Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 441 Strange Commissioned Bombing

Chapter 441 Strange Commissioned Bombing
Regarding Toru Amuro's proposal, Hanyu Kiyosuke actually didn't have much opinion. After all, it was a strong request from the client, and it was hard for Amuro to think of such a non-solution.

But the best way is not to accept this commission. If you want to find actors, you need dozens of them. With so many people, there is no way to keep them secret.

After the news of finding an actor to pretend to be a shikigami is leaked, it will somewhat affect his reputation and image, and in turn affect his shrine and funeral business.

The most important thing about these two businesses now is not to bring him monetary benefits, but to improve his strength. How can such a key core be easily shaken?
Although he has real skills, many target customers have witnessed it, and this time there is a reason for it, and he should be able to explain it clearly afterwards, but the problem is that it can't be explained everywhere, right?

What did that become?Is there an image of an adult?
In short, the gain outweighs the gain.

After thinking it over clearly, Hanyu Qingan shook his head and made a decision, "Forget it, push..."

Toru Amuro's heart sank slightly, and he thought to himself, it really failed, and the next step will be difficult.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the funeral home, interrupting Hanyu Qingan's words.

Toru Amuro got up and went to open the door, only to see Kogoro Mori walking in treacherously, scratching his head and chatting awkwardly: "Well, I saw that the light was on in the room, so I guessed that you might be here, Hanyu-kun."

Hanyu Qingan made room for him, "Please sit down, Detective Mori is here so late, is there something urgent?"

Mouri Kogoro cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "Uh...actually, it seems that it has been a long time since the two of us cooperated last time, and I just have a commission to introduce to you today."

Hanyu Qingan smiled when he heard the words, probably because of the bankruptcy of Mori Kogoro two days ago, which made him feel so heartbroken, so he has to work hard recently, right?

"Okay, it happens that Amuro is here, and now the entrustment is handed over to him, so I don't know much about it."

Mori Kogoro was overjoyed when he heard the words, happily took out an envelope from his pocket, and handed it to Toru Amuro.

Toru Amuro opened it on the spot, and inside was a power of attorney, but after reading it, his expression became subtle.

"What's wrong? Amuro?" Hanyu Qingan asked strangely.

Mori Kogoro was even more worried, "Is there any problem? I think they are quite generous, so it shouldn't be a problem?"

Amuro looked at Hanyu Qing'an and said, "This is the commission I just mentioned..."

Hanyu Qingan frowned suddenly, "A commission, looking for both of you at the same time?"

Not bothering two masters for one thing, this is a basic sophistication, but anyone with a bit of emotional intelligence will not make this mistake.

For example, it is taboo for an author to contribute to multiple editors of a website at the same time, because only one editor can be selected for submission, which will waste the time of other editors.

A reasonable operation should be to vote for an editor, and then vote for another one if you don't give it. Of course, this will waste your time, but it avoids leaving a bad impression on people.

Ordinary people may make this kind of mistake, but most of the clients who are able to ask Hanyu Qingan to preside over the funeral are rich and powerful people.

These people may not really have much respect for Hanyu Kiyoan, but they are usually good at being human and superficial. They will not make basic etiquette mistakes easily, so as not to leave a bad impression on Hanyu Kiyoan.

" there any problem with this commission?" Mori Kogoro seemed particularly concerned.

Hanyu Qing'an asked him, "Detective Mori, how did you receive this commission?"

Mori Kogoro pointed to the envelope, "I got home tonight and found it in the mailbox downstairs."

After hesitating for a while, he added a little embarrassingly:
"There is also a check for... um... 1000 million yen and a note inside, saying that if the commission is completed, there will be other rewards."

Kogoro Mori coyly took out the check and the note from his pocket, Toru Amuro took it and found that the note was typed.

No wonder he is so caring, Hanyu Qingan secretly complained, 1000 million is enough to raise half a Conan, and if there are so many in the future, it is just enough to raise a Conan.

(As mentioned above, Yukiko had no choice but to add 1000 million because the intermediary fee provided by Hanyu made Maori suck.)
Seeing that Hanyu Qing'an looked a little unhappy, Mori Kogoro said in a low voice: "Actually, I don't have to agree... It's also stated on the note, even if I don't succeed, please accept the 1000 million and don't need to return it."

Hearing this, Hanyu Qing'an's complexion improved a bit.

Toru Amuro looked at the note and frowned for a while, then raised his head and was about to say something, when the phone on the table rang suddenly.

He hurriedly got up to pick it up, and after listening to a few words, he looked at Hanyu Qing'an with a serious face.

"President, it's Dr. Ali, who also commissioned..."

Hanyu Qingan got up and answered the phone, "Dr. Ali, what's going on?"

Dr. Ali was also very confused on the phone, "I don't know what's going on, but someone invested in my experimental project recently.

Then the investor told me, let me ask if you are free, and I saw that there was no problem with the entrustment, so I agreed.

I heard that Xiao...uh, I heard that Mr. Amuro is in charge of the entrusted matter now, so I thought about calling the funeral home and asking about it first. "

Hanyu Qingan asked expressionlessly: "I understand, the other party has a request, do you have to persuade it successfully?"

Dr. A Li said: "That's not true, just let me ask, it doesn't matter if you don't succeed, that's it... Is there any problem with this commission?"

At this moment, Hanyu Qingan's cell phone rang again, so he could only hurriedly say: "It's okay, I understand, let's do this first, I still have something to do here."

"Oh, okay, you go first." Dr. A Li hung up the phone.

Hanyu Qingan took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. It was Nakamura Misao. He asked for his phone number when he was saying goodbye in Karuizawa before, and joked that if he really couldn’t do it anymore, he would come to Tokyo to join him. Own.

"Moshi Moshi, Hanyu-kun?" Nakamura's excited voice came.

"It's me. Is there something wrong with me? From your tone, it seems that something good has happened?"

Hanyu Qingan walked to the window, looked at the dark night sky outside the window, and wondered if Nakamura was also talking about the entrusted matter.

"Bingo~hahaha, I've been promoted, Hanyu-kun! I've finally been promoted from the police department to the police department. This is a very important milestone in my life."

Nakamura laughed so loudly that Hanyu Qingan couldn't help but take the phone away.


The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, but Nakamura couldn't stop talking at all, and Hanyu Qingan had to interrupt him, asking: "You really have nothing important to tell me?"

"What's important? No." Nakamura didn't know why.

Hanyu Qingan tried to ask: "Such as a funeral commission?"

"Ah, that's right, I forgot if you didn't tell me, there is indeed a funeral commission." After being reminded, Nakamura finally remembered, but then he was surprised, "Huh? How did you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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