Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 300

Chapter 300 Triple Child
"I still know some friends in various countries. I plan to invite them to watch the opening ceremony of the shrine. I think Hanyu-kun, you should have plans to show some abilities on that day, and then there is no need to do anything special What, just more guests."

"If you plan to get to know them, then I'll introduce you. If you're impatient with this kind of thing, it's okay to leave the follow-up communication to me."

In terms of understanding Hanyu Qing'an, Suzuki Shiro may not know as much as Director Hakuba in terms of the extraordinary power he has mastered.

All along, Suzuki Shiro has not shown any special attention to these things, nor has he asked his subordinates to deliberately inquire about anything. His focus has always been on Hanyu Kiyoan himself.

Including his temperament, preferences and so on.

In his view, those powers are just appearances, and in the final analysis, the focus is still on the people who master these powers.

At the Suzuki family's [-]th anniversary celebration banquet before, he had brought Hanyu Qingan to meet some people. At that time, he noticed that Hanyu Qingan was actually not interested in such things.

It is also understandable that very few young people are interested in this kind of thing. Everyone wears a mask, speaks something against their will, and tries to figure out each other's true thoughts. It is very boring.

Hanyu Kiyosuke thought about it for a while, and roughly guessed the "some friends" mentioned by Suzuki Shiro, most of whom were heavyweights in the financial circles of various countries.

It’s not scary to have enemies, and it’s okay to make more friends. Therefore, through the opening ceremony of the shrine, more energetic people will come to visit, make friends, and reach some consensus. Some things are not a big deal.

Hanyu Qing'an is not a strong boy, although there will be unbearable consequences if he does not do this, but his future father-in-law will not stop him from doing anything, it can even be regarded as helping him wipe his ass, and there is no need for him to refuse.

Of course, this incident is actually of great benefit to the Suzuki Consortium. It can be regarded as a combination of the mysterious field and secular forces, giving full play to their respective advantages and expanding their influence.

"Then I will trouble you to deal with these matters. I am still young, and some things really need the experience and guidance of the elders."

It's not that Hanyu Qing'an doesn't understand these principles, but he never had a chance to use them in his previous life.

Knowing the truth and being able to use it are completely two different things. If you have never used it, you will not have the habit of thinking like this. You can only wait for a flash of inspiration and suddenly think of it.

Suzuki Shiro also heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded with a smile. If his son-in-law is the kind of guy who doesn't listen to advice at all, he will die.

"Speaking of which, do you and Yuanzi have any plans for the future? Get married and have children?"

"Not yet. Marriage can be considered first. Having a child has to wait until Sonoko is an adult, right?" Hanyu Qingan replied.

Suzuki Shiro was a little impatient, "There's no need to wait so long. Sonoko's mother and I are both looking forward to holding our grandson. In addition, there is something I hope you can agree to, Hanyu-kun."


"In the future, you and Sonoko will have a few more children, and then choose a child who has no onmyoji talent to inherit the name of the Suzuki family?" Suzuki Shiro said earnestly.

"The talent to practice Yin-Yang Art should be rare, right? If you have too many children, there will always be no way to go on this path, so you can definitely inherit the Suzuki Foundation."

"Even if it's a girl, it's fine. After inheriting the surname of Suzuki, you can recruit a son-in-law, a good character, and a talent for business. As long as the Suzuki family name of the Suzuki Consortium is maintained, other things are not important."

"Originally, I planned to recruit a husband for Ayako or Yuanzi, but Yuanzi followed you. Ayako, a child who is usually so gentle and well-behaved, is also so willful in this matter."

Facing Suzuki Shiro, who tried his best to persuade him to have a child earlier, Hanyu Qingan felt a little difficult.

"You also know that Yuanzi and I are not interested in business matters, and we don't lack money or anything. In fact, you can consider having a third child and passing on the Suzuki consortium."

"..." Suzuki Shiro was stunned. I persuaded you to have a baby, but you persuaded me to have a baby instead?Is there such a son-in-law?He was startled and said:

"I'm at this age..."

Hanyu Qing'an said confidently: "With me here, I can ensure that you and Aunt Suzuki are healthy and energetic, and there will be no accidents even during the production process."

"..." Suzuki Shirou was speechless to refute, Hanyu Qingan did have this ability, "Let's talk about this matter, let's talk about it..."

Weng and his son-in-law fought each other over the matter of having a baby, and they were both a little overwhelmed. They each had a truce, enjoyed the scenery silently for a while, and then flew back.


In the evening, when Hanyu Qingan returned home, he talked about it with Suzuki Sonoko.

"Your father is urging us to have a baby, and he and your mother want to have a grandson."

The spoon that Suzuki Sonoko put the pudding into his mouth froze, and he turned his head dumbfounded, "What you said is true?"

Hanyu Qingan watched her reaction with great interest, "How is it? What do you think?"

"Me, what do I think? I'm still a high school student, are you a pervert?" Suzuki Sonoko put down the pudding and asked.

Yuzu on the side glanced at Suzuki Sonoko's chest with piercing eyes, and wanted to intervene, but didn't dare to say anything, silently put down the empty pudding bowl in his hand, and quietly touched the bowl that Sonoko put down.

Hanyu Qing'an innocently explained: "This is what your father meant, and I didn't mention it. I also felt too anxious, so I had to persuade your father, sir."

"Pfft~hahahaha~ You, how did you say it, you persuaded my parents to have a baby." Suzuki Sonoko imagined his father's expression in his mind, laughing until his stomach ached.

"Otherwise? Your father said that he would inherit the Suzuki Foundation to you. Are you going to learn to take care of those things?" Hanyu Qing'an said helplessly.

Suzuki Sonoko shook his head again and again, "I don't want to learn those things, it's so boring."

"So, before I opened the funeral service to support my family, who wants to work if you can enjoy life? Since you are not interested, you can only have a child and inherit the Suzuki family."

"It's too early for the two of us to have children, so you just let my parents? Inherit the Suzuki family?" Suzuki Sonoko sorted out the logic, and laughed even harder.

Sonoko Suzuki didn't care about the succession rights of the Suzuki family at all. If Hanyu Qingan really planned to let go and make money, it would be much easier than the Suzuki family.

Whether she is the daughter of the Suzuki family or the wife of the Hanyu family, Suzuki Sonoko doesn't need to think too much about money, she just needs to act according to her heart and preferences.

There is enough willful capital.

It is precisely because of such conditions that in Hanyu Seiyasu's view, Suzuki Sonoko is a rare girl who is particularly pure, and she can maintain this purity without worrying about being infected by reality.

(End of this chapter)

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