Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 334 Hattori Heiji's First Love

Chapter 334 Hattori Heiji's First Love

On the other side, Mori Ran and the others did not go home right away, but took Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha directly to the city center for shopping. After finally coming to Tokyo, the two of them hadn’t done shopping yet, so they just took advantage of Let Mao Lilan be your guide before leaving.

It's a bit early now, and many shops didn't even have time to open, so they found a breakfast shop for dinner. During the dinner, Hattori Heiji kept winking at Toyama and Ye.

Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't understand, so they frowned and asked, "What exactly do you want to say? Isn't it good to just say it? I'm not the roundworm in your stomach."

Hattori Heiji was punctured by her, blushed, and smiled awkwardly at the other three, then leaned close to Toyama and Ye's ear, covered it with his hands and whispered:
"Did you forget? Last night, I said that I wanted you to talk to Sister Xiaolan, that's it... add a little plot setting to my character in the book..."

Yuan Shan and Ye Huanran, there is indeed such a thing, but...

"You didn't have any outstanding performance last night. How dare you ask for it? Even if Xiaolan agrees, readers will not be able to have a deep impression of your character."

The corner of Hattori Heiji's mouth twitched, last night...was really...a crime other than war...

"Don't worry about it so much, I just want to add something to my character, tell her about it."

Yuan Shan and Ye squinted, "You can just say it yourself? Why do you have to pass me?"

Hattori Heiji explained: "Miss Xiaolan is Kudo's woman. It's not good for me to go to her directly. If I go to Kudo, he can't protect himself now, so he can only go to you."

Yuan Shan and Ye were not on the same line of attention as him, and muttered: "What kind of woman is Kudo, you can't talk well..."

But if Heiji called himself that...


Yuan Shan and Ye blushed instantly.

"Kazuha? Kazuha!" Hattori Heiji didn't know why she was in a daze, "It's fine if you don't agree, I'll talk to her directly."

Yuan Shan and Ye came back to their senses, "Ah, I agree, I'll talk to you after dinner later."

"Oh? Really?" Hattori Heiji was overjoyed, "You are so nice, Kazuha, by the way, I have to ask when that book will be published..."

Yuan Shan and Ye looked at him foolishly happy because of his promise, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be restrained, it was as unstoppably bright as the morning sun outside the window.

Looking at the interaction between the two, Mao Lilan was a little dazed for a while, and even smiled as an aunt.

But when he regained his composure, he looked at himself, and at Conan, who looked like a primary school student beside him...


After the meal, Yuan Shan and Ye mentioned this matter to Mao Lilan, and Mao Lilan didn't hesitate, "As long as it's not something particularly strange, it should be fine."

Toyama and Ye looked at Hattori Heiji who was whispering to Conan behind him, and called him over, "Tell me, Xiaolan agrees, what do you want to add? Do you want to add a role?"

Hattori Heiji scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "No, I hope to add a little setting or a memory to my character."

Mao Lilan and Yuan Shanhe Ye were all taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Hattori Heiji carefully took out an omori from his chest, and took out a crystal bead from it.

"I hope to add this bead that I carry with me to my character setting, and then add a little bit about the origin of this bead."

After Yuan Shan and Ye heard this, their heartbeat under the rising sun suddenly turned into a stomachache. This guy turned out to ask himself for help because of other women!

"Hmph! Xiaolan, just ignore him, he's just looking for trouble!" Yuan Shan and Ye changed their expressions, and pulled Mao Lilan to go first.

Hattori Heiji didn't know what to do, he just thought why Toyama and Ye were so fickle, they had just made an agreement just before!

"Hey, He Ye, you bastard, you can't lie to me like this! Sister Xiaolan! Please help me, this matter is really important, Kudo... No, Conan, tell me quickly."

Conan sneered, you just tricked me this morning, now you want me to help?Why?Because of your black face?

Conan, Yuanshan and Ye didn't help, and even made trouble on purpose, but Mao Lilan was still soft-hearted. She looked at this strange scene and said:
"Why don't you tell me why you did this?"

Conan also became curious about what made Hattori so persistent about this matter, "Yes, let me tell you the reason first."

Toyama and Ye snorted coldly again, with stern faces, while Hattori Heiji fell into memories and began to talk about the origin of this bead.

After a while, after Hattori Heiji finished talking, Mao Lilan couldn't help but exclaimed, "So you want to use this method to find the girl you love first?!!"

Mao Lilan took a careful look at Yuan Shan and Ye, the latter's expression was even uglier, but it's no wonder, after all, her first love was not her.

Conan was speechless, and then added fuel to the flames without hesitation, saying: "Brother Hattori, you still remember what happened in the third grade of elementary school, how rare it is!"

Sure enough, Yuan Shan and Ye's complexion became even darker, and they gritted their teeth and said, "It's more than that, I only saw him once, and I don't even know what it's called, so he still looks everywhere every time he comes to the capital.

He even gained a little fame for solving the case before. When he was interviewed by a magazine reporter, he specially asked the reporter to take a photo to help publicize and find someone.

Knowing that Xiaolan's book is about to be published this time, don't you think about it again? "

Mao Lilan smiled awkwardly and politely, caught in the middle, it was a bit difficult.

Judging from what Toyama and Ye said, this matter is really important to Hattori Heiji, that's why they are so concerned, but to Toyama and Ye, this matter can really piss people off.

Hattori Heiji said sincerely: "Please, Miss Xiaolan, this matter is really important. I have been looking for her for eight years, and I don't want to miss any possibility."

Conan thought, is it really okay for you to say this in front of your childhood sweetheart?Is it a big heart or an idiot...

Mao Lilan was a little embarrassed, thought for a while and pulled Yuan Shan and Ye aside, and persuaded:

"Although I don't think it's very good to say this, but looking at Hattori-san, he will not give up until he achieves his goal, otherwise he will not give up for several years.

Maybe he will be normal only after he finds someone. Some things are just the more he can't get them, the more he desires them.

Maybe after finding it, he found that the person in reality was very different from his memory, so he let go of it completely?

Otherwise, with this incident between the two of you, there will be problems sooner or later, right?I still have to face it and solve it, right? "

Mao Lilan tried to persuade Yuanshan and Ye, but as she spoke, she realized that she was actually speaking to herself, and she was also facing difficulties now.

What if Shinichi can't go back?This is very possible, since Hanyu-kun knew about it a long time ago, but Conan knew it before he returned to his original state. I am afraid that even onmyoji can't solve this problem...

She can wait for him for ten years, but what about ten years later?Shinichi is in full bloom, and she has reached the age where she starts to grow old...

It's not that she didn't think of this question, it's just that she has been subconsciously unwilling to think about it, and she is also avoiding it...

Yuan Shan and Ye fell into similar depression after listening to Mao Lilan's words.

Why, just meeting someone once can make him care so much, but not myself who has been with him all the time?
(End of this chapter)

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