Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 247 Hanyu: Am I the BOSS?

Chapter 247 Hanyu: Am I the BOSS?

The two fought back and forth for a few rounds, and Kyogoku always had messy thoughts uncontrollably, most of which were related to Hanyu Qingan and Suzuki Sonoko.

He felt that if he continued like this, he might have a demon in his heart, so he continued to distract himself. If he missed his hand and used too much force, he might injure the Maori junior in front of him, so he couldn't help speeding up his movements.

When Kyogoku really got serious, Mao Lilan's pressure immediately increased. Even if he was strengthened, he couldn't find a chance to fight back.

Not only is there a big gap between the two sides in terms of strength and speed, but also an even bigger gap in combat experience. It is a completely one-sided battle.

However, Mao Lilan's character is very serious, and she can even be said to be stubborn on some issues. She doesn't want to waste such a rare opportunity to compete with masters, and she can't easily admit defeat in things like martial arts.

Once the anger in her heart is exhausted, and she has the courage to fight, she can basically declare that she can't continue to improve in karate.

So, before she gets knocked down, she has to throw a punch!
"Xiao Lan..."

Suzuki Sonoko clenched Hanyu Qingan's sleeves worriedly. As Mao Lilan's best friend, she often cheered for the opponent's games, so she knew that she couldn't give up at this time.

But seeing Mao Lilan being beaten so badly, she could only watch from the sidelines, feeling very uncomfortable.

Conan was equally uncomfortable. He stared blankly at Mao Lilan's neat figure, with a determined expression on his face, and the image of Xiaolan crying when he was a child kept flashing in his mind.

When did it start, that crybaby who was protected by himself and Yuanzi began to become stronger, and even protected Yuanzi in turn?

Mao Lilan's movements began to slow down, and her strength was much smaller than at the beginning, and the pain on her body began to deform her movements.

But she still has no intention of giving up, as if she is standing on the field now, she has nothing but the opponent in her eyes and the thought of defeating her opponent.

Kyogoku really looked at Mao Lilan who was concentrating in front of him and described it as a mess, but the fighting spirit in his eyes remained undiminished, and he suddenly woke up.

My heart is indeed too chaotic, it is impossible to break through if this goes on, maybe fate makes me lose love so that I can focus more on martial arts?

With a clear understanding in his heart, Jingjizhen can finally get rid of distracting thoughts. Yes, Wu Dao is his partner who has been with him until now, and he will never leave him. As for the love that never came to reality, it is just It's just a one-sided fantasy.

Compared with that kind of illusory thing, the power contained in my own body is more real!

"Be careful."

Kyogoku gave a reminder, no longer holding back, intending to show this respectable opponent his strongest posture, so that he can be worthy of the opponent's reminder to him just now.


Amidst Suzuki Sonoko's exclamation, Kyogoku's movements were as fast as lightning, and with any movement, there would be afterimages, as if a dozen fists hit Mao Lilan at the same time.

If it weren't for the protection of the bookman and the damage reduction effect of [Spell·Life], Mao Lilan might have died like those big trees by now.

The battle soon came to an end, Mao Lilan was seized by Kyogoku and was thrown out like an old doll and fell to the ground.

Suzuki Sonoko and Conan hurried over to surround Mao Lilan to check her situation.

"How can you strike so hard? Didn't you agree that it's for a sparring?"

Suzuki Sonoko turned his head and gave Kyogoku a savage look, making Kyogoku, who was going to come over to see the situation of Mori Ran, stop.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. With the protection of Hanyu-kun's spell, my ability to resist attacks is much stronger than usual."

Mao Lilan couldn't move her fingers, and endured the pain of falling apart, comforting Sonoko and Conan.

"And senior Jingji has already kept his hand. If I kick instead of throwing in the end, I'm afraid I can't even talk now." Mao Lilan smiled reluctantly.

"However, the gap is really too big. This kind of feeling will never be understood without personal experience. This time I have gained a lot. Thank you, Kyogoku-senpai."

Kyogoku scratched his head a little helplessly, and said falteringly: "Actually, I should thank you, you are really talented in martial arts, and your fighting will is also very good."

Suzuki Sonoko curled her lips, not interested in the things that the two martial idiots only understood, she turned around and shouted at Hanyu Qing'an: "Qing An-kun, come quickly and give Xiaolan a blessing."

Qing'an Hanyu conjured up a few blue talismans, put them on Mao Lilan, and then detonated them with [Yanling · Yishi], Mao Lilan looked a little better, but the vitality can only indirectly improve the recovery ability, and it cannot heal the wound, so it is also Only slightly better.

For the next two days, Mao Lilan could only lie down and rest in the hostel.

"I have medicinal wine there, which can help Miss Mori recover faster, and you can let you..." Kyogoku stammered and said to Hanyu Qingan, "Your girlfriend wipes some for her."

Hanyu Qingan nodded, very satisfied with the way he called Sonoko, and then politely replied: "Thank you very much."

"That..." Kyogoku continued hesitantly, "I don't know if it's convenient for you to discuss with me?"

"???" Hanyu Qing'an just felt inexplicable, what kind of development is this, why are you fighting with yourself again?Addicted to playing?
Or is it that the other party wants to duel with him in front of Yuanzi, thinking that by doing so, he can win Yuanzi away?

Hanyu Qingan glanced at Sonoko who was helping Xiaolan back to the room with Umezawa Masami, and asked coldly after they left the backyard, "You want to win Sonoko's heart through a duel?"

Kyogoku was taken aback, then quickly shook his head and explained: "How could I have such an idea, she is a person, not an item, how can she be a bet for a duel, that would be too disrespectful."

"Besides, I don't think that emotional matters will be easily changed just because of a duel."

Hanyu Qing'an's expression softened, if it wasn't for the previous misunderstandings and conflicts and Sonoko's problems, this person is actually quite suitable for making friends.

Friends are straightforward, friends are forgiving, friends are more informative, and the three friends who are beneficial, Jingjizhen has two.

After Kyogoku finished speaking, he suddenly realized what he just said. Isn't this a direct admission of his unrequited love for Suzuki Sonoko!And she said this to her boyfriend!

He was at a loss, his face was flushed, and he hurriedly explained with pouty eyes: "I...well, don't worry, I can see that Miss Suzuki has a different relationship with you."

"During dinner, that, she, she helped you and that little girl pick up food, and the smile on her face came from the heart."

"Since she made her own choice, not being forced, that's enough. I won't have any thoughts about other people's girlfriends. Don't worry..."

Looking at the incoherent Kyogoku Makoto, Hanyu Qingan said calmly:
"It's okay, you don't have to think too much, because other people like Yuanzi, it shows that she is excellent, and it also shows that I have a good vision, so I won't be annoyed by it."

"Also, I have enough confidence in our relationship that I don't feel like anyone has taken her away from me."

Saying this, Hanyu Qingan suddenly wanted to understand what the sense of sight was before, why this scene is so like a brave man defeating various small bosses, all the way to the front of the dragon, preparing to rescue the one who was captured by the dragon Princess?

So, the BOSS is me?And now it's time for Armageddon?

Interesting... Since the other party has sincerely proposed to exchange ideas, how can they be dissatisfied?
(End of this chapter)

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