Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 262 The waste of the Metropolitan Police Department has become a consensus

Chapter 262 The waste of the Metropolitan Police Department has become a consensus
Metropolitan Police Department, search the office of the management officer of Section [-].

"Martial arts practice...extraordinary existence...inhuman strength and speed..."

Kuroda Hei looked at the report about Kyogoku Shin in his hand and fell into deep thought. This is the latest information reported by Amuro Toru Kazami Yuya. It contains the discussion about Kyogoku Shin and Hanyu Kiyoan, and even started to misunderstand. The fighting process was also described in detail.

There are also a few sporadic sentences mixed in, Hanyu Qing'an's evaluation of Kyogoku, for example-the No.1 in martial arts in the world, and his companions on the road of practice.

Even the matter about Hanyu Qingan's support for Kyogoku Makoto's one-on-one duel with King Oni was also recorded in detail in the report.

The conversation between Hanyu Seiyasu and Kyogoku Shin that night was not only eavesdropped by Akai Shuichi, but also by Amuro Toru, who rushed back downstairs in a hurry, and was covered by the night, and Amuro Toru didn't even have to hide.

Kuroda took out the report from the drawer of the Federation's attack on Ishigaku and Yamata Orochi, and the report of the Self-Defense Force's attack on Yamata Orochi, and his face darkened immediately.

From the attitude of the Onmyoji, it can be seen that he feels that Kyogoku's true combat power is capable of fighting against the King of Ghosts. Although he didn't say the outcome, he is qualified anyway.

Doesn't this mean that Kyogoku can be on par with several ships by himself?

Although this new extraordinary warrior was hanged and beaten by an onmyoji, it may also be caused by a different power system. This does not mean that Kyogoku Shin, an extraordinary warrior, is not worthy of attention.

On the one hand, since such a long investigation, this is the first confirmed transcendent existence other than Onmyoji. Onmyoji is a leap from zero to one, and now there are two, which means that there are more hidden The possibility of extraordinary existence has been greatly improved.

At the same time, it was finally confirmed that Onmyoji did not lie and deceive people. There is indeed a so-called mysterious side, but the inheritance of the mysterious side seems to be very problematic. Maybe it is too much emphasis on personal talent, and the number is really rare.

Judging from the records of Kyogoku's words and deeds, he himself does not know about the mysterious side, and only thinks that he is an ordinary karate. From this point of view, the succession of supernatural inheritance is too serious, to the extent that the successors do not know it.

On the other hand, although extraordinary warriors do not have the blessing technique of Onmyoji, as well as the healing technique that appeared this time, it can be called a divine skill.

But perhaps in terms of promotion, it will be less difficult for extraordinary warriors...

The study of "Book of Changes" has been started for some time, although because of language problems, most people have difficulty even basic understanding.

However, there are still a few elites who can get started or even master it. Thinking of this, Kuroda Hei has a strange expression on his face.

This book does seem to have a mysterious power. Those who are proficient all seem to be possessed, holding the "Book of Changes" every day, and they must first calculate the hexagrams in it when encountering anything.

There are a lot of fortune-tellers, but few who really realize the supernatural power. Well, although some people claim that fortune-telling is also supernatural power, but... it is not intuitive enough.

With public demonstrations like Onmyoji, and the use of ancient words to explain things, it is difficult for people to accept.

Looking at the detailed training method of Kyogoku Shin recorded in the report, Kuroda Hei decided to gather a group of people to practice for a while, just for those who could not learn Chinese or even get started with "Book of Changes" Bar.

If the text is not good, it is fine. If the martial arts is not good, Kuroda Hei has to consider what use these wastes are.

After collecting the reports one by one, Kuroda Hei picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Investigate all the information about Kyogoku. Going forward, we need to investigate his martial arts learning experience, his parents' background, and even all the information that can be found on his ancestors, including legends. The recent situation should be detailed to what he eats, what he wears, where he goes, see someone."

"In addition, high-sighted people also investigated together, and the standards are the same."

After hanging up the phone, Kuroda Hei walked out of the office, and he needed to report some problems to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs above the Public Security Investigation Department.

Walking into the elevator room, a young man walked up to him. Heiwei Kuroda watched the son of the White Horse Director go upstairs with his single eye...


"Extraordinary existence?"

Director Baima glanced at his son in surprise, but he was not in a hurry to be happy. He pondered for a while, and carefully reminded: "With your ability... you shouldn't be fooled by those charlatans, right?"

"About some of the video materials of Onmyoji, I guess you have already peeked at it. You should know that even if it is an existence like Onmyoji, we have conducted multiple verifications before finally confirming that he does have incredible power."

Detective Baima didn't care about his father knowing that he was peeking at the confidential video, and said confidently: "I'm pretty sure, with a second extraordinary existence, you shouldn't have to worry so much, right?"

And she is also the maker of those potions that the Metropolitan Police Department has been pursuing-the witch.

But Detective Baima didn't say these words. Judging from the Metropolitan Police Department's failure in this matter, he knew that it was unreliable to count on these people, and he might as well investigate it alone.

Director Baima was very pleased that his son cared about people, but he didn't show his joy, he shook his head and said, "It's not that simple, just a blessing technique can restore youth, Onmyoji is not comparable to any extraordinary existence .”

"In addition, he also masters many kinds of spells and shikigami with various abilities. He also makes breakthroughs at every turn and develops new abilities. No one knows whether he has shown his true strength."

"Moreover, some spells are so weird that they are hard to guard against. They can also guide the ghost king to descend. It is not an exaggeration to pay more attention to the force alone."

"Fortunately, he still has humanity..."

Director Baima sighed deeply, if Hanyu Qingan didn't even have a "daughter" and girlfriend, it would be the most frightening.

A human-shaped nuclear bomb without any suspense, free to come and go, as he pleases, is simply a walking disaster.

Shaking his head slightly, Director Baima came back to his senses, looked at his son, and said, "If you talk too much, just pretend you didn't hear it. Tell me what you found."

Detective Baima was a little emotional about his father's statement. He said bluntly: "It's useless to report it to you. Could it be that you let your subordinates investigate? Based on the level of those people, this matter will probably become a scandal."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the door of the office, "Let me continue to investigate, and I will come back to tell you after I have negotiated with the other party, so that I should not be held back by the so-called own people."

"That's it, let's go first."

Baima Tan waved his hand and left directly.

"..." Only then did Director Baima realize that he had been tricked by this kid, and the co-author didn't say anything except to tell him that he had found traces of the extraordinary existence.

At first he thought his son was sensible, but in the end he was still so conceited. Director Baima was so angry that he picked up the phone and called home.

"Halve the allowance for that kid this month!"

(End of this chapter)

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