Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 250 You... are also working?

Chapter 250 You... are also working?
Hanyu Kiyoan had already made preparations, and when Kyogoku was about to kill him, he would give him a big surprise, the final baptism - let all the shikigami release their skills at the same time, the light and shadow are mixed with a real crisis, Should be exciting.

In the end, when he stood in front of him and was able to hit his position, his vitality had almost bottomed out, and he should no longer be able to maintain that terrifying strange power.

The young and strong Kyogoku really can't fight head-to-head, but the centenarian Kyogoku really has fists... Should he handle it?
If... just in case... that doesn't work, then he can only open the portal. Hanyu Qingan also deliberately recalled those scenes in his previous life, where he used the space movement ability similar to the portal to fight. Think about it. Also very handsome.

However, Hanyu Qing'an waited for a long time, but he did not see Kyogoku breaking free from the ice.

The scene was suddenly quiet, which made Toru Amuro and the others puzzled for a while. They didn't know if there was any accident. After standing there for a while, there was still no movement, so he brought several other people over to check the situation.

Although they all wanted to watch the confrontation of extraordinary powers and gather information, Toru Amuro didn't want anyone to be hurt.

Of course, if there must be damage, it would be better for the president to be safe and sound. After all, so much energy has been invested in it, and there is already a sunk cost.

"President, is he sealed in ice and unable to move? Will his life be in danger?" Toru Amuro looked at Kyogoku who was frozen, and was amazed in his heart.

Hanyu Qingan felt sorry that the baptism was useless in the end, and replied: "You guys carry him back to the hotel, there is no danger, and use hot water to help him melt the ice."

To be honest, Hanyu Qingan didn't know if the ice cubes were ordinary ice cubes, and whether they could melt, but no matter what, they would disappear at dawn, just like the petals of the Peach Blossom Demon.

With Kyogoku Ma's inhuman physique, Hanyu Kiyoan doesn't feel that the other party can't handle it. Whether he heard the narration of Amuro Toru and others before, or saw the big tree that was ravaged by violence with his own eyes, Kyogoku Makoto suddenly appeared. The strange characters that come out don't look like normal people.

It is estimated that even if gin and vodka came, it would only be blown up with one punch.

Hanyu Qingan secretly guessed that Kyogoku may be an important role in this world. This kind of role is generally very hard-working. Judging from his character, he should be on the positive side. Maybe it is an important battle to finally defeat the villain. force.

Hanyu Qingan put away his wild thoughts and began to reflect on the operation just now. By the way, he put away the shikigami. Today's luck is average. When he summoned Huang, he didn't come out of the illusion, and the effect was a little bit interesting.

But in general, it should be fine. When you use it on the federal garrison, you just need to use the control skills as soon as possible, and then you need to pay attention to the scene as gorgeous and mysterious as possible.

Just as he was thinking, Kamel, the main force responsible for carrying the ice cubes, suddenly said, "President, this ability should be good for preserving corpses, right?"


For Kamel who still thinks about his job at this time, Hanyu Qingan can only praise his dedication as the boss, but it is a pity that his skills cannot be used on dead people, and dead people cannot be hostile to him.

Kamel and Akai Hideichi walked in the front carrying ice cubes, Calvados and Kazami Yuya walked in the back, and Hanyu Seiyasu and Amuro Toru, who had resumed their normal clothes, walked in the middle, chatting about work.

"President Okiyu's diamond has been delivered, right? Everything is going well?"

For this first client, Hanyu Qingan is more concerned, especially the other party is also the president.

Toru Amuro nodded, and reported: "It has been delivered safely without any mistakes. President Okiyu's father just took the diamond in silence, and his attitude towards Mrs. Okiyu is very indifferent."

"However, for the granddaughter, the old man is a little better. He even took her to see President Okiyu's room when he was a child. It can be seen that the old man is still very sad in his heart. He has been holding the diamond tightly, but he doesn't like to cry. .”

Toru Amuro was also a little bit embarrassed. Although his hands were not less bloody, it was difficult for even a bystander to remain indifferent to such things as life and death.

Hanyu Qingan nodded, and didn't say much. In fact, in this kind of work, you should not have too much emotion, otherwise you will have psychological problems sooner or later.

Well, I'll take Amuro to see a psychiatrist when I get back...

Suddenly, the two Kamel who were walking in front stopped.

"What's wrong?" Hanyu Qingan asked.

Akai Hideo looked at the woods beside the road, and said in Kusuda Rikumichi's voice: "President, there is movement inside."

Toru Amuro also quickly put away his emotions and became vigilant.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't think too much about it, there was movement in the grove at night...what's so strange about it?

"It seems a bit bloody..." Calvados, who had always been silent and had no sense of presence, suddenly said.

"???" Hanyu Qing'an looked at him in surprise, why didn't he realize that the employees like himself had such sharp noses before?
Previously, it was Kamel who smelled seafood on Makoto Kyogoku, and now Karl smells the smell of blood in the grove...

"President, something is really wrong." Toru Amuro approached Hanyu Kiyoan and whispered in his ear, "Someone seems to be watching us."

Hmm... Although... there is movement in the woods, people are staring outside, and even the smell of blood is not too strange, but... This is the world of Conan, or should we consider the possibility of a homicide?
Adhering to the principle that human life is at stake, Hanyu Qingan decided to take a look, put on the onmyoji costume, and whispered to Amuro Toru:

"I will attract the other party's attention for a while, and you will lead the person out of the illusion and go around from behind."

Toru Amuro nodded, and quietly retreated to the side, making room for Kiyoan Hanyu.

Qingan Hanyu threw two spells to summon Kaguya Ji and Higanka. In the blue summoning array, a burst of light and shadow changed, and two girls in strange costumes appeared. This fantastic scene was enough to attract all eyes. Human nature is no exception.

Then, Kaguya unfolded the Jade Illusion of the Dragon Head. Between the changes of light and shadow, Toru Amuro took the opportunity to take Kazami Yuya and Calvados back. When the bamboo forest completely covered the original environment, the three had already exited the illusion scope.

The woods disappeared, and the situation inside was immediately revealed. A man in a short-sleeved shirt was covering the mouth of a bloody woman with one hand, and the other hand was holding the handle of a knife inserted into the woman's abdomen. With a puzzled expression on his face, he looked at Hanyu Qingan and his group and... the big ice cube.

The amount of information in an instant is too much, the man who is killing is watching blankly, Kamel and Akai Shuichi in black, and the "corpse" preserved by the two of them in ice, and the strangely dressed Kiyoan Hanyu.

He couldn't help but wonder if he, a little murderer, accidentally bumped into a big boss who was also "working"...

(End of this chapter)

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