Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 398 Mao Lilan's Reasoning Show

Chapter 398 Mao Lilan's Reasoning Show
"Kyosuke Futo was the one who killed Ninoho?" Police officer Megure was taken aback, then turned to look at Mao Lilan seriously, "How do you say that?"

Not only Officer Mu, but everyone at the scene looked at Mao Lilan. Suddenly being stared at by so many people, Mao Lilan felt nervous for a while and didn't know what to say.

Conan stuck behind her and encouraged in a low voice: "Come on, sister Xiaolan, you can do it."

Fei Mili seemed to hear something, and looked behind Mao Lilan, Conan was so frightened that he quickly hid.

Mao Lilan took a deep breath, and then said with firm eyes: "The murderer who killed Ninoho is probably the doctor Kyosuke Fudo on the ground. He mentioned in front of Hanyu-kun before that Mr. Fairy Sawaki, a sommelier, once talked with him. He said a lot of rumors about Hanyu-kun.

And when he tried to attack Officer Sato with a gun just now, he was obviously in the dark, the weather was not that cold, and he was indoors, but he was wearing a mask and a woolen cap.

He obviously did this to avoid being seen. In the same situation, when he attacked the other two Metropolitan Police Department detectives, he also wore a tight windbreaker, and even wore a mask with sunglasses on rainy days.

In addition, in the attack just now, an umbrella was used to block the gunpowder smoke, and Mr. Youcheng was used to divert the attention of the police, and even tried to blame him, which was almost extremely cautious.

Although he couldn't be sure that he knew that Hanyu-kun could awaken the dead, but at least he knew that Hanyu-kun could get clues about the murderer from the dead, so he was overly cautious. "

The policemen nodded in agreement, Officer Shiratori's face was a bit ugly, Toru Amuro noticed and asked, "What did Officer Shiratori want to say?"

Police Officer Shiratori was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, bowed to Kiyomaga Matsumoto to admit his mistake, "I'm very sorry, I had seen a doctor at Dr. Fudoto before due to work pressure, and I also mentioned President Hanyu at that time..."

Seeing Kiyoshi Matsumoto frowning, Miwako Sato couldn't help but said, "Kyosuke Fudo is a doctor in the Department of Psychology. It's hard to completely avoid such things during the treatment."

Officer Shiratori cast a moving look at her, which made Takagi Tsutomu a little flustered.

Heihei Kuroda asked Sergeant Shiratori with a serious face, "Have you ever mentioned to Kyosuke Fudo that the Metropolitan Police Department has reopened the Ninoho case?"

Officer Shiratori was taken aback, shook his head and said, "No."

After hearing this, Kuroda turned his head and looked at Police Officer Megure, "Immediately investigate all the police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department who know about the reopening of the Renno case, and find out who leaked the news, especially those who had contact with Fudo Kyosuke."

Police officer Megure didn't keep up with his train of thought, but he still hurriedly asked people to do it, and then waited anxiously for Kuroda Heiwei to explain, but Kuroda Heiwei kept silent again.

Officer Mu Mu's scalp tightened for a while.

Seeing this, Toru Amuro said: "I have already understood what Xiaolan means. Kyosuke Futoto still insists on committing crimes even though he knows the ability of the president, which means that he has a reason to do so.

Just now you mentioned that the assault on the police happened after the re-investigation of the Ninoho case, so the reason for Fudo Kyosuke’s attack on the police is probably related to this incident, isn’t that right, Ran? "

As Toru Amuro said this, he was looking at Conan behind Mao Lilan. The little action of the two of them getting together just now made him very interested, no, it should be said that he was already interested.

Mao Lilan nodded, "That's right, that's it. When I was listening to you talking about the case just now, I checked the Internet on my mobile phone and found that before becoming a psychotherapist, Kyosuke Futo was a well-known surgeon. The title of the Golden Left Hand.

Moreover, he was a doctor in the same hospital as Nishinoho, but suddenly one day, Fudo Kyosuke left that hospital and became a cardiologist.

There are many rumors on the Internet, and some of them mentioned that Fudo Kyosuke had to change careers because of an injury to his left hand.

If this is the reason..."

Police Officer Megure didn't need Kuroda Hei to spur him, he immediately reacted, and turned around to order Takagi Tsutomu, "Immediately investigate the hospital where Fudo Kyosuke and Ninoho used to work, and see if there was any conflict between the two."

"Xiao Lan, continue to talk." After giving the order, Police Officer Mu Mu said kindly to Mao Lilan as if seeing a new brother.

Mao Lilan nodded, and then gestured with his hands on his neck, "From the autopsy report of Ren Yebao, it can be seen that the fatal wound on his neck was from the upper right to the lower left. Ren Yebao is not left-handed. Suicide would not use this posture."

Police officer Mu Mu followed suit, and it was indeed not easy.

Mao Lilan strangled Mori Kogoro's neck, and then demonstrated it, cutting across the latter's neck with his left hand.

"So the murderer should have cut his throat behind Ninoho's back. The murderer should be left-handed. In this way, the suspicion of Fudo Kyosuke will be even greater."

Kogoro Moori struggled to escape from his daughter, panting in embarrassment, while Fei Mi rolled her eyes.

Police officer Mu Mu suddenly realized, "It is true."

Kuroda Hei glanced at Mao Lilan, and then asked, "Where did you see the autopsy report?"

Mao Lilan froze for a moment, then blushed embarrassingly: "Sorry..."

Conan couldn't let Xiaolan take the blame, so he had to stand up, scratching his head and acting cute, "I saw it from Officer Takagi, and then I wanted to come here, because I think Uncle Maori really wants to help solve the case."

Mori Kogoro was taken aback, "Me?"

Takagi's body froze even more, because Kuroda Hei looked at him without saying a word, full of pressure.

Fortunately, Miwako Sato said again, "Sorry, administrator, Takagi is my subordinate, I didn't manage him well, please punish me."

Kuroda Hei glanced at her and didn't say anything, but his attitude was already obvious—the search lesson was all messed up.

At this moment, Odagiri Toshiro also came over, "How is the case going?"

Kiyosaga Matsumoto hurried forward to report, and Toshiro Odagiri nodded after listening for a while, "That's right, you have noticed this, President Hanyu just mentioned Hoshino Nishi and Kyosuke Fudoto."

The policemen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they found the clue first. Otherwise, if they waited for the big boss to remind them, they might all die together.

Toshiro Odagiri didn't leave even after he came, he just stood there staring, not looking at his son, as if the father and son didn't know each other.

The atmosphere of silence lasted for a while, and police officers came to report clues one after another.

"I got news from the hospital that Fudo Kyosuke's left hand was cut during the operation, and the person who cut him was Ninoho!"

"A large number of recording files were found in Fudo Kyosuke's home, and an edited audio file was recovered from the deleted files on his computer. According to its content, it was confirmed that it was a real phone call to Tomomi."

"Very good, so he doesn't have any accomplices, since he has no accomplices, it's easy to handle!" Police officer Mumu heaved a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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