Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 280 Maori: It's over, my daughter is drinking!

Chapter 280 Maori: It's over, my daughter is drinking!
Hanyu Qingan pointed to the watch, "It's time, I'll go and treat Xiaolan first, you can solve the case here, if you really can't solve it, then call me."

After finishing speaking, Hanyu Qingan walked upstairs, Conan was a little ashamed, and he didn't want to think about the case, so he hurriedly followed.

To say that these police officers were easy to talk to, as long as Hanyu Qingan didn't try to leave the building, they didn't care where Hanyu Qingan went.

Of course, there are also suspects mainly because of the three colleagues of the deceased over there and one waiter, Hanyu Kiyoan has no suspicions.

It's just that not long after he left, police officer Henggou suddenly thought of him. After thinking about it in every possible way, the police officer couldn't figure out who killed the deceased, and suddenly saw the light ball, and suddenly thought of what if... Is it really a monster killing people this time?

"Huh? What about people?"

Police officer Henggou turned his head, only to realize that Hanyu Kiyosuke was gone, he was a little anxious, he rushed to Mori Kogoro in a flash, and asked, "Where's the young man who was with you just now?"

Mori Kogoro was taken aback by him, turned his head to look, only to find that Hanyu Kiyoan had disappeared at some point, and even that little devil Conan had disappeared.


Second floor, balcony.

When the case happened just now, all the service personnel on the second floor ran downstairs, leaving Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan with grapefruits.

Suzuki Sonoko carefully helped Mao Lilan outside and asked her to stand against the door so as not to suddenly faint again.

"Don't worry, Sonoko, I'm fine." Mao Lilan endured the dizziness and said to Suzuki Sonoko, and then looked at Hanyu Qing'an, "I'm really sorry, Hanyu-kun."

"It's nothing to worry about. If you're sick, Sonoko will worry about you. I can't just look at her unhappy, can I?" Hanyu Qingan touched Suzuki Sonoko's head and smiled.

Suzuki Sonoko blushed, and said angrily: "Still outside, what are you talking about..."

Seeing her like this, Mao Lilan and Hanyu Qing'an couldn't help laughing. They were usually carefree, but when it was her turn to show their affection, they were embarrassed and stubborn.

"Okay, let Xiaolan be cured first, and I'll go down and have a look. I can't let them procrastinate on finishing the case. You still have to take the exam tomorrow."

After speaking, Qingan Hanyu switched to Onmyoji mode and summoned Yu Nu.


"Really, how can you run around..."

Officer Henggou climbed the stairs while complaining, followed by Mori Kogoro who also complained.

"Conan, this brat, even ran upstairs to eat while I wasn't paying attention..."

The two went upstairs one after the other, and they were stunned when they saw the situation in front of them. On the only table with food, there was only a little girl eating slowly, taking it easy, chewing slowly, as if everything It has nothing to do with her.

After eating a meal, it tasted devout.

And the remaining three...four people were near the balcony, one of them was wearing a green dress, dressed like a woman in a Dahe opera, holding an oil-paper umbrella, squatting on the ground, weeping.

With her crying, the drizzle fell on the balcony, which seemed to be connected with the heavy rain outside, but separated due to the different intensity of the rain.

"Detective Maori, is this lady also traveling with you?" Police Officer Henggou asked Mori Kogoro as he turned his head.

Mori Kogoro was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly replied: "No, this is President Hanyu's shikigami, the kind of monster that appears with a swish of a wave of his hand."

As for the shikigami who helped him sober up last time, Yu Nu, Kogoro Mori still remembered, and couldn't help complaining in his heart at this time, it was really strange why there was a shikigami dedicated to sobering up.

And what is it for, the balcony, the rain, the same hangover as last time?It's not that Xiaolan is drunk, what are you doing sober up?
and many more!

Mori Kogoro suddenly had a serious look on his face. Could it be that this girl Xiaolan secretly drank his beer behind his back?That's why you're dizzy?

This child...finally...was brought down by me?
Mori Kogoro turned pale with fright, he didn't mind drinking by himself, but how could Xiaolan!

Police officer Henggou didn't pay attention to his expression. He was frowning, his mind was numb, and he was looking at Yu Nu nervously.

It stands to reason that all the above documents have been downloaded, and the press conference has also been held, but he has not seen the monsters and gods with his own eyes, and the doubts in his heart cannot be exhausted for a day.

He watched Yunu's movements closely, observed carefully, and saw Mao Lilan on the balcony shaking his head, then smiled, and thanked Hanyu Qing'an excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, Hanyu Qingan waved the folding fan casually, and the woman in the green dress disappeared out of thin air.

Police officer Henggou suddenly widened his eyes and opened his mouth. It turned out that the one just now was really a monster. Detective Maori's description was true, and he disappeared with a whoosh.

"Detective Mori, Police Officer Henggou, what's the matter?" After finishing Xiaolan's affairs, Hanyu Qingan turned his head and saw two men who turned pale with fright.

"I do have something to think about..." Officer Henggou came back to his senses, and as soon as he opened his mouth, Kogoro Mouri rushed out.

"Xiao Lan! You kid, did you steal my beer! How could you do such a thing! You are still a high school student! How do you want me to explain to your mother!"

Mori Kogoro spoke with grief and indignation, with a sad face, and danced and danced, which made everyone dumbfounded.

"Dad, what are you talking about? What beer? When did I drink your beer?"

Mao Lilan looked at the man who looked like a police officer who came up with his father, and suddenly became anxious.

How can such a father insist on slandering his daughter for drinking in front of the police, she is not yet of drinking age, that is illegal!
Of course, this kind of alcohol prohibition for minors cannot be strictly enforced. At most, it is forbidden to sell alcohol to minors and drink in private.

It's like Conan secretly drinking Baigan.

"Why did you get dizzy when you didn't drink? And why did you ask President Hanyu to help you sober up? You don't need to explain, I saw that Shikigami who can sober up just now, and your clothes are still a little wet now."

Mori Kogoro burst into tears. If his daughter was spoiled by him, he would really feel guilty to death.

"Alas..." Mao Lilan only felt that she had just recovered from her dizziness, but now she started to have a headache again, and her temples were throbbing, which made her want to hit someone.

"Ah, Xiaolan, you didn't make it clear to Uncle Kogoro? That Yu Nu's ability is not just for hangovers, but for dispelling negative states." Suzuki Sonoko asked doubtfully.

Mao Lilan nodded, "I didn't tell him last time, this ability seems to be too powerful after I think about it, I'm afraid that my father will talk nonsense everywhere, if someone comes to the door later, ask Hanyu-kun for help, when the time comes You will be in trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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