what a qualified boss should do, so...

The problem lies with Amuro. He is not an employee under the specific requirements of the follow-up recruitment. He should understand, so the blame should be on him.

Well, the manager is also a leader, so he should take responsibility.

Hanyu Qingan looked back at Conan, and he will stay here for two or three days. With Conan, the little devil, this hostel will never be peaceful, and the small owner of the hostel, Kyogoku Shin, will naturally be unable to escape. Let's wait and see .

After Kyogoku Shin led the way and led everyone to the room, he went to get the medicine. Hanyu Qingan closed the door, walked to Suzuki Sonoko who was packing the luggage, and pulled her into his arms.

"Stop making trouble, I'm busy cleaning up, let Yuzu see the joke." Suzuki Sonoko said with a blushing face.

Hanyu Qingan didn't let go, and didn't care about Yuzu's big eyes staring at him, he leaned close to Suzuki Sonoko's ear and asked, "Do you know that man named Kyogoku?"

Suzuki Sonoko said blankly: "I don't know her, but I may have seen her before. I went to cheer for Xiaolan during the competition. That little boss is a karate champion, so he should be at the competition."

"He just kept staring at you..."

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly showed a sly expression, turned around, looked up at Hanyu Seian's expression carefully, his eyes blinked, and his long eyelashes seemed to scatter the dim light.

"Aren't you jealous?"

However, Hanyu Qingan was still wearing the clothes of an onmyoji, and there was really nothing to see on his face, but the more he was like this, the more convinced Suzuki Sonoko was in his guess, otherwise why didn't he switch back to his normal look?
It's rare to see Hanyu Qing'an nervous enough to be jealous, Suzuki Sonoko was excited and sweet at the same time, she explained:
"That person is obviously staring at Xiaolan, how could he be looking at me? You don't know that when Xiaolan and I appear together, she is always more popular, and only you care about me so much."

Hanyu Kiyoan didn't have to make Sonoko believe this, and he wasn't worried about it. She was a female high school student who not only treated each other frankly many times, but even started to help her with children. With this level of affection, this level of self-confidence is still some.

In fact, he was a little surprised, Yuanzi was in good condition in all aspects, and his family background, appearance, and conduct were all excellent, yet he had only met his first competitor until now.

He patted Suzuki Sonoko's head, and said softly, "That's a girl who has no vision, is honest and unaffected, but it's rare."

Suzuki Sonoko felt like her heart was about to melt, and then...

There was a sound, and the two looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Yuzu's eyes widened, covering her stomach, and explained in a low voice:

"It's disobedient..."

There was no beginning or end, but both of them understood what Yuzu was talking about, and their stomachs were barking in disobedience. It seemed that the child was really hungry, and he wasn't acting like a baby like Conan just now.

"Then let's go down to eat first." Saying that, Hanyu Qing'an changed back to his usual clothes.

"Oh~ eat~"

The three of them left the room, and just as they were about to go down, they heard a strange sound from the next door. It was a moan that was trying to suppress but came out of the nasal cavity.

Suzuki Sonoko blushed suddenly, "The sound insulation in this room doesn't seem to be very good..."

Hanyu Qingan nodded, "Indeed, but it may simply be that the little boss is too strong."

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he was thinking wrongly. It should be that Kyogoku was rubbing medicinal wine on Seian-kun's injured employee.

"What's wrong? Why are you in a daze?" Hanyu Qing'an turned his head strangely and asked.

Suzuki Sonoko shook his head quickly, "Nothing, nothing..."

Hanyu Qingan raised his eyebrows slightly, and joked: "Are you thinking about something that is only healthy for adults?"

Suzuki Sonoko became furious, reached out and twisted his waist, then pulled Yuzu and walked towards the restaurant.

"My hands are strong, but unfortunately I have buffs on me." Hanyu Qing'an chuckled, and then chased after the backs of one big and one small.

After dinner, after a short rest, Toru Amuro and others, as well as Mori Ran, couldn't wait to come to the backyard of the Tile House Hotel, wanting to watch Kyogoku's training.

Although he promised happily before, when the situation came to an end, Kyogoku realized that he was a little uncomfortable being trained by so many people, especially since he usually practiced with his upper body bare, and now he couldn't take off his clothes in public.

The promised things still have to be done, Kyogoku started daily physical training under the eyes of everyone.

The training method is very simple, he explained while demonstrating.

Because the yard is small and there is no room for too many equipment, most of the physical training Kyogoku needs to use the body's own weight to complete.

For example, ordinary people can use push-ups to exercise muscle strength, but it is not enough for the level of Shuichi Akai and Toru Amuro, let alone Makoto Kyogoku.

Although exercising with equipment is the most commonly used method at this time, there is also an ancient way of exercising, which can use one's own weight to the limit to achieve the goal of freehand fitness.

Since ordinary push-ups are not enough, then handstand push-ups, and handstands are not enough, then one-armed handstand push-ups.

If not, you can even do handstand push-ups with one index finger...

Well, that is the action that Makoto Kyogoku is demonstrating right now.

(End of this chapter)

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