Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 365 Akai: Akemi...Shiho...

Chapter 365 Akai: Akemi...Shiho...

"I...although I really want to invite this treasure back to China, but now it seems that its significance to Ms. Kasaka can no longer be measured by the value of a work of art. Therefore, the Russian side will give up its ownership."

The Russian clerk didn't know whether he was scared or really thought so. In short, he happily gave up the idea of ​​bringing the egg of memory back to Russia.

Hanyu Qingan stepped forward and picked up the egg of memories after the slide show was finished from the pedestal, and handed it to Kasaka Natsumi, "Since no one has any objections, then it belongs to you."

Kasaka Natsumi hesitated and said, "But the one inside..."

Hanyu Qingan smiled, "It's okay, Sonoko and I have discussed it, and the egg inside will be given to you."

"The [-] million yen is just given away like this?" Mori Kogoro looked unbelievable, as if he wanted him to pay [-] million yen.

Kasaka Natsumi was taken aback, and quickly thanked her. The housekeeper at the side was even more stunned. After recovering, she hurriedly stepped forward to bow and apologize.

"I'm really sorry, I thought Miss was too credulous before, but I didn't expect you to do this, it's really admirable.

To be honest, I have lived to this age, and I have really seen too many things where you die because of a little money. It is really... In short, thank you for your help, and the Kasaka family will always remember it in my heart. "

The old butler was a bit incoherent, but everyone didn't care about his previous suspicions. With so many people in black coming to the door, everyone was confused and panicked.

The incident ended successfully, and when everyone left the hall, it happened that Kazami Yuya came to report the situation of the fork in the road.

"There is indeed an escape route. After our people climbed up, they found the mechanism. After going up there, they can leave from the tower next to the castle."

"Okay, I see, thank you for your hard work, Kazami." Hanyu Qingan nodded, and suddenly said, "You came back a little late, and missed the wonderful moment."


Kazami Yuya wiped the sweat from his forehead, not sure why, is he blaming himself for his inefficiency?But I am already very fast...


It was night soon, and it was supposed to be a rest time, but many people couldn't fall asleep at all.

In a deserted alley in Mihua Town, Toru Amuro was standing in the shadow of a corner and calling Belmode.

"...Although it sounds bizarre, the situation is roughly like this. The President and the monster monk Rasputin have so many things in common that it's hard not to associate them.

And this is very consistent with the previous speculation. Only the rebirth of the seizing house can explain why Hanyu Qingan changed his temperament almost overnight.

The astonishing speed of his yin and yang improvement is not hidden from my observation, so it is very likely that he is adapting to this body, and then regaining the strength he once had.

This guess can also explain his two faces. Before, I only thought that when he was in the state of Onmyoji, he had a cold temperament, but after observing more, I found that it was more like a kind of coldness...

The coldness of the underworld... does not belong to the temperament of the yangworld. "

If Hanyu Qingan heard this, he might not be able to resist giving Amuro Toru a set of frozen steamed buns. What kind of nonsense is this? What is Hellish Temperament?

Obviously preconceived!
Belmode's slightly tired voice came from the other side of the phone, "Okay, I see, as expected of you, the information you sent during this period is very valuable, but..."

Amuro Toru's eyes flickered, and his tone softened, unlike the previous stern report, "Your voice sounds tired, is there anything bad going on recently?"

Belmode lazily said: "There is nothing bad about it, but the task is heavy, and there is no time to breathe, it is really... depressing."

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes, "Although you have complained like this before, but this time it sounds particularly serious, and it seems...a little confused?"

"Oh?" Belmode was slightly surprised, "You are really as sharp as ever, I just relaxed a little, and you noticed me."

She paused and continued, "Some things are inconvenient to tell you, but the organization has not been stable recently, and you should have noticed that Rum hasn't paid attention to the tasks here for a long time."

Toru Amuro tentatively asked, "Struggle for power? Will organizations do this kind of thing?"

Belmode chuckled, "How could there be no such thing? But it's not that simple, and I don't know the details. I haven't gone back for a while.

Well, knowing too much is not a good thing, you just continue to do your task, hang up first. "

Toru Amuro hurriedly called out, "Wait a minute, there is another question, isn't Gin not in China recently?"

There was an explosion sound from Belmode, and her slightly shortness of breath, "He's been very busy recently, and I don't know his mission. There's something urgent here, so I'll hang up first."

beep beep beep beep beep~
There was a busy sound, Toru Amuro's face was serious, he always had an ominous premonition, what was going on in the organization?
Isn't it just a seizure of power?

Is it because of the appearance of the president and the verification of extraordinary power that sparked disputes over the organization's philosophy and line?

Could they have really researched something? ! !
Amuro was stunned for a moment, if this is the case, then the organization in black will be even more difficult to deal with...

Thinking of this, he quickly shifted his location, found an empty phone booth, and called Kuroda Hei.

"it's me……"


On a certain big tree, Akai Hideichi was holding up the night vision binoculars and monitoring the situation in the villa in front of him with earphones.

"Sister, I heard that you followed them to the castle to explore and hunt for treasure. Is it interesting?"

The lights in the bedroom were not turned on, and Hui Yuanai sat on the bedside with his legs crossed, holding up the phone and chatting with Miyano Akemi, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, catching the moonlight.

blah blah——

There was a tapping sound.

Although she couldn't stand her younger sister acting like a spoiled child, Miyano Akemi secretly slipped her contact information to Haibara Ai, but even at this time, she still didn't speak, and just responded by knocking on the microphone.

Hui Yuanai already knew the Morse code by heart and quickly translated it.

[Interesting, the mechanism of the Egg of Memory is incredible, it can show photos like a slide show. 】

Although she couldn't hear her elder sister's voice, just the knocking sound made Hui Yuanai very kind.

"I was almost there today, but Edogawa said that everyone from the funeral home was there and wouldn't let me go.

So we had no choice but to go back the same way, and Yuan Tai and the others made a fuss about it all afternoon, and in the end, the doctor treated him to a big meal before he became happy..."

Outside the house, Akai Hideichi put down the night vision binoculars and interrupted the monitoring. The matter has been confirmed, and that's enough.

Indeed she is...


 Thanks for the reward last week [Cotton Candy at Midnight, Beiming 0 Blizzard], thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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