Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 252 Believers+1

Chapter 252 Believers+1
When everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak, Hanyu Qingyasu was looking at Kyogoku Shin in the big ice cube suspiciously, and the ice cube still hadn't melted!

Is this guy still hostile and wants to continue fighting?This kind of fighting will is really admirable. As a "big villain" with ideals and qualities, Hanyu Kiyoan will not belittle his opponent at will.

Hanyu Qingan walked up to the ice cube and woke up Kamel and Akai Shuichi who were in a daze. He knocked on the ice cube and said: "The battle is over, put away your hostility, otherwise the ice-bound spell will not work." lifted."

Kyogoku's eyes seemed to flicker slightly, Hanyu Qingan didn't say any more, and secretly asked Yu Nu to use her skills again.

The two tears of heaven can dispel a total of eight negative effects, which is enough to solve most of the problems on the people present, but the real big ice block of Kyogoku is still motionless... There is no effect...

Hanyu Kiyoshi is numb, what's going on, is Kyogoku really unwilling to put away his hostility?Or did the judgment of friend and foe in the battle continue, and it's not time to refresh it?Or is Kyogoku really unable to hear what is being said outside now?
The scene was a bit embarrassing, and Hanyu Kiyosuke was thinking about how to solve it. The victim, who had been in a daze for a long time, finally figured out the situation, stood up from Amuro Toru's arms, and walked in front of him, with a little bit of surprise and some reverence, and said expectantly:

"Could it be that you are... Lord God?"

Before Hanyu Qing'an could decide whether to admit it or not, he saw the woman in front of him suddenly kneel down in front of him, closed her eyes, and prayed very reverently:
"Master God, please listen to my wish, please give me a perfect love, don't let me meet a scumbag again, why do I always meet this kind of man who talks nicely but has evil intentions ..."

"Last time I was cheated of money, this time I was going to kill me, obviously I didn't do anything..." The woman in front of me started talking, from the initial begging to complaining.

Hanyu Qingan gave Amuro a look, signaling him to deal with it, then opened the portal, greeted Kamel and Akai Shuichi, who were still in a daze, and carried Kyogoku into the courtyard.

As Hanyu Qingan also stepped through the portal, the scene returned to its original state.

The three employees still haven't fully digested today's huge amount of information. The murderer who was pinned to the ground was worried about the liquidation after death, and the victim, who had to be completely bearded, was still complaining to the gods.

"Master Shenming? Why do you think I am in such a miserable situation?" No response was heard, the victim opened his eyes only to find that Hanyu Kiyoan had long since disappeared, "Master Shenming?"

She quickly got up and looked around for Hanyu Qing'an, but she couldn't find anyone. The clothes on her body were still dripping with blood, and the real rain began to gradually increase. She was at a loss and froze in place.

Is it just my hallucination?
She looked down at the jacket on her body, and then suddenly turned her head and rushed in front of Toru Amuro, "Well, is the god-sama just now real? Isn't it my hallucination?"

As she spoke, she lifted off her clothes and looked at her stomach. The place where she had been stabbed was smooth now except for the blood stains.

"Master Shenming must exist, but why did he leave suddenly? Did he listen to my wish? Will it come true?"

Amuro looked at the chattering woman in front of her with a big head, "Master Shenming just returned to his kingdom of God..."

"Where is the shrine of the gods? Do I need to go to the shrine to make a wish?"

Toru Amuro thought about the Hanyu Shrine, so he simply advertised in advance, "Master Hanyu is mainly in charge of the divine power to heal illnesses, regardless of love, if you want to fulfill your wish, you can go to this address next month."

The inauguration ceremony of the shrine has not yet been held, but it should be ready to receive believers next month at the latest. Toru Amuro told the address to the woman in front of him, hoping that she could be quiet for a while.

"Okay, the rain is getting heavier, let's find a place to shelter from the rain first."

Amuro looked at the ground wet by the rain, and felt that the crime scene here would be destroyed by the rain soon, and the wounds on the victim's body were all gone, and there was less evidence, so he had to kill the murderer's knife first. Save it for later.

"It should be raining tomorrow..." Toru Amuro looked at the rain falling on his palm and murmured puzzled.


"This nasty weather. I checked the weather forecast before I came here. It said that there will be no rain tonight. Now the celebration will be ruined, and the fireworks will not be seen." Suzuki Sonoko leaned against the window boredly, fiddling with his ear with one hand side hair.

"But it just so happens that I can be here with you, do you still feel so badly hurt, Xiaolan?"

At first, Sonoko Suzuki helped with the medicinal wine, but after applying the medicinal wine, she had to rub it vigorously to facilitate blood circulation and allow the medicinal wine to absorb quickly. After half of it, she got tired and had to replace Miyano Akemi.

At this time, Miyano Akemi had just finished the second half of the work, and carefully helped Mao Lilan tidy up her pajamas.

Mao Lilan hurriedly turned her head to thank her, feeling like she was about to fall apart. After the beating, she was still able to walk two steps with the support of Sonoko Suzuki and Akemi Miyano. Once she relaxed, it was difficult to get up.

"I'm much better now, it's raining, why don't you go see Hanyu-kun? He hasn't come back yet..."

Sonoko Suzuki curled her lips, "He's a good living person, so there's nothing to worry about, you are the one who needs the most care now."

"It's really ruthless." Hanyu Qing'an's voice suddenly sounded at the door, and then he pushed the door open and entered.


Yuzu, who was learning how to play shogi with Conan, climbed up from the tatami mat and threw herself happily into Hanyu Seiyasu's arms with her short legs.

"You still know how to come back? I haven't seen anyone for a long time, don't know how to bring me when you go out to play..."

Obviously, the last sentence is the key point, Hanyu Qingan almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

After Suzuki Sonoko settled in Mo Lilan, he didn't see Hanyu Seiyasu, so he went to the backyard to look for it, but it was empty and there was no one there.

"I'll explain to you later, I'll treat Xiaolan's injuries first."

Qing'an Hanyu patted Yuzu on the head and told her to let go of her thigh first, but then summoned Yu Nu and used her skills to help Mao Lilan dispel the negative state of injury.

"Ah, it rained when you were in the room, and it got wet everywhere. You said in advance that you can go outside." Suzuki Sonoko was startled.

Mao Lilan didn't have time to care about that, she was blinking her eyes wide, curiously feeling the miracle of the sudden disappearance of the pain on her body, she tried to get up and got up, and she really recovered completely!

"That's amazing, Hanyu-kun, is this your new ability? Is it the ability to heal?"

(End of this chapter)

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