Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Hanyu Qing'an heard the words and asked strangely: "Where's the little paper figurine I gave you earlier? Didn't you bring it with you?"

He suddenly remembered that the little paper figurine given to Suzuki Sonoko seemed to have not been seen for a long time.

Suzuki Sonoko scratched his head, "When I went out, it was sleeping, so I didn't wake it up. I'm always with you anyway, so it doesn't matter if you take it or not."

Hanyu Qing'an seemed to have realized something, "Then what do you usually let it do?"

Suzuki Sonoko shook his head, "There's nothing that needs it to do, I have people doing all the work at home, and the little paper doll you gave me has always been used as... um... How should I say it, pet? Doll? Talk to someone?

Anyway, there is nothing that needs it to do. "

Hanyu Qing'an finally understood that the little paper figurine in Sonoko Suzuki's hand was simply working as an uncle in Suzuki's family, probably not only because he didn't work, but also because he had to be taken care of by someone, right?

He guessed right, the little paper man who had escaped his clutches was taken care of every day, not only did he have his own small villa, but also the maid took the softest eraser to help him bathe, and it was wiped clean.

It even prepared a lot of colorful paper-cut dolls to accompany it. If other little paper figures saw it, they would probably blow it up on the spot.

Feeling speechless for a while, Hanyu Qingan silently took out three small paper figurines from his pocket. Fortunately, they were sleeping when they were not called, so they did not hear the luxurious treatment of their own kind.

After being woken up, they obediently crawled in through the cracks in the floor, and after a while, the three of them came out, shaking their heads in unison.

"No way... so what should I do? Violently open?"

Suzuki Sonoko's heart is itching like a cat scratching. The treasure is below, but he can't get in the door. Although it is estimated that it is not worth much, this unique achievement is not the same as the novelty.

That is to say, there were too many people, if the two of them were alone, and she said something that made her feel itchy, Hanyu Qing'an would probably directly say to help her scratch it.

Seeing that the situation seemed to be at an impasse, Toru Amuro took the initiative to say, "President, since the entrance has been determined to be here, I'll call the other members over here. I remember a few of them who are proficient in Russian."

Hanyu Qingan nodded, he had no objection, but when it came to being proficient in Russian, there was a serious Russian clerk here, and he didn't remember any Russians under his command.

Toru Amuro went out, and within a few minutes, he came back with a group of men in black. Because the study room was limited, only three employees who were proficient in Russian came in besides Kusuda Rikichi and other old employees.

After hearing what had happened, the three of them asked that sentence again.

"Balushenikkuka was defeated."

The three chanted each other several times, and suddenly one of them said: "It's a question of punctuation, it should be, Baluchenike, Kanzhimei."

"What do you mean?" Suzuki Sonoko looked blank.

"The magician at the end of the century." The Russian clerk suddenly realized, "I should have guessed it just now, and I have already heard this name."

Hanyu Qingan felt that this big man seemed to fit his appearance, but his brain was not very bright, and his Russian level was not as good as that of his employees because he had been in Japan for a long time.

Well, the employee who guessed the password looked a little familiar. He seemed to be a laborer—the one who carried the coffin. He was the one who carried the funeral of Nagato’s family before.

The Russian clerk quickly entered the password, and then the mountain shook for a while, as if the house was about to collapse. A piece of floor on the ground suddenly shrank towards the wall, revealing a dark underground passage.

"President, let them go down to find the way first." Toru Amuro glanced authentically, and said to Hanyu Qingan.

Hanyu Kiyoan nodded, isn't that what employees are used for, there's nothing wrong with it.

So, all the well-trained men in black took out their flashlights, quickly descended into the tunnel, and began to investigate the situation.




A series of voices came back, Toru Amuro nodded to the maidens who were still wearing maid outfits, and they spontaneously divided into two teams, one team walked in front, the other team walked in the end, with Hanyu Kiyoan and others in the middle.

Shouting and embracing, a large group of people began to hunt for treasure underground.

Although the tunnel is quite dark, there are too many people, so that the originally cold and quiet underground space is quite lively, and every once in a while there are employees guarding the roadside police circle, reminding the ground of foreign objects or dripping water on the ground. Yes, very thoughtful.

"There is a fork in the road here." Halfway, an employee standing on the side of the road reminded.

Hanyu Qing'an heard the words and asked: "Are there any traps or traps in the forked road?"

The employee reported: "There is a high platform at the end of the fork. Under the high platform is a rotten rope ladder. It is suspected to be an emergency escape exit. Because I didn't carry the rope ladder, I can't check it temporarily."

Hanyu Qingan suddenly had an idea, and turned to Toru Amuro, "Are there any employees who are good at freehand rock climbing?"

Toru Amuro nodded, "Yes, I will ask Kazami to make arrangements, just keep going here, and they will report back after the investigation in a while."

"That's it." Hanyu Qing'an nodded, and continued to walk forward, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, sure enough, it's easy to order others to work, especially a group of good employees who don't need to worry about it and deliver it to their door for free.

Kaitou Kidd followed Conan listlessly, complaining: "The life of rich people seems so boring, it's not exciting at all..."

Conan nodded in agreement, "'s not challenging at all."

Kogoro Mori squinted at them when he heard the words, and sighed: "Young people, I don't know that life is hard and under pressure, how can they have so much energy to think about stimulation and challenges. Of course, the easier the better."

Conan heard the words and said quietly: "Betting on horses and pachinko...don't middle-aged people also seek excitement?"

Mori Kogoro froze, and punched Conan on the head, "I want you to talk more."

"President, there is a door here with a strange pattern on it, which seems to be an agency." Another report from the staff came from the front.

Hanyu Qing'an took a flashlight and looked forward, and a door with complicated patterns and an ancient atmosphere appeared in front of him.

"The pattern on it is a double-headed eagle, the emperor's symbol." Toru Amuro stood beside him and said, "The agency..."

He squinted his eyes and looked around, "It should be light. There is a crown on the double-headed vulture's head, and the sun is behind its head. If this is the case..."

As he said that, he narrowed the aperture of his flashlight, focused the beam of light on the crown, and then the ground shook again, and the place two steps ahead suddenly collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, a vertical crack opened in the ground under their feet, and they separated towards the two sides. Toru Amuro and Kiyoan Hanyu hurriedly backed away.

A hidden staircase appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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