Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 325 Hanyu: There is a problem...

Chapter 325 Hanyu: There is a problem...

"Father-in-law, happy birthday, I wish you blessings like the East China Sea, and a longer life than Nanshan."

The person who came was none other than the husband of Kang Jiang, the second daughter of the Nagato family, Nagato Guangming. From this surname, we could tell that he was a son-in-law.

Nagato Guangming put a wrapped gift box in the arms of President Nagato, and President Nagato expressed his thanks in a complicated mood.

Hanyu Qing'an and the others also looked sideways, only to realize that today is the birthday of the president of Nagato, but he celebrated his birthday, not only did his son and daughter have no one to celebrate his birthday, but even made such a fuss.

In the end, it was a son-in-law who was the only birthday presenter. Just when everyone changed their minds about this son-in-law, they only heard him say:
"If you want to thank me, why don't you hand over the chairman's throne to me as soon as possible, then I will be really happy."

President Nagato was dumbfounded. He also knew the son-in-law's ambitions, but he didn't expect the other party to say such things blatantly.

My only son is already like that, and the eldest daughter can't get married. The Nagato consortium can almost only hand it over to this son-in-law in the future. Is it so impatient?

Could it be... because of Hinata?

"Don't be nervous, it's just a joke." The son-in-law laughed and left, but no one thought he was joking.

President Nagato sighed deeply, he really couldn't liven up the atmosphere like this.

Suzuki Sonoko saw that President Nagato was so pitiful, and for some reason, she suddenly wanted to go home and see her father. She tugged Hanyu Qingan's sleeve, then leaned closer and said in a low voice:
"Come home with me after today is over."

Sensing that her mood was not right, Hanyu Qingan squeezed her hand tightly, patted the back of her hand, "Well, it's time to go back."

"Then, it's time for me to leave." Hattori Heiji's father suddenly said.

President Nagato said in surprise: "Aren't you staying to help me celebrate my birthday at night? And that thing..."

Hattori Heizo explained: "There will be a meeting at the Metropolitan Police Department in a while, and I'm afraid it will last all night tonight. As for the agreed things, don't worry."

"President Hanyu is here, as well as Detective Maori, and my kid. This kid has a lot of experience in handling cases, so he can help a lot."

It is said that even if President Nagato is disappointed, he can only give up. In this family, the closest person to him is this junior who is many years behind in age, which is really ironic.

"Sonoko, can you stay tonight?" President Nagato looked at Sonoko Suzuki expectantly.

Suzuki Sonoko patted his chest, "Don't worry, Uncle Nagato, I definitely can't leave early for your birthday, anyway, I'm an idler, and there's nothing important to do."

Chairman Nagato only showed a little smile, looking a little pitiful.

However, Hanyu Qingan fell into deep thought. There are almost no normal people in this family. It is no wonder that the president of Nagato is ashamed. Although he is materially rich, he is completely empty in spirit and family.

In addition, today it seems that there are too many people who are potential victims and suspected murderers, and they all seem to be worried.

Nagato's daughter, who speaks and behaves annoyingly, and the son-in-law of the second daughter of the Nagato family, and the president of Nagato himself, all three of them are a bit like victims.

Secretary Hyuga and the only son of the Nagato family are very likely to become murderers.


It was night soon, except for the only son of the Nagato family who didn't like to see people, the eldest daughter, the second daughter, the son-in-law and Secretary Hinata all came to help President Nagato celebrate his birthday.

Fortunately, this time it was quite restrained, and finally maintained the superficial harmony, but after President Nagato said that Secretary Hinata was about to marry his son, the eldest daughter left angrily.

The second son-in-law did not forget to taunt that she was the only one left unmarried, that's why she was so irritable.

"Hidetomi...don't you plan to come out today?" President Nagato regretted not seeing his son at this simple birthday party.

"Then I'll call him." The second son-in-law took the initiative, then turned and left.

Before his son came, President Nagato felt tired and drowsy, and fell asleep. At this age, he was still making such a fuss today, and it was indeed tiring.

Conan tugged on Hattori Heiji's trouser legs, and forced him to ask: "Can we talk now? What are you going to investigate this time? Don't talk about looking for your first love to perfuse me."

Hattori Heiji smiled, "This time it's actually..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a phone call, and the housekeeper hurried to answer it. The second son-in-law was on the other side of the phone.

"Please ask my father-in-law to answer the phone."

The butler looked at the sleeping President Nagato, wondering: "Master, he is already asleep..."

"But I've searched everywhere, but I can't find Xiuchen...ah—"

In the middle of the conversation, there was a sudden scream, and Mori Kogoro hurriedly snatched the phone from the housekeeper, "Mr. Guangming? Where are you now? What happened?"

"I'm in the downstairs room. I don't know who turned off the light and chased me with a knife, ah—"

Everyone rushed to the balcony to look down, Suzuki Sonoko also wanted to see, but Hanyu Qingan stopped him.

"What's wrong? It seems that something happened. I'll go and check the situation." Suzuki Sonoko asked doubtfully.

Hanyu Kiyoshi assured her that something happened, but something was not right, so he reminded her in a low voice:

"Do you remember the specialness of Maori Detective and Conan? Wherever these two people go, things may happen."

"Think about it, who is the most dangerous person in Nagato's family now?"

Suzuki Sonoko scratched his head, "That Guangming screaming down there?"

Hanyu Qing'an stretched out his hand and flicked her brains, "Idiot, it's President Nagato, he is the person who has the least ability to resist here, and he has great interests."

Of course, in fact, other people are also in danger, but in any case, this case should revolve around this president of Nagato.

He is the central figure.

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly realized, "That's right, so..."

Hanyu Qing'an looked like a teachable child, waiting for her to continue.


Suzuki Sonoko turned to look at him.

"..." Hanyu Qingan said helplessly, "So, we can't leave President Nagato alone, we must ensure that he is within our sight."

"Oh, oh, yes, that's what I wanted to say." Suzuki Sonoko looked like I was very smart, but I didn't arrange my words just now.

Then, the two saw the people on the balcony in a panic, turned around and ran out the door, and went to the room on the next floor to see what happened.

"Why did they run together? Just divided into two waves, one wave went to the balcony to check, and the other wave went to the bottom to check, wouldn't it be fine?" Suzuki Sonoko also found something wrong from the perspective of a bystander this time.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't have the nerve to say that you also wanted to go to the balcony just now, blindly following such things is really human nature.

In the huge room, it suddenly became quiet, only the sleeping President Nagato, Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Sonoko who stood calmly aside, and... the secretary Hinata muttering to himself on the balcony!
 Thanks for the reward of [CH_ENg, Misty Shadow] last week, thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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