Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 374 There is a problem with the name

Chapter 374 There is a problem with the name

Conan stiffly maintained the posture of crawling on the ground, but fortunately Mao Lilan quickly waved his hand generously and let him go.

"Go, go, drink less juice in the future."

Conan, as if he had been pardoned, quickly got out of the room.

Robert had already walked to the door at this time, and said to Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha: "I'll drive the car over, please wait a moment."

"Ah, yes." Hattori Heiji responded, and then leaned over to Hanyu Qing'an to remind him, "Onmyoji, Mr. Ryuji, please watch over him, he seems to have a problem."

Hanyu Qingan nodded, "I see."

Hattori Heiji got up after finishing speaking, and said to Toyama and Ye: "Let's go, follow me closely, it's not safe at night."

Yuan Shan and Ye were stunned for a moment, is Heiji the kind of guy who cares about people?
She stared at his back suspiciously, followed behind him, then turned to look at Hanyu Qingan and the two, Suzuki Sonoko was too embarrassed to lift his head at this time, Hanyu Qingan grabbed her hand in public, which made her very upset I'm a little embarrassed.

Yuan Shan and Ye Ruo thought, could it be that President Hanyu said something to Heiji, so this wood became enlightened?

In the courtyard, the night is dark, the moon in the sky is covered by clouds, the lights in the house can only shine on the edge, and it is pitch black outside.

Looking from a distance, the trees with luxuriant branches and leaves were faintly shadowed, like monsters with claws and claws. Toyama Kazuha couldn't help following Hattori Heiji closely.

"What about Moonlight?"

Hattori Heiji pointed to the sky, "Just a little cloud, it will be fine."

Just as he was talking, Robert parked the car in front of the two of them. The front of the car was facing them. He stuck his head out of the car window and said, "Get in the car, it's getting late."

Hattori Heiji nodded, took Toyama and Ye into the car, and sat in the middle of the cab of the pickup truck, separating Toyama and Ye from Robert.

"Can you tell me something about you and Miss Misa?" After the car started, Hattori Heiji asked tentatively.

Robert was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were covered with a layer of sadness. After hesitating for a while, he forced a smile, and said slowly:
"That was three years ago. When I was taking pictures nearby, I accidentally encountered a sandstone collapse and was seriously injured..."


"The injured Robert was met by Meisha because the hospital was full that day, and then the kind-hearted Meisha took him home after receiving treatment."

Near the dining table at Takeda's house, Takeda Ryuji was also telling about Robert to Hanyu Kiyosuke, Suzuki Sonoko and Mori Ran.

A blond-haired, blue-eyed foreigner suddenly appeared in this rural family in the deep mountains of Tottori Prefecture, which was really eye-catching.

Even if Hanyu Qingan didn't remember the case, he knew that he probably had something to do with this person, and he happened to be asked by those two detectives to pay attention to this Takeda Ryuji, so he simply left him here to tell the story.

Anyway, with Hanyu Kiyoan's identity and Takeda Ryuji's previous attitude, it is absolutely impossible for him to refuse to neglect and leave directly.

Yoko Takeda cleared the table, served tea again, and left with the two children so as not to disturb her husband talking with Lord Hanyu.

When Ryuji Takeda mentioned Misa, he unconsciously showed grief, "Robert was not good at Japanese at the time, and his mouth was injured, so he and Misa talked in Roman characters with pen and paper, and the two got along very well.

After that, I brought Yoko, Sae, and Emi back to Tottori from Tokyo, and spent some time with Robert. He has a very good personality and is very sunny, and Sae Emi also likes to be with him. Play. "

Speaking of this, Suzuki Sonoko said strangely: "If the relationship is very good, but when Sae Emi and the others saw Robert today, why did they call him a murderer?"

Takeda Ryuji sighed when he heard the words, and shook his head slightly, "Probably because children are not sensible, because two or three days after Robert left, Misa committed suicide suddenly, and Sae and Emi probably regarded him as the murderer."

Hanyu Qingan suddenly frowned, he always felt as if he had discovered something, Suzuki Sonoko asked strangely: "What's wrong with you, Qingan?"

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "No..."

Just halfway through speaking, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he knew something was wrong, it was the name!
Misa, Sae, Emi!
These three names are connected!
In the past few days, because the little paper figurines are not progressing well in reading, Hanyu Qingan has increased the task for them, and then watched them personally, and taught Yuzu by the way.

Well, he also learned it by himself. Although his half-baked Japanese, due to environmental problems, his spoken English has progressed rapidly, but in fact, sometimes his eyes are smeared when it falls on paper.

It just so happens that I have been doing various crossword puzzles recently, including Solitaire, and I am particularly sensitive to this kind of thing.

In addition to Pusi Qinglan last time, whose name was reversed to Rasputin, Qingan Hanyu has realized that people in this world like to make fuss about their names.

Not only these, even the names of the three Takeda brothers are the same, the eldest is called Shinichi, the second is called Ryuji, and the third is called Yusan, it is really easy to distinguish.

After Hanyu Seiya thought it through, his face stretched and calmed down, he stared at Takeda Ryuji deeply, and asked unhurriedly: "I heard from your wife before that Ms. Misa is Mr. Shinichi's daughter, right?"

Takeda Ryuji shook the hand holding the cup wall slightly, nodded, "That's right."

Hanyu Qing'an saw this detail, squinted his eyes slightly, and said noncommittally: "That's it."

Mao Lilan looked around, then lowered her head and continued to record something in her small notebook.

Takeda Ryuji's scalp was numb from being stared at by Hanyu Seiyasu, his throat was trembling, and he was about to say something, when Conan violently opened the door and exclaimed: "Mr. Shinichi is dead!!!"


Takeda Ryuji was shocked, and everyone else in the room also stood up and quickly followed behind Conan.

Conan led the way and ran towards the warehouse. Takeda Ryuji asked strangely, "Didn't my elder brother go back to his room to make puppets? Why did he go to the warehouse?"

While running, Conan replied: "I went to Mr. Xinyi's room but didn't see anyone, and then I searched around for a long time, and finally found him in the warehouse."

Takeda Ryuji was about to ask about the specific situation, but several people had already gone downstairs to the warehouse, so it was better to go up and see by himself, so a group of people stepped on the stairs and followed Conan straight to the second floor of the warehouse.

However, when we reached the second floor, the door was locked. Takeda Ryuji looked at Conan strangely, "Little friend, are you really not joking?"

Conan nodded solemnly, "I saw it through the keyhole."

Of course, the first thing he saw was not the corpse, but a light ball through the keyhole, and then he noticed the corpse.

"It's really not right. Since two people committed suicide here, no one will come to this room. Why is it suddenly locked..." Takeda Ryuji looked embarrassed, "I'll go find the key."

"No need, I'll do it." Hanyu Qingan stepped forward, took out the little paper figurine from his pocket, let it enter the room, and unlocked the door from the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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