Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 254 Akai: Mingmei?

Chapter 254 Akai: Mingmei?
Akai Hideichi walked ahead with a dull head, and said, "Follow me here."

When Miyano Akemi panicked just now, Akai Hideichi also noticed that something was wrong. He had heard Kamel's report before and reminded the latter that he should not relax his vigilance easily just because he is a woman.

Now it seems that this statement seems to have come true. Umezawa Masami may indeed be a member of the organization, but...he feels that his guess may be a bit absurd and mixed with personal emotions, but it seems very logical when he thinks about it carefully.

This guess is based on the fact that Shuichi Akai finally figured out why the name Umezawa Masami is so familiar!

There is nothing wrong with the word Umezawa, but the name Masami is pronounced Masami, and he has heard a name with the same pronunciation in the organization - Masami, Masami Hirota!

Masami Hirota, a professor at Nanyang University, and a tutor at Akemi Miyano University!
With this guess, the more Akai Shuichi looks at Umezawa Masami, the more he looks like Miyano Akemi, and the member of the organization, Bo Benke, is in the funeral club. Miyano Akemi is also a member of the organization. Although the rank is not high, it is reasonable to say that it is related to Onmyoji. She shouldn't be allowed to participate in level missions, but the probability of her appearing here is not without it!

Especially since she was the first to join the funeral club, it is likely that the organization didn't pay much attention to Onmyoji at that time.

In addition, it has been confirmed that the child named Edogawa Conan is the son of Aunt Kudo, Kudo Shinichi.

From this point of view, the child named Haibara Ai, who looks far more mature than his peers, should be Akemi's younger sister - Shiho.

Akai Shuichi suddenly sensed a hint of danger. If everything is as he guessed, Umezawa Masami is Miyano Akemi, then what is her role in the funeral service?

Is it bourbon, or gin?Or is it a trap set by the two together, the purpose is to lure himself to show up?What happened when Shiho became smaller?

Akai Shuichi felt that the problem here was far more complicated than he expected, but... Akemi probably didn't know the real plan of the organization.

His heart was turbulent, but Akai Hideo didn't show it at all. He took Miyano Akemi to his and Kamel's room, and saw that the water vapor in the bathroom had come out.

"The president had a discussion with that Mr. Kyogoku just now, and then Mr. Kyogoku had a little accident, and we are dealing with it urgently." After a brief explanation, Akai Shuichi opened the bathroom door.

"Ah, you're back, Nan Tian, ​​the hot water in the room is not enough, you might have to go to the kitchen and bring some back manually."

As the water vapor dissipated, Kamel's huge figure appeared in front of the two of them. He only had a pair of shorts all over his body, and his bulging muscles were covered with water droplets. He was busy turning over the big ice cube with his back to the bathroom door. Good even heating.

"..." Akai Shuichi didn't turn his head, but he could feel the strange eyes of Miyano Akemi behind him, but he still kept his usual calm and reminded, "Umezawa is here too."

"Ah?" Kamel was startled, his body froze, and he explained, "The bathroom was hot and humid, and the clothes were also wet from the rain, so I took them off..."

"Wait a minute!"

Kamel slammed the bathroom door, and opened it again after a while. He had put on clothes that were still wet, but the collars were crooked.

"I'm going to the kitchen to fetch hot water, so I'll trouble you here!" After speaking, Kamel left in a hurry.

Seeing Kamel's leaving back, Akai Shuichi and Miyano Akemi looked at each other, without saying anything, they went into the bathroom silently.

When he saw Kyogoku Makoto who was frozen and covered with some big tengu's white feathers, Miyano Akemi couldn't help but widen his eyes. Akai Shuichi saw her surprise and confusion, and explained: "The society It is a long sealing technique, and it should not be life-threatening."

After a pause, he added in a low voice: "The president mentioned that if this Mr. Kyogoku doesn't hold hostility, this ice seal can be lifted immediately, but it seems that Mr. Kyogoku is not willing to admit defeat." look."

Akai Shuichi has always been very concerned about identifying hostile techniques.

Miyano Akemi nodded, and the two began to wash the ice cubes with hot water, one couldn't speak, the other dared not reveal it, hesitant to speak, each was preoccupied, and observed each other from the corner of the eye from time to time.

The only difference is that Akai Shuichi basically confirmed the identity of Miyano Akemi, but the latter did not think of Kusuda Rikudo on Akai Shuichi.


In another room, after Hanyu Kiyoan changed into dry clothes, Suzuki Sonoko also came back with Yuzu.

"Hurry up and put it on, two princesses, I've already prepared it for you." Hanyu Qing'an pointed at the clothes and said.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at him vigilantly, "What princess? What are your plans?"

Hanyu Qing'an couldn't help laughing and said: "No intention, I just suddenly felt that I was like a dragon who kidnapped the princess, and someone was fighting monsters and leveling up to attack me just now."

Then he told Suzuki Sonoko about Kyogoku Makoto's sparring with him, and the similarities with Dragon Quest.

Dragon Quest has been around for about ten years, and Suzuki Sonoko still knows about it, and after hearing what Hanyu Seiyasu said, he couldn't help laughing until his stomach ached.

"It seems right to say that, I am the princess who was kidnapped by your evil dragon, but this princess has already subdued your evil dragon with my own charm~"

Suzuki Sonoko wiped the pomelo clean while laughing, changed her clothes, and then patted her little butt, telling this impatient little guy to go out to play first.

When going out, adults always worry about many things, and only children can enjoy all the new things without any burden.

After Yuzu went out, Hanyu Qingan said to Suzuki Sonoko: "Okay, you should change into clean clothes, although it's not very wet, but isn't it uncomfortable to wear?"

Hanyu Qingan suddenly discovered the blind spot of Yu Nu's skills. If someone catches a cold easily, especially after getting wet, wouldn't it mean that Yu Nu's Heavenly Tears just helped him dispel the negative state and cured all the diseases? He will catch a cold again soon.

Yu Nu can cure all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases, but the only one that can't cure colds is really...

"You turn around."

Suzuki Sonoko's voice interrupted Hanyu Kiyoan's random thoughts, he looked up, Suzuki Sonoko was still holding the clothes.

"What's the matter, it's not like I haven't seen it before."

Suzuki Sonoko said in embarrassment: "You still have the nerve to mention what happened last time, turn around quickly, or let me go to the courtyard to change."

Hanyu Qing'an remained motionless, "But I want to see what to do? This is the joy of living together. The beauty of life lies in such subtleties."


(End of this chapter)

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