Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 437 Amuro Toru's Mission

Chapter 437 Amuro Toru's Mission
Mao Lilan kindly reminded: "Mr. Menxie, Miss Sazhi has been found, you should go to the warehouse to have a look."

The door association was drunk and said: "Oh? Found it? Oh, I see, Jun Hui, just lend me the roster for a few days, and I will return it to you when I use it..."

Junhui Shimabukuro exhaled a dirty breath, she really convinced this muddleheaded person.

"The roster is soaked and the handwriting is all ruined. It's useless. Take it if you want." He said and threw the roster on him, and then couldn't help but say, "Besides, Saori is dead. Aren't you going to see it?"

The door association stared at Shimabukuro Junhui in a daze, and said inarticulately: " dead? She has become a mermaid? Then she got her wish? Hiccup...let her go, what about love... ..."

Everyone was speechless and could only leave him behind.

At the intersection, Junhui Shimabukuro wanted to go back to the shrine. She planned to take a good look at the place where she had been living and working at the last moment and make a conclusion.

"Ms. Shimabukuro's condition is not very good. I'll go and see her, in case she can't think about it for a while..." Toru Amuro explained a few words before being interrupted by Sonoko.

"Okay, okay, go, go, go."

Facing Sonoko's "I understand" look, Toru Amuro could only smile wryly, he really didn't mean that, he just went to see his "crime scene".

That's right, the roster wasn't made by that drunkard from the Men's Association, or it wasn't completely done by him, he just took the blame for Toru Amuro.

Generally speaking, when it comes to destroying the roster, the first reaction is definitely to burn, but that would be too loud and easily cause accidents, so Toru Amuro chose to use water.

He came to the island early with Hattori Heiji and Conan, and easily found out where the roster was stored—everyone on the island knew it, and it was no secret.

Then he observed the flow of people at the place where the roster was stored, and he didn't start to act until after the shrine ceremony at night, when the crowd dispersed, and he took advantage of the darkness.

Toru Amuro easily found the name of gin from several registers, because Miyano Shiho's name was so conspicuous, he immediately confirmed that the two names with Miyano Shiho should be vodka and gin liquor.

That is Saburo Uozuka and Jin Kurosawa!
He took the opportunity to take a picture of this page of the roster with a portable miniature camera, and was about to dispose of the roster, when he flipped through it, and suddenly found that there were many familiar names on the roster.

They were all politicians and financial figures. Toru Amuro immediately changed his mind and took pictures of all the rosters, planning to go back and investigate.

The intentions of these dignitaries who came here to participate in the Dugong Festival are obvious.

Three ordinary people who were possessed by the mermaid legend could commit murder. It is conceivable that these great figures who yearn for longevity have done some outrageous things in pursuit of longevity.

For example, experiments against humanity and the like.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro couldn't help sighing, the existence of the president and the blessing business has objectively reduced the unnecessary attempts of these people.

Is it necessary to use illegal and criminal methods to pursue those illusory possibilities that can be experienced with a small amount of money?
Keep all the registers one by one, and put them randomly on the tatami, then find a good angle, and then kick over the teapot on the kotatsu, the tea inside will flow out, and soon all the registers will be soaked.

It looked as if someone was rummaging through the roster, and then accidentally knocked over the teapot. The handwriting on the roster was not completely spent at this time, and there seemed to be no major hindrance.

But this is an island, it’s already humid, the water on the registers can’t be dried quickly, and the handwriting inside is all written with a brush, the ink is very easy to smear, as long as no one comes to rescue these registers halfway, 100% will change A soggy pile of paper, and that's organizational work done.

When Amuro Toru and Shimabukuro Kimie came here, they saw such a scene.

Seeing the mess at the scene, Shimabukuro Junhui frowned and sighed: "Uncle Men's Association is too much, looking for the register and knocking over the teapot."

Toru Amuro squatted down and picked up two books, looked through them, and said "worriedly": "These registers have been discarded, and all the handwriting has been lost. Even if they are dried, they are useless."

Shimabukuro Junhui said casually: "It doesn't matter anymore. Longevity woman will no longer exist. These have become history, and it is still not very bright. It is full of sad and ridiculous history. Throw it all away."

As she spoke, she began to clean up, and Toru Amuro said from the side: "Let me help you."

Shimabukuro Junhui smiled slightly, "Thank you, Mr. Amuro, you are a good person."

"Really?" Toru Amuro also smiled, "However, I don't think so. I do have my own limits, but I'm not a good person in the usual sense, probably."

Junhui Shimabukuro wiped the teapot and put it on the kotatsu, "Compared to a murderer like me, you can't be a better person."

"If anyone were in your position, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to do better." Toru Amuro comforted.

Maybe it’s because cleaning up the garbage makes people feel better, and tidying things up also clears up life. With the help of Toru Amuro, Junhui Shimabukuro carefully tidied up and cleaned everything from the shrine to the house until dawn... …


On the other hand, after Amuro Toru and Shimabukuro Kimie left, Hanyu Kiyoan and others returned to the hostel.

After returning to the room, Toyama and Ye were surprised to find that Hattori Heiji brought back the dugong arrow that pierced Kuroe Naoko's eye.

"Heiji! Why did you bring this thing back? Isn't this evidence?"

Hattori Heiji scratched his head, "What's the matter? The corpses are all gone, the scene has long been a mess, there is no way to prove anything, and this thing is not that useful anymore."

Yuan Shan and Ye were a little disgusted with this arrow, "But don't you think this thing is very unlucky? It killed people, and it also got us involved in the murder..."

Hattori Heiji shook his head, "On the contrary, without this arrow, the two of us would be dead, and now we must be awakened by the onmyoji, turned into two talking corpses, and then asked what happened.

So, for us, it is actually a life-saving thing.******** and Ye Wuyan had no choice but to let him go, "Forget it, don't talk about it, go to bed early, today is really too much tired."

"Oh, yes, you should rest well." After Hattori Heiji finished speaking, he added hesitantly, "Thank you for your hard work, Kazuha..."

"Why do you look like this, Heiji, do we still need to talk about this between the two of us?" Yuan Shan and Ye asked with a big grin on their cheeks.

Hattori Heiji also smiled, "That's right, let's go to sleep."

"Well, sleep... huh??? Why are you in the same room as me?" Yuan Shan and Ye widened their eyes, only then did they realize something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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