Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 308 Miracles

Chapter 308 Miracles
Toyama and Ye didn't know when they appeared again. Although she was very angry, she couldn't help but come back and stare, lest Hattori Heiji make a mistake.

Mao Lilan took the initiative to say hello, "My name is Mao Lilan, a second-year student at Didan High School. It's the first time we meet. Please take care of me."

Yuan Shan and Ye were taken aback, shook hands frantically, and stammered: "I, my name is Yuan Shan and Ye, I'm from Osaka, and I'm also a sophomore in high school, please take care of me."

Mao Lilan smiled, "Your accent is so cute."

Yuan Shan and Ye were taken aback, and then thought it might be the Kanto people in front of them, who were laughing at their Kansai accent. Just about to get angry, Mao Lilan approached and asked in a low voice: "Is this classmate Hattori your lover?"

"?!!" Yuan Shan and Ye were shocked, their ears turned red, and they quickly shook their heads in denial, "Who would like that kind of guy, an idiot."

She glanced at Hattori Heiji, who was whispering to Conan, who was winking and enjoying it.

"It's strange how he can chat with this kid so well..."

With her hands behind her back, Mao Lilan pointed out, "Probably because they are the same kind of people."

"The same kind of people?" Yuan Shan and Ye Buming, the two chatted and became more and more speculative, and soon she forgot what she was going to do before, and also forgot that she wanted to be angry.

Ayumi on the side looked down at the beautiful maiden costume on her body, and then at Conan who was chatting with Hattori Heiji very attentively, feeling a little suspicious about her life.


The square in front of the worship hall was crowded with people, and almost every brick was full of people. From their position, they could only hear Kagura, but they couldn't see the maiden dancing.

When there are many people, it is inevitable that some people will be dissatisfied with it. Although in other big shrines, when there are many people, not everyone can see the shrine maiden's Kagura dance.

But it's not like this Hanyu Shrine, all ordinary people are not allowed to see it, only some so-called distinguished guests are allowed to go to the main hall to see it.

What is this arrangement?So what are they doing here?Shouldn't the opening of the shrine prepare some unique sacrificial activities and the like?

Then there are fireworks, food stalls, and bustling...

But there was nothing prepared here, and I climbed more than 20 floors all the way, but I saw nothing except some different-looking statues and unique buildings.

Even in the hall of worship, there is not even a statue of a god.

Just when the crowd started to get restless, a vision suddenly appeared in midair. After some sharp-eyed people noticed it, they shouted, and soon everyone knew about it.

From the main hall to the torii gate, from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, everyone looked up at the strange gate that suddenly appeared above the torii gate at the first entrance of the shrine.

A melodious bell sounded, very penetrating, as if it penetrated into people's hearts, but then disappeared suddenly, rushing to the horizon, leaving a moment of melancholy.

The sound of this kagura bell is obviously different from the one used in the kagura dance just now. There are no matching drums and other instruments, and there is no exquisite arrangement.

It was just a monotonous sound, but it was inexplicably clean and pure, which made everyone quiet down immediately.

Those who are knowledgeable can tell that the Kagura bell that makes this sound is obviously not ordinary, and it is of great value.

But no matter how much it was worth, people's attention soon stopped on it. First, the vampire princess with bat wings in a strange costume floated out of the door under the eyes of everyone.

Immediately afterwards came the Snow Maiden surrounded by ice and snow, with her legs crossed, and the Qingxing Lantern with a lamp stick sitting sideways, and then there was a luxurious sedan chair that looked like a small building boat.

As the sedan chair slowly emerged from the door, two figures could barely be seen on it, standing against the wind, followed by many strange gods and monsters.

After the sedan chair completely passed through the portal, Hanyu Kiyoan closed it casually, and it was suspended quietly in mid-air like this.

The worshipers at their feet stared up in stupefaction, not even feeling the pain in their necks.

Although the people who came here have basically seen the previous press conference of the Metropolitan Police Department, and knew that there might be various scenes beyond imagination, they still couldn't help being amazed.

It turns out...the rumors about gods and monsters are actually true...

Hanyu Qing'an waved the folding fan casually, and the rain girl behind him immediately squatted down and cried. The weather was so clear that the rain fell out of thin air.

The people right under their feet stretched out their hands to catch the raindrops in a daze. Some were amazed by the magic of this rain technique, and some complained inwardly. Instead, it will rain, this is really...

But soon, there were exclamations one after another from the crowd.

"My waist suddenly stopped hurting. Is it because of the rain?"

"It's raining, why don't my joints hurt?"

"I don't seem to be myopic anymore! Mom, I'm not myopic anymore!"

"The body seems to have become lighter, not as heavy as before!"

"The trachea is so comfortable, thank you, Lord God!"

"Old man, what are you doing holding your chest? I didn't meet you just now, don't make false accusations!"

"Hahaha, it's none of your business, it's none of your business, I'm fine, I'm fine, very fine."



The noisy scene was busier than Jiashiyuan. Seeing that the people below were not covered in the rain, Suzuki Sonoko was rushing to this side, and quickly reminded:
"It's time for us to move, or there could be a stampede."

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, this time the opening ceremony was not well-prepared, and there were no festivals and stalls like other shrines, and it was also out of this consideration.

A large number of people is prone to accidents, so end it as soon as possible, and then evacuate the crowd. Anyway, the Suzuki Consortium does not intend to recover the cost from the vendors at the festival.

The real estate developed nearby is the bulk.

Hanyu Kiyosuke ordered Shikigami to move forward slowly. As the sedan chair passed by, Amame kept crying, and the crowd kept exclamating with excitement. This scene always made Suzuki Sonoko feel weird.

I couldn't help but mutter in my heart, crying can bring good luck... How about crying when I turn around?
The people under their feet were like ears of wheat blown by the wind. They prostrated themselves on the ground from the torii gate, praying devoutly to the gods. Feel better, but even more uncomfortable.

In addition to dispelling the debuff effects of friendly forces, Yu Nu can also dispel the buff effects of enemy targets.

A small group of people began to curse and wondered that all the actors in front of them were hired actors. How much would it cost to have so many sailors?This level, I am afraid, can only be achieved by the chaebol and the government together?
It is also promoting monsters and gods, it is also promoting shrines, and it is also hiring sailors. The government and the chaebol must have a big conspiracy!
But after all, they are only a very small part, and most of them belong to neutral units, so they have all received benefits, and soon these individuals dare not speak nonsense.

No matter how nonsense, under the excitement of the crowd, it is possible to be beaten to death.

The sedan chair floated all the way above the square of the main hall, and flew towards the torii gate in front of the main hall. When it was approaching, a wave of water suddenly appeared on the torii gate, and the sedan chair went straight in without blinking or closing.

Just when everyone was stupefied, another teleportation door suddenly appeared in the square in front of the main hall. A group of witches hurriedly avoided it under the leadership of Akemi Miyano. to the middle of the square.

(End of this chapter)

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