Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 330 Already Knew the Truth

Chapter 330 Already Knew the Truth
Hanyu Qingan is not a nosy person, but he has a good impression of Chairman Nagato, this old man who is somewhat similar to his future father-in-law.

Secondly, although I only learned that my wife smashed someone else's vase and fell into someone's pool when she was a child, it is conceivable that this is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Three times, President Nagato's only son died, and his second son-in-law died, and he himself seemed to be on the verge of dying.

In the Nagato family, there is only a grumpy eldest daughter who is nearly forty years old and has not yet married, the second daughter who has just become a widow, and the future daughter-in-law who has just announced her marriage and has not yet held an engagement ceremony.

To make matters worse, the relationship between these three women seems to be not very good... Just thinking about it can make people foresee a bleak future.

So, if you can help, then just do it. Of course, if the so-called truth is too bad, Hanyu Qing'an will not help the evil.

President Nagato sighed when he heard the words, he also knew that his help to conceal it was only for a while, but in the past two days he was also in a very complicated mood, no matter how rich his experience was, he didn't know how to deal with these things.

"Actually, this matter has something to do with President Hanyu..."

"Oh?" Hanyu Qing'an was a little surprised.

President Nagato didn't hold back, and continued, "Yesterday, Heizo came to see me once.

He has been busy in Tokyo for a while, and when he heard that I was not in good health, he came to visit me and told me about the opening ceremony of your shrine, President Hanyu.

When it comes to the rainwater with miraculous healing power, he advised me to invite you to heal my body, and procrastinating like this is not an option.

I immediately thought of the burns on Xiuchen's face. After Pingzang left, it was already getting late, so I asked the housekeeper to go to Xiuchen's room to ask his opinion.

It's just that I didn't expect that after the housekeeper went in, he found that Xiuchen had committed suicide by taking poison..."

President Nagato's lips trembled, and he paused for a while before continuing: "Hidetomi left a suicide note, in which he confessed a crime he committed against Hinata back then."

"What crime?" Suzuki Sonoko asked nervously, listening very engrossed.

President Nagato sighed: "There was a fire nearby 20 years ago, which resulted in the death of Hinata's parents, and that fire... the culprits were Hideomi and Guangming..."

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly opened his mouth wide, and Hanyu Kiyosuke frowned, saying that... Hideomi died today, and Kokoro died too. It would be strange if it had nothing to do with Secretary Hinata.

So, by defending Secretary Hinata, President Nagato is atoning for his son?

"At the beginning, I thought that Xiuchen kept himself locked in the room to write because of the burnt face, not daring to see people, but I didn't expect him to suffer from this kind of guilt all the time in his heart.

I also finally knew why he rushed into the fire to rescue Hinata, and why he took care of and comforted her all the time, and helped her get out of the nightmare that made her an orphan.

It's my Nagato family, I'm sorry for this kid Hinata..."

Speaking of this, President Nagato couldn't restrain his emotions, and couldn't continue, the housekeeper at the side said:
"After I reported this incident to the master, the master was very sad and didn't know how to face Ms. Hyuga, so I decided not to move the young master's body and suicide note. I plan to wait for Ms. Hinata to find out and see her reaction before making a decision. .

It's just that she didn't expect that after Miss Hinata found the young master's body and suicide note and cried bitterly, she didn't make a sound.

Instead, they found Young Master Guangming when no one was there in the early morning. The two discussed something, and then buried the Young Master's body in the yard.

I reported this matter to the master, and the master guessed something, ordered me to keep quiet, and asked the director of the service department to come again..."


"So, what kind of case did Chairman Nagato seek your father to investigate?" Conan and Hattori Heiji were searching for clues in Hidetomi's room at this time.

Hattori Heiji explained: "Well, it is said that someone was running in the corridor in the middle of the night last night and heard strange noises, so I asked my old man to come and investigate, but after investigating for a long time, nothing was found."

"Running? Strange noise?" Conan was a little puzzled, "Could it be Mr. Guangming conducting a murder drill in the middle of the night?"

Hattori Heiji stopped and touched his chin, "It's possible..."


In the bedroom of President Nagato, President Nagato has already taken up the conversation again and narrated it himself.

"Not only in the early morning, but also in the middle of the night last night, Hinata was also doing some strange things, although I don't know what she was going to do, but I can guess the purpose, nothing more than to avenge her parents.

And the target of her revenge...Xiuchen is dead, so it should be Guangming, or...maybe including me. "

President Nagato smiled wryly, "I'm already old, and I'm already in poor health, and I don't care how I died. If killing me can free her from the pain of losing her parents, I really don't mind." .

It's just that she is still young, and I really can't bear her to ruin the rest of her life because of this, so I told her this morning that I might not be alive soon, and asked her to help me prepare a will.

He also specifically stated in the will that he would not hand over the position of president to Guangming, and even mentioned that he would investigate Guangming's embezzlement of public funds in the company.

Then I called Heizang again, and asked him to help investigate the strange noise last night, and deliberately remind Hinata...

I thought about using these methods, maybe I could dispel Hinata's murderous thoughts, but...


Therefore, Secretary Hinata is not self-defense, but premeditated...

President Nagato talked too much, he was so exhausted at this moment, he leaned back on the head of the bed and closed his eyes, Suzuki Sonoko and Hanyu Kiyosuke also sighed.

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes were blurred when he heard this, and he wiped his tears and said, "The savior is the enemy who killed the parents. The person I love the most has become the person I hate the most. Ms. Hinata must be in great pain."

"Yes, Ms. Hinata is in pain, Master Hidetomi is in pain, and master is also in pain..." The housekeeper looked at President Nagato worriedly.

Hanyu Qing'an suddenly remembered that the butler once mentioned the funeral at the door, no wonder the butler of a big family would be so reckless and mention such things.

For the president of Nagato, such a trivial matter as the funeral is really not worth mentioning, and he is really ready to die.

No wonder he refused his own treatment, and also refused to awaken the dead to find out the truth. Such a truth... would only bring more pain.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't know what he could do to help, Hideomi was already dead before he came, and he couldn't really bring a dead person back to life.

As for the truth, he can keep it secret, but Conan and Hattori Heiji will definitely be able to find out...

If that's the case...the only thing you can do is...

(End of this chapter)

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