Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 415 Xiaobie wins the newlyweds

Chapter 415 Xiaobie wins the newlyweds

"Ah~ it's yuzu sauce. It's been a long time. Did you miss me?" After seeing Yuzu, Nakamura wanted to hug this cute little guy very enthusiastically.

As a result, Yuzu hid behind Yuanzi and watched him warily.

"Uh... don't you forget who I am, right?" Nakamura Cao looked sad.

"Officer Goose." The word popped out of Yuzu's mouth.

"..." Nakamura pointed to his nose, "Why did you become a goose again?"

But he didn't care about it, but looked thoughtfully at the three people, two big, one small, and three in front of him, rubbing his chin and asking Hanyu Qing'an:
"Speaking of... I wanted to ask last night, but I was delayed by work. Is this... the girlfriend you made in Tokyo?"

"It's Yuanzi's mother!" Yuzu corrected ferociously.

Nakamura Cao didn't pay much attention to her address, as a child, it's normal to call people indiscriminately.

Hanyu Qingan nodded with a smile, "Sonoko and I have just registered as husband and wife, and we will be able to get the certificate when we go back."

"You're lying?!" Nakamura Cao turned pale with shock, "Wow, how long has it been! Not only have you become a famous big shot, but even the boss of the Metropolitan Police Department knows you, and by the way, the marriage issue has also been resolved. Isn't this too fast?!
I'm all prepared for you to be unable to get along in Tokyo, and then you have no choice but to return to the countryside of Gunma. Even when you read newspapers and magazines, I will help you pay attention to what local jobs you can do.

In the end, you...don't give me a chance at all! "

Hanyu Qing'an's heart warmed up, if he hadn't cheated, his statement might have come true, and he might really need his help at that time.

Patting him on the shoulder, Hanyu Qing'an joked: "I think you may not be a police officer for long, and when you can't get along, come to Tokyo and find me. I will arrange a job for you. The income will definitely be higher than yours. High now."

Uh...Thinking about this guy's unreliable attributes, it would be better to let him idle if he is assigned a job, or to help him put on makeup and be a kappa wandering around the shrine. It would be good to be an npc to receive worshipers.

Especially Nakamura's hairline... At a young age, he has half the wisdom of Dr. A Li.

"Why do I feel that your gaze is impolite?" Hey Nakamura touched his forehead keenly, "But don't worry about it, I may be promoted soon, especially after meeting you this time, this special case is also very important. It can be regarded as adding some qualifications, and a promotion is in sight."

"..." Hanyu Qingan looked at him incredulously, "Is it so easy to be a Japanese policeman?"

Nakamura said dissatisfiedly: "That's not easy. I was exhausted when preparing for the civil servant exam."

Hanyu Qing'an was a little surprised, he didn't see that this stupid police officer was still a top student, judging by the speed of his promotion, he might not belong to the professional group like Police Officer Shiratori.

"Ah, Maori Detective~ You're awake, hurry up and sign for me, I forgot about it last night." Nakamura Cao saw Mulan Ci yawning into the restaurant from the hut, and immediately greeted her.

Mao Lilan came here to sit with Hanyu Qingan and others, Sonoko asked gossipingly: "Hey, Xiaolan, did your father not go back to the room to sleep last night?"

Mao Lilan said strangely: "No, he went back to the room with us, why do you ask?"

Conan said quietly: "Uncle did sneak out of the room in the middle of the night, sister Xiaolan was a heavy sleeper, I just don't know."

Mao Lilan was surprised: "How do you know?"

"I found it when I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet." After Conan finished speaking, he found that everyone was staring at him, and said uncomfortably, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that."

Hanyu Qing'an said with a serious face: "It seems that my healing skills are also limited. There are some problems, and the gods can't save them..."

Conan immediately understood, "I'm fine! Isn't it normal to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night? I...I just drank too much water last night."

"Why do you have to drink so much?" Yuanzi broke the casserole and asked.

Conan faltered and couldn't answer, could it be said that it was because Xiaolan was alone in the room, especially Xiaolan slept restlessly, turned over several times, and the frost and snow would dazzle people's eyes, making people feel hot and thirsty?
Fortunately, Mao Lilan's focus is not here, she asked: "Then where is my father? Yuanzi, what do you want to say?"

"Hehehe..." Yuanzi smiled evilly, "Where do you think Uncle Xiaowulang can go in the middle of the night? Of course it's your mother's room~
Look at the sleepy look of your father yawning, and the ruddy face of your mother, you can see that Xiao Biesheng was newly married last night~"

Yuanzi was very sure that these two middle-aged people must have been hotter than their newlyweds last night.

Mao Lilan and Conan blushed, and the former said angrily, "You're going to die, Yuanzi, you speak these words in public, I think you've become more naked since you got married."

Yuanzi didn't care either, and looked at the two jokingly, "Hmm, it's fun to tease an innocent girl like you~"

"Okay, okay, Yuzu is still there." Hanyu Qing'an, who was covering Yuzu's ears, interrupted her quickly.

This combat power is getting stronger and stronger, why didn't he just fight him head-on?So what could make her shyer than this kind of topic?
"Wait, I have one last question." Yuanzi raised his hand and stared at the two seriously, "You two were alone in the room last night, so you didn't..."

Mo Lilan's head was filled with steam, and he covered his face and said, "What are you talking about? What can I have as a primary school student with Conan? And I didn't know that my father ran away last night."

"But he knows..." Sonoko looked at Conan carefully.

Hanyu Qing'an also looked over, Conan's reaction was indeed abnormal, he was too flustered, his head was lowered, and the cup in his hand was shaking.

In shock, Mao Lilan let go of her hand, turned to look at Conan, "Did you really..."

Conan became angry, "Are you an idiot? I wouldn't do that kind of thing."

Mao Lilan grabbed his ear angrily, "What do you mean? I didn't say anything? Why are you so excited? Also, you can't be rude to call me sister Xiaolan, do you hear me?"

Saying this, Mao Lilan was very entangled in her heart, is she not beautiful?So Shinichi is indifferent?But if he really did something, probably he would regard it as killing him, right?
Sister Xiaolan... Conan was depressed when he heard this name, and here he is again, when will this matter pass?
Yuzu looked curiously at Conan's red earlobe, which was twice swollen.

On the second day of vacation in Karuizawa, the case was over, and everyone finally had a good day of relaxation, but the lawyers were not so relaxed.

When it was getting dark, Hanyu Qingan found an empty alley, opened a portal, sent everyone back to their homes, and walked out of the alley near the funeral home with the Mori family.

When he walked downstairs, he saw Hattori Heiji squatting at the door.

"You guys are back, my legs are numb from waiting..."

(End of this chapter)

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