Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 337

Chapter 337
In the evening of the next day, the shrine.

Hanyu Qingan looked at Suzuki Sonoko who was arranging the shrine maiden clothes, his eyes gradually moved down unconsciously, recalling yesterday's slippery and hot touch in his mind.

Suzuki Sonoko sensed something was wrong very keenly, and suddenly raised her head and glared at him, "Bah, don't think about it!"

"What's wrong? Yuanzi?"

Mori Ran, who was checking Conan Miko's costume over there, looked over strangely.

"It's nothing, nothing." Suzuki Sonoko said hastily, but this practice of not having 300 taels of silver here is really more suspicious.

"Hey, Conan's shrine maiden costume fits pretty well." Hattori Heiji approached Conan with a playful smile and looked at it, not caring how ugly Conan's face was.

"Yes, I specially asked someone to make it according to Conan's size. By the way, I also prepared a camera. Xiaolan, you can take more photos as souvenirs, hahaha~"

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but let out all the depression of the past two days. It really is the most refreshing happiness built on the pain of others.

Conan glared at the two men angrily. Why is he swallowing his anger so much?Don't you hope that Xiaolan will calm down soon?What does it have to do with you?
Really, everyone is just making fun of it.

"Take them all, Kagura bell, gold and silver fan, one for each person." Yuan Shan and Ye took it from Miyano Akemi, and distributed it to Mao Lilan and Conan.

Of course, Suzuki Sonoko didn't need it, she had her own, full of rare antiques, and a wooden box for tea sets.

After everyone got ready, Hanyu Kiyoan led the crowd onto the largest sedan chair flying boat.

Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Sonoko stood on the bow deck, and behind them stood Mori Ran, Conan, Toyama Kazuha, and eighteen witches.

Further back, standing at the stern, Yuya Kazami, Kamel, Toru Amuro, who were mainly responsible for physical labor and chores, and Heiji Hattori followed.

"Is there something on my face?" Hattori Heiji asked strangely. This shrine employee named Amuro Toru had been observing himself.

Amuro smiled apologetically and looked away, "I'm sorry, I heard that you are a famous high school detective in Kansai, so I'm a little curious. I'm very interested in detective work, and I even asked Maori detective as my teacher before."

Well, definitely not observing the other person's skin color.

Hattori Heiji heaved a sigh of relief, smiled, and patted Toru Amuro on the shoulder familiarly, "It's okay, it's okay, just ask me if you have any questions, I still have some confidence in reasoning."

Amuro smiled and said: "That's really great, by the way, I don't know if you have heard of something."

"What?" Hattori Heiji was puzzled.

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the sea of ​​clouds behind the boat, and the glow at the end of the sea of ​​clouds, and said:
"Phantom Thief Kidd sent a notice letter to the Suzuki Art Museum, saying that he would come to steal the 'Egg of Memory' in the exhibits. The place where the Suzuki Art Museum is located is Osaka in Kansai. At that time, you have to try to catch Kaito Kidd ?"

Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up immediately, "Oh? Interesting, he also appeared at the opening ceremony of Hanyu Shrine a few days ago, but it was a pity that he escaped too quickly. I didn't expect to have another chance so soon, of course I want to go! "

"Then I wish you success in catching Kaito Kidd."

Toru Amuro just casually said that he would cause more trouble for Kaitou Kidd, and did not place any hope on the young detective in front of him.

The strange thief Kidd came to the door twice to provoke him, and it was time to teach this ignorant thief a lesson.

If he really finds out something, or even intervenes in the organization's affairs, it will be troublesome. Irrelevant people should be excluded as soon as possible.

He has already told all the members of his organization about this matter. Of course, the reason is to prevent the Kaitou Kidd from looking for trouble and accidentally discovering their identities, so everyone should be a little more serious and deal with this jumping thief.

In addition, after obtaining the permission of the president, he also told all the employees about this matter at the same time. Except for the members of the organization, the rest of the employees are not simple stuff, and they can be called elites of all employees.

Hmm... It seems to exclude Tomoko Hirasawa, this person... Amuro Toru also has a headache when he thinks about the information that Kazami Yuya passed on to him.

Is he really an ordinary person, or is his acting so good that even Kazami is deceived?
The flying boat flew all the way from the mountains to the city center, but it was at high altitude, so it was not discovered by the public for the time being, but the officials knew about this special flight plan a long time ago.

"Is it cold? There are spare coats in the cabin." Hanyu Qingan asked concerned.

Although it is indeed beautiful to stand on the flying boat and look at the cloud scene at dusk, the altitude is a bit high and the temperature is low.

Suzuki Sonoko was very excited and shook his head, "It's okay, it's just that I feel cold. Anyway, if you catch a cold, you can help me cure it. Now let me be self-willed~"

Hanyu Qing'an raised the corners of his mouth slightly, shook his head and laughed, he was really energetic, but that's what made it lively. When he and Yuzu were alone, to be honest, the house was quite deserted.

He is a social animal who was busy with work in his previous life. He has passed the age of exuberant curiosity and vitality, and has lost his freshness and interest in many things.

But with Yuanzi, driven by her full of energy all day long, the situation has improved a lot, and the enthusiasm for life has also become more and more enthusiastic.

But... Although the scenery is good, he couldn't stop working while looking at it. He kept holding the wooden sign receiver in his hand, and kept responding to requests from afar.

It is now after [-] o'clock in the evening, which is the business time. Because there are many foreign customers, Suzuki's family helped upgrade the transmitter and receiver before, so that they can be used all over the world.

In fact, because the day and night are not synchronized in various places, only the blessing technique is universal, and Rain Girl's Tears of Heaven can only be used remotely in some areas. Customers in other countries want to use this service. to a supported area.

Hanyu Qingan felt the requests from all over the world, and the feeling of activating the charm on the other side of the earth following the signal was really strange.

The gods in literary and artistic works, when they respond to the call of believers and lower their divine power, is it probably like this?
Hanyu Qing'an was thinking wildly, time was passing by, the destination was about to arrive, the little paper man began to command Shikigami to lower the height, and ordinary people on the ground finally discovered this phenomenon!

"What it is?"

"Looks like a boat..."

"A spaceship? Do you see its wings or propellers?"


"Then how did it fly?"

"Did you not watch the news these two days?"

"How to say?"

"You don't even know about Hanyu Shrine? Are you sure you're from Tokyo?"

"I'm sure, but you, on the contrary, don't look like a rich man with a lot of money. Ordinary migrant workers in Tokyo have time to watch the news? Are you kidding me?"


Someone interrupted, "Now that the economy is in such a recession, it's not normal to be unemployed and have nothing to do? So, are you sure you are from Tokyo?"

(End of this chapter)

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