Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 346 The Stripped Phantom Thief Kidd

Chapter 346 The Stripped Phantom Thief Kidd
Hanyu Qing'an's five people, although they didn't have a serious meal, they were already full after eating snacks all the way, and they were wandering around lazily.

Yuan Shan, Ye and Mao Lilan were still thinking about Hanyu Qing'an's education of their children just now.

If Heiji was educating their children... Yuan Shan and Ye's minds came up with the Heiji when they were young, dark and thin, with big eyes and very energetic.

"Thinking about how cute he was when he was a child now..." Yuan Shan and Ye didn't realize that their thoughts had gone astray.

Mao Lilan on the side is similar. If Shinichi is educating children... Conan's figure appears in front of his eyes, uh... It doesn't seem necessary to think about it, it is probably another Conan.

Neither of them realized that what they were thinking of was educating children, but what came to their minds was only... children.

"Ah, it's raining." The tip of Suzuki Sonoko's nose felt cold, just as raindrops fell on it, "Let's go back first, we've been shopping for a long time."

Mao Lilan nodded, and Toyama and Ye asked, "But what about Heiji and Conan?"

Hanyu Qing'an said: "The two of them should be arresting Kaitou Kidd, and now they don't know where. Xiaolan can send Conan an email, and he will come back when he sees it."

Although Mao Lilan was not worried that Conan was actually Kudo Shinichi, she still responded, "Okay, I'll post it right away."


"Over there!" Conan pointed excitedly, patting Hattori Heiji's shoulder and urged, "Hurry up."

Hattori Heiji was riding a motorcycle and carrying Conan. The two accidentally discovered the air battle between Akai Shuichi and Kaitou Kidd, and then followed them all the way.

After Akai Shuichi let go, the two of them still chased Kaitou Kidd without letting go.

"I know, don't rush, he can't run away!" Hattori Heiji turned the accelerator to the maximum, and tried not to slow down even if he was turning.

However, after Kaitou Kidd found the pursuers behind him, he began to drill into the alley. After several forks, Conan and Conan had actually chased the wrong person.

Calvados was on the roof of the castle tower, watching the scene with a telescope, and reported according to the tracker:

"It has been confirmed that Kaitou Kidd does have accomplices, and he is being hunted down by that black-faced detective in Kansai. The real Kaitou Kidd has already gone to the Egg of Memories."

Toru Amuro ordered: "You will be responsible for monitoring his accomplices next, and cooperate with other employees to contain them. If the Kaitou Kidd escapes, we can also find clues through his accomplices."


Toru Amuro turned off the walkie-talkie and waited quietly for the Kaitou Kidd to come to his door. Police Officer Nakamori's secret arrangement was no secret to him at all. Long before they sent the egg of memory, Toru Amuro had already laid a net first.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Police officer Nakamori, who was guarding the egg of memory, didn't think that Kaitou Kidd would come at this time. He was relaxing and preparing to face the dawn.

Kaitou Kidd finally arrived at the small building here, and lightly landed on the top of the building. He looked around vigilantly, and then took out the hook rope.

After fixing the rope, he fell down while hanging upside down, and threw the hypnotic gas tank he had prepared in his hand through the window.

Kaitou Kidd took out the gas mask from his arms, hummed a tune and jumped into the room, looked at the sleeping police officer Nakamori, smiled, and went forward to pick up the box containing the eggs of memories.

"Goodbye, officer."

Saluted to the fallen police officer Nakamori, Kaitou Kidd stood by the window sill, opened the delta hang glider, and jumped out...

The moment it was about to take off, a large net suddenly fell from the sky and landed on Kaitou Kidd, pressing him to the ground.

again! ! !

Kaitou Kidd didn't believe that this was the arrangement of Officer Nakamori, and the first reaction in his mind was Kamel's accomplice just now.

How did you provoke these people?Onmyoji is too stingy, and I helped him catch the employee who stole things!

He complained secretly in his heart, but his reaction did not lag at all. He quickly took out his poker gun and shot it at the ground. In an instant, a cloud of pink smoke dispersed, covering all sight.

Kaitou Kidd dexterously took off the hang glider that was entangled in the net before landing, and slipped out, but the moment he rushed out of the smoke, a high-heeled shoe came oncoming.

Judy and the witch group have already sealed off this road firmly!
The heels of the high-heeled shoes are so sharp that they reflect the cold moonlight, making Kaito Kidd sweat down his spine. As for it? ! !
And rounded up himself wearing high heels!Look down on people? !

The Kaitou Kidd quickly lowered his head and dodged this kick, and Judy's next series of attacks, grabbed a gap, and fired three more poker guns, setting off smoke that obscured his vision again.

"Keep your own positions and don't move around!"

Losing her vision, Judy immediately stopped and gave orders, and the witch group took orders.

As the smoke dissipated, Kaitou Kidd's figure had disappeared, and Yuya Kazami's voice sounded from the intercom.

"He's still there, pretending to be one of you."

Judy immediately began to count the people. Akemi Miyano didn't come because she couldn't speak. Including herself, there were a total of seventeen shrine maidens, one not too many, one not too many.

She frowned slightly, and vigilantly glanced aside everyone, they were all familiar faces.

"Report the number."

After she gave the order, everyone began to count in turn, and it was not in the order of standing, but in the order set in advance!




They kept counting until the seventh person, and finally there was a problem. The person who was supposed to report seven didn't make a sound in time. Everyone looked towards number seven, and it was Tomoko Hirasawa!

Seen by everyone, Kaitou Kidd knew something was wrong, and immediately wanted to throw smoke bombs again, but just as he put his hands into his arms, a heart-rending pain came from his waist.

Amuro Toru did not know when he had already lurked nearby, and the moment he confirmed Kaito Kid's identity, he sprang out of the darkness like a cheetah.

Moving like thunder, a punch hit his lower back, paralyzing Kaito Kidd's lower body on the spot.

That's not to mention, before Kaitou Kidd had time to fall to the ground, Judy took out a long, big electric baton and stabbed him at him.

Kaitou Kidd didn't have time to react at all. The people present were not ordinary people. In terms of agility, they were not much worse than him, and some were even stronger than him.

After a convulsion, Kaitou Kidd threw himself on the street and lost consciousness.

"It has been confirmed that he has lost the ability to resist." Judy said while handcuffing Kaito Kidd.

Toru Amuro stepped on Kaito Kidd's ass, pulled off the handcuffs on Judy, and immediately fell off, along with two fake hands.

Judy's eyes widened, she didn't realize when Kaitou Kidd did it!
Toru Amuro squinted his eyes and said, "Kaitou Kidd is very cunning, so we can't be slack in the slightest. Kazami will continue to monitor, just in case, and I'll take care of all the little things on him."

"Understood." Kazami Yuya's voice sounded from the walkie-talkie.

So, under the watchful eyes of seventeen...sixteen maidens, Toru Amuro stripped the Kaitou Kidd bit by bit, and piled up the poker snatches, smoke bombs, and other props found on him into a hill.

After Kaitou Kidd was stripped down to his trousers, Toru Amuro carefully tore off the gas mask on his face, intending to get a glimpse of the true face of this legendary thief...

(End of this chapter)

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