Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 304

Chapter 304
After Hanyu Qingan ordered the vampire girl to attack the seagulls in front, he felt a sudden shock under his feet, and the sedan chair was immediately pulled forward, and he quickly stood firm and helped him.

Since only one shikigami, the vampire princess, received the order to attack, the other three shikigami were dragged along with the sedan chair, so that the entire sedan chair instantly turned at an angle. With the horn as the head, he charged straight away.

This sudden spin and start, if it wasn't for the fact that he had practiced on the bus a lot in his previous life, and the load was too heavy and the speed was not fast, Hanyu Qing'an might have fallen hard.

The vampire girl's attack will not be stopped, nor can it be paused. Hanyu Qingan can only watch her bite a seagull's ass...


The seagull who was attacked from behind made a completely abnormal cry, and fell towards the sea as soon as its body froze. Fortunately, the general attack was a one-time attack, and the vampire girl did not rush down, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Hanyu Kiyoshi had lingering fears in his heart, it seemed that next time he should not let the Vampire Girl pull the cart, this was simply the same as a husky who had fun, once he got the order, he rushed out without hesitation.

I haven't tried the skills of the vampire princess yet, and when she flies out like a bunch of bats, the sedan car is missing a fulcrum, and it may overturn.

After the test, Hanyu Qingan was arranging his clothes while thinking about the battle just now.

It is good news that the federal garrison did not send planes to fight Yamata no Orochi, otherwise the danger and difficulty would have increased a lot for him.

It may be that they have suffered losses before and were shot down by Yamata no Orochi. After all, compared with large warships, aircraft in the sky can hardly escape the crash as long as they are hit by Yamata no Orochi.

And Yamata no Orochi's normal attack is the same as shikigami, and cannot be dodged. This leads to the fact that when facing Yamata no Orochi, the Air Force has nothing to do but pray that it is not targeted.

Not only that, but they also have to guard against the group skills of Yamata no Orochi to prevent the pilot from being stunned.

In this way, it is true that the loss of the entire navy is the smallest.

After thinking for a while, Hanyu Qing'an came back to his senses, and first exchanged the scales of Yamata no Orochi he had just obtained for a soul box.

Same as last time, the change is still the effect of the fourth position, which hits the Succubus, and puts it on Yan Mo after she gets it, so that she and Xuenv will not share the same imperial soul, which is troublesome to exchange back and forth.

After dealing with it, Hanyu Qingan looked at the time, and then... suddenly realized a very serious problem.

jet lag!

The stone distance is refreshed around [-]:[-], and Yaqi Orochi is refreshed after [-]:[-], but the refresh time of the former is the local time of Hawaii!

Tokyo is in the East Nine Districts, and Hawaii is in the West Ten Districts. The time difference is nineteen hours.

Now the time in Tokyo is almost [-] o'clock, converted to Hawaii's local time, it is already a little faster than zero...

Shouldn't all the stone distances have been beaten?
The original plan was to beat Yamata no Orochi and Ishigaku on the same night, and then hold the opening ceremony immediately tomorrow. This will not only achieve the effect of surprise, but also allow the other party to quickly realize the current situation after reacting, and understand to the respective strengths of both parties.

In order to prevent the other party from making a choice that everyone regrets before they understand the situation.

If one is missing, the effect may not be so good, and the gold coin income for a day will be lost. He also wants to see if the gold coins are enough to change the skin, which will be used in the ceremony tomorrow.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't delay any longer, opened the portal again, and headed to the sky above the stone distance in Hawaii.

When he appeared, the battle was raging below, and the artillery was roaring. If the radar hadn't spotted him, no one would have noticed his appearance.

"What is this UFO that suddenly appeared on the radar? Is it a reconnaissance plane from another country?"

"I don't know, but it's not important. The question is... why did it stay in place? Whether it's an airplane or a large bird, it's a bit strange, right?"

Seeing that they hadn't finished the fight, Hanyu Qing'an breathed a sigh of relief, and directed the snow girl to start a blizzard.

There were a lot of dark clouds today, and the light at the scene was not very good. It was a bit difficult for Hanyu Kiyoan to observe the target. Without hesitation, he quickly conjured a spell, trying to summon Huang.

Luckily, as soon as Huang appeared on the scene, the illusion unfolded, and the surroundings changed from the dark night sky and the sea to a dreamlike starry realm in an instant.

Compared with the real night sky, the illusion is more like a filter, which looks like a painting.

Many ships were originally floating on the sea, but now they suddenly ran aground on the ground, causing everyone to panic for a while, and before they had time to check the situation, a blizzard fell overwhelmingly.

Hanyu Kiyoan didn't plan to test his multiple defenses, how many anti-aircraft guns he could block, and the folding fan in his hand never stopped while Yuki was releasing skills.

Qinglong whizzed away from the side, and in a blink of an eye, his body swelled, and he began to summon thunder, and the dragon swung its tail.

Not only his hands moved, but also his heart moved, Yan Mo also started to move towards the ships below that were not frozen into ice, and began to roll their names one by one, and giant buns appeared on the sea.

The hideous octopus and sea monsters, the powerful ships and cannons of modern technology, the beautiful star illusion, the huge buns that are out of place, the styles are mixed, and the scenes are absurd, which once made people think short-circuited.

Shi Ju itself was already on the verge of defeat, and Hanyu Qingan suddenly launched an indiscriminate attack, and the Federation people over there hadn't had time to stop their attack and turn their guns.

So before all the Federation warships were under control, Shi Ju couldn't bear the pincer attack from both sides, and died on the spot.

It died and exploded, and a small pile of gold coins suddenly appeared on the treasure ship it was occupying, shining with a seductive light.

Hanyu Kiyoan had no time to take care of these gold coins, and still conscientiously manipulated the snow girl and Qinglong to sweep the fleet, while Yan Mo was in charge of roll call one by one.

This is good for surface warfare. The targets are basically huge ships with a limited number, and the efficiency of one by one roll call is also very high. Unlike on land, they are all scattered individuals.

Probably when the chaotic effect of the Succubus suit is available in the future, it will be easier to face the battle on land.

Finally, a fish slipped through the net and successfully fired a cannonball at Hanyu Qingan, but the cannonball hit the protective cover and exploded, causing no damage except for the shattering of the protective cover.

Hanyu Qingan took the time to make up [Yan Ling·Shou], and it didn't matter which ship hit it, anyway, as long as Yukio's blizzard doesn't stop, everyone below will stop serving soon.

After controlling all the targets observed by the naked eye, Hanyu Qing'an didn't dare to relax, and continued to use Yukino's blizzard to wash the ground, while using Enma to turn all the targets into buns.

After going on for a while, he finally stopped.

The wind and snow dissipated, the green dragon returned to its place, the ghost king and human beings all bowed their heads, and there was peace and silence in the illusion.

Hanyu Qingan let out a breath of turbid air. This kind of work is also a bit tiring, and his spirit is also a bit tense. He waved his hand, and the gold coins on the treasure ship flew towards him immediately, fell into his hand, and disappeared immediately.

I glanced at the number of gold coins in the system in my mind...

(End of this chapter)

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