Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 377

Chapter 377
Seeing Shinichi Takeda tore off the puppet thread bit by bit, Ryuji Takeda was terrified, shook his head vigorously, and hurriedly explained:
"Brother, when you died, I was chatting with Lord Hanyu, it is impossible to kill someone!

And when we arrived at the warehouse, it was locked, it was a secret room!It can't be artificial at all!It must have been done by the Spider Fairy! "

Seeing that Takeda Shinichi didn't believe it at all, he quickly turned his head to look at Hanyu Qingan, "Master Hanyu, tell me, I have been with you since my eldest brother left the dining table!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Hanyu Qingan to reply, he turned his head to look at Takeda Shinichi who had already crawled up to him and could grab his ankle with his outstretched hand.

"Brother, you should believe Master Hanyu's words, right? You can come back to life after death, that's Master Hanyu's divine power!"

Takeda Shinichi finally stopped his movements and looked at the mysterious figure Hanyu Qingan.

Qingan Hanyu nodded, and said to Shinichi Takeda: "He is right, from the time you left the dining table to the time you died, Mr. Ryuji was with me all the time, and he was talking to me about Misa. Didn't leave, so he couldn't have had time to kill you."

Takeda Shinichi hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, the hostility on his face dissipated, and he covered his head and looked at the old lady Takeda. The old lady had repeatedly dissuaded him from bulldozing the ancestral hall, lest he would suffer retribution.

"Could it be that Spider Fairy did it?"

The old lady Takeda didn't answer, she just tapped on the floor with her cane, muttering: "Ah, ah, ah..."

Hanyu Qing'an reiterated again, "Artificial work is human work. If you repeatedly blame the crime of murder on the head of the spider fairy, it will also be angry. Be careful of words that are careless. It will really bring trouble."

Saying this, the effect is much better than directly refuting the rumors. Not only the Takeda brothers are honest, but even the old lady Takeda dare not talk about the spider fairy anymore.

Seeing this, Hanyu Qingan shook his head secretly, he still needs to use superstition to cure superstition, also, who made himself not a materialist.

It finally quieted down here, and it just so happened that Conan and Mao Lilan also came back.

Conan walked up to Hanyu Qingan, took out a small white ball, handed it to Hanyu Qingan, and explained:
"It must be man-made. I can already confirm the criminal's modus operandi, but... I'm afraid I can't find any evidence now."

Hanyu Qingan nodded, he had already expected this situation, and immediately said decisively:

"Then let's trick the prisoner, as long as the prisoner is not among these people at the scene, they will not know about Takeda Shinichi's amnesia.

After seeing the revived Takeda Shinichi, he would definitely think that he was exposed, and he was most likely to make mistakes in a panic, and he would probably show his flaws by himself. "

Conan sighed, "For the time being, that's all we can do. I don't know if Hattori will make any progress."

Hanyu Qingan patted his head, "They don't know when they will come back, it's a waste of time to wait, you go and call the others one by one, and check them one by one just in case."

Conan's face collapsed, and Hanyu Qing'an took it for granted, "Children just like running errands, it's just right for you."

Conan rolled his eyes, turned and went downstairs.

Hanyu Seiyasu looked at Takeda Shinichi and the others, "Conan will call the others one by one in a while, so don't talk.

Mr. Shinichi, no matter who you see coming in, treat the murderer who killed you on the spot..."

The strategy sounds ordinary, but it is actually very practical, and besides Hanyu Qing'an, no one would use it. Well, the last one was probably Prime Minister Zhuge?

It was easy for everyone to understand, and they all nodded in response.

2 minutes later, Conan came back with someone...


On the other side, after the three of Hattori Heiji worshiped Perfect Sand, the three of them returned.

Passing by a small bridge, Robert suddenly said that the scenery here is good. He and Meisha have visited it before, so they can go down to have a look.

"Huh? That's it, that's good." Yuan Shan and Ye agreed without any scheming.

Hattori Heiji scolded the fool secretly, and then got out of the car, standing by the bridge to watch the river and the moonlight was really nice and charming, but Hattori Heiji's attention was all on Robert.

Robert felt his gaze and kept trying to find a chance to get rid of it, but Hattori Heiji didn't give him a gap at all.

Then a strange picture appeared, Toyama and Ye looked excitedly at the river scene under the moon, and yelled for Hattori Heiji to watch it together.

However, Hattori Heiji didn't respond at all to his childhood sweetheart, he just casually said a few perfunctory words, and kept his eyes glued to Robert, the handsome blond guy.

And Robert, a handsome blond guy, has been paying attention to Hattori Heiji's gaze from the corner of his eye...

"It seems a little cold, and it's getting late. The mountains at night are more dangerous. Let's go back first." Robert finally resigned to his fate and gave up.

Not only is there Hattori Heiji who is staring at him, there is also a mysterious onmyoji in the Takeda family!

But it doesn't matter anymore, he has already done the matter, and it's useless to regret it. When he heard that Hanyu Qing'an could resurrect the dead before, he had already thought about it repeatedly, and finally made up his mind.

He has already considered the price, even if it costs one life for another, he will avenge Meisha! ! !

Everything is worth it!
This is his firm thought at the moment.

"Huh? Are you going back now?" Toyama and Ye haven't enjoyed it enough yet, but Hattori Heiji and Robert agreed to return, so she had no choice but to go back.

The three sat back in the car and drove towards Takeda's house.

A few minutes later, the car drove to the warehouse of Takeda's family. Conan was squatting on the ground at the door of the warehouse, drawing circles, complaining about a hateful capitalist who abused child labor.

"Conan, what are you doing here?" Yuan Shan and Ye asked suspiciously.

Hattori Heiji got out of the car and quickly realized what was happening, and said solemnly, "Isn't there a murder case?"

Conan looked at him and nodded seriously, "Mr. Shinichi is dead."

"What?" Hattori Heiji was startled, and turned to look at Robert, who pretended to be shocked.

Conan also looked at Robert, and said meaningfully: "Mr. Robert, brother Hanyu asked you to go, and Mr. Shinichi is also there."

Hattori Heiji subconsciously said, "Onmyoji resurrected the dead again?"

Conan nodded, "Yes."

Hattori Heiji frowned, and after a little thought, he realized that Robert was the murderer, otherwise the matter would have been settled long ago, and Conan didn't have to wait for them to come back. He couldn't help but look ugly when he thought of this.

"How come, I have been staring at it, how did he do it..."

A deep sense of frustration welled up in Hattori Heiji's heart. He claimed to be a detective, but he stared at Robert all the way, but he didn't find out how he did it.

(End of this chapter)

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