Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 314 Kidd: In order to find my father, I endure...

Chapter 314 Kidd: In order to find my father, I endure...

Mao Lilan's eyelids twitched, the blond young man called Her Majesty the Queen just now, everyone heard it, but she never expected that her father, who was still trembling in the temple outside just now, was so bold at this time!

Others don't understand the virtues of Mori Kogoro, but Mao Lilan knows it all too well!
It would be terrible if her father made some disrespectful behavior to the queen of an unknown country and the matter turned into an international conflict.

Thinking of this, Mao Lilan quickly let go of the hand on Conan's head, and silently walked towards Mori Kogoro.

Conan was afraid for a while, and felt grateful in his heart. Uncle Maori was reliable, and this was the second time he had saved himself.

And this time he sacrificed himself to save him, which is so touching!
Seeing that Kogoro Moori still hadn't let go of the Queen's hand, Mao Lilan shot like lightning and pinched Kogoro Moori's wrist with precision. hand.

Mao Lilan stepped forward and stood in front of Mori Kogoro, stepping hard on his toes with his heel, Mouri Kogoro immediately jumped up with his feet hugged.

These actions were completed in the blink of an eye, so that no one around except Kyogoku Shin and Kaitou Kid could see clearly.

After completing a series of actions, Mao Lilan apologized, and apologized softly and politely to the Queen and the prince: "I'm sorry, my father was a little excited when he saw Her Majesty the Queen for the first time, so I'm sorry."

Prince Jill muttered subconsciously: "It doesn't look like this, Mira has always been willful."

The queen was noncommittal when she heard him muttering in her own national language, but she felt that the girl in front of her was more like her daughter, and she was a little closer. She said in a very kind manner:

"It doesn't matter, this trip can still stay in Japan for a few days, I wonder if it is convenient for Miss Maori to show us around?"

Mao Lilan froze for a moment, then nodded in a daze, and then the queen asked her for her contact information while pulling her to chat.

At this moment, Prince Jill suddenly climbed over the fence with agility and walked towards the blonde beauty pretending to be Kaitou Kidd.

The queen suddenly felt bitter. This child really doesn't know how to look at the occasion. There was a burst of good-natured laughter from the passers-by behind him.

"The vitality of young people is really beautiful."

"That's right, don't worry too much, Your Majesty the Queen."

"Young people make mistakes, and God will forgive them."

Today, all the visitors are in better physical condition than ever before. The long-lost youthful vigor has turned them into tolerant and generous gentlemen. They even talk a lot more than usual, and their expressions are high.

There is nothing to talk about tonight, they are already impatient to enjoy this hard-won energy, let's talk about the rest tomorrow.

Her Majesty the Queen looked at Prince Jill surrounding the blonde girl attentively, with a bitter smile, shook her head, and simply went around to the main entrance of the small courtyard, walked in, and slowly chatted with Mao Lilan.

What kind of fate is it to meet a girl in a foreign country who is exactly like my daughter, and she looks like a very polite child.

The Kaitou Kidd over there is even more numb, why did the queen just give up?Take care of your son! ! !
At a good age, is it reasonable to be courteous to a strange girl?Is this what he should do at his age? ! !
Prince Jill has already asked the girl's name, and now he is desperately wanting to get her contact information. This journey will end in a few days. If he misses this time, he doesn't know how to find this girl in the future .

It's not just about contact, he also hopes to spend some amazing time with each other in the next few days.

Of course, he is a young man who has just matured. He has been obsessed with hunting before, and he has not yet learned the eagerness of a middle-aged uncle. He still maintains the desire and fantasy of pure love, so he really just hopes to play around with the other party. That's all.

"I don't know what you like? What do you do to pass the time when you have nothing to do? Flowers and plants or reading?"

The Kaitou Kidd smiled stiffly, watching this prince with low proficiency in teasing girls tease him hard, he was determined to teach him what to do at this time in order to capture the girl's heart.

As the phantom thief Kidd, he had previously captivated Princess Ann of the Principality of Sabrina, and this time he has captivated Prince Jill of the Kingdom of Vespania. He is indeed qualified to teach this prince.

Seeing that the crowd was about to leave and the Onmyoji was coming back soon, Kaitou Kidd knew he couldn't delay any longer, so he had an idea and asked:

"I like gemstones the most. I can never get enough of that kind of shining luster, but I don't usually have the opportunity to touch too many famous gemstones..."

After Kaitou Kidd finished speaking, he paid attention to Prince Jill's face. If the other party thought that he was a vain gold digger, then he would not pester him anymore.

If the other party doesn't care, that's fine, he will continue to perfunctory for a while, and see if it is possible for the other party to take him to visit the royal jewels.

In those European countries, the royal families generally know each other, so they may have the opportunity to see all the gems collected by the royal family openly.

Prince Jill didn't have much experience in the world, so he didn't feel wrong at all, liking gemstones was just a very common hobby, and he didn't care at all.

"I have some gemstones in my family. If you are interested, you might as well come and enjoy them when you have time."

Kaitou Kidd raised his brows and gritted his teeth secretly. It seems that he will continue to perfuse this dull prince for a few days, and wait until he has finished reading the other party's collection.

Thinking of this, he quickly said: "It's getting late, I should go back to the hotel, I... I'll come to you tomorrow."

Prince Jill did not doubt that he was there, and nodded excitedly, "Then how about I send you off, at least to the bottom of the mountain? It's getting dark, and the mountain road is not very smooth. I don't worry about you alone."

The Kaitou Kidd almost caught a glimpse of Hanyu Qingan, so he could only nod in response, "Then I will trouble you."

Prince Jill was agitated, and hurriedly told his mother, and hurriedly caught up with the Kaitou Kidd who couldn't help but go first.

Her Majesty the Queen took a breath, patted the back of Mao Lilan's hand, and then got up to leave.

Originally thought that today's affairs would end here, but at the moment Her Majesty left the small courtyard, Mori Kogoro suddenly stood up and ran out.

He caught up with the queen and said exactly the same words as Prince Jill.

"It's getting dark, I'll see you off, Your Majesty the Queen."

Mao Lilan was not in a hurry to stop him, and could only watch as Kogoro Maoli left with Her Majesty the Queen.


Mao Lilan was completely disheartened. Her father was probably hopeless. She turned her head and saw Conan. She immediately remembered that she was interrupted and wanted to teach him a lesson, and immediately became angry.

"Conan...that blonde beauty just now, isn't she pretty?" Mao Lilan asked with a smile.

Conan was shocked, and quickly explained: "No, sister Xiaolan, listen to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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