Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 448 Resurrection Boss

Chapter 448 Resurrection Boss
"Speaking of which, I still don't know what the organization is going to do. It was not easy to ask before, but now it's like this. Can you tell me?" Toru Amuro asked suddenly.

In the past two days, he still didn't have much time to rest. The last meeting was too sudden and the news was too shocking. Naturally, Toru Amuro couldn't ask some sensitive questions without being able to verify the truth.

After coming back to contact Kuroda Hei, the other party thought it was fraudulent at first, but after multiple verifications, Kuroda Hei also had to admit that although it sounds too ridiculous, it is very likely to be true...

So, after seeing the boss' body today, Toru Amuro finally tried to ask this question.

There was no danger on Belmode's face, which relieved Amuro, and she said in an erratic tone:

"Live forever, just like all powerful people, greedy and not satisfied."

Toru Amuro nodded slightly. He had expected this. After all, both Gin and Shiho had been to Mermaid Island before, so it was not a surprise.

He asked again: "Since the BOSS wants to live forever, why did he designate Gin as his heir to avoid accidents? Like the current situation?"

Belmode nodded, "There is also this consideration, and it is also because the development of the elixir is not progressing satisfactorily.

Back then, the woman Xue Li's parents defected, which almost destroyed the research results. That incident dealt a great blow to BOSS, shaking his confidence in immortality.

Restarting the research and development of drugs requires not only a lot of money, but also talents and time... and precisely, time is the most scarce thing for him.

Therefore, Qinjiu was chosen as the heir, not only as a backup, but also as a preventive measure, but also to calm people's hearts, just like the ancient emperor established a prince.

But it's just a name, in fact, because of this identity, Boss's attitude towards gin is very complicated. Every time he sees gin, it seems that there is a voice reminding him that death is approaching.

So, as you can see, Gin goes on missions all year round and rarely returns to the headquarters. "

Toru Amuro's pupils shrank, he didn't care about Gin's treatment, but cared about Shirley's parents, and that gentle figure, Mingmei's mother, unconsciously appeared in his mind.

"Shirley's parents... did they succeed in defecting?" Amuro asked transparently, as if hoping to get some different news.

Belmode frowned. She hated this topic and said impatiently, "Who knows, I wasn't here at the time, and I only knew that the report indicated that the death was caused by a fire."

Toru Amuro didn't continue to ask, but changed the subject, "Before you said that Rum and BOSS disagreed, and he didn't want to study the elixir?"

Belmode crossed his arms and put his chest on his chest to relax his shoulders, "In Rum's words, the elixir of life is just like a perpetual motion machine, but an unrealistic wishful thinking.

What he meant was that with the power of an organization in hand, one should be more realistic.

For example, turn to research on drugs that can strengthen human beings, and use this as a trump card to build a huge underground empire and rule the world under the night. "

Amuro understood clearly that this was a route dispute, "Where do you think Rum is most likely now?"

Belmode exhaled a circle of smoke, and said nonchalantly: "Who knows? Maybe in Africa, maybe in an unknown island, or in a place where the Fourth World War is, or maybe it's still hiding in Japan, just deliberately confusing us That's all."

Toru Amuro saw that he couldn't get any results from asking, so he had to give up. Today's harvest is already good, so it would be too deliberate to ask again.

Coincidentally, Hanyu Qing'an arrived at this time, and a portal appeared in the square.

Then, the flying boat descended.


After Hanyu Kiyoan arrived, he was a little surprised. He looked at the only two family members of the deceased in front of him, and believed Toru Amuro's judgment. Otherwise, how could such a big family have so few people?
A woman in a black mourning dress, with black gauze on the brim of her top hat, covering her eyes and only showing the lower half of her face, her manners are elegant.

The other has long black hair reaching his waist and is wearing a black windbreaker. He is tall and slender, with a face as sharp as a knife, which is quite cold.

From the point of view of appearance, they are all outstanding people.

Gin's silver hair was too conspicuous, Belmode dyed him black, and originally wanted to change his appearance, but Gin was unwilling no matter what, and finally only compromised on hair dyeing and simple makeup.

"I'm meeting you for the first time. I'm Hanyu Kiyoan."

"Hi, my name is Chrissy Wynyard."

Hanyu Qing'an looked at Gin, Gin didn't say a word, it was Belmode who made a rescue, "His name is Karasuma."

Karasuma Renye's family members, how can they do without a surname Karasuma.

"I'm really sorry for your trouble this time, I've also heard Mr. Amuro talk about the impolite behavior of those people, but I, a weak woman, really can't do anything about it.

Those people are not in Japan, suddenly called us over, dumped the matter to us, and took away all the family property, and they would not listen to what I said, so I apologize to you on their behalf. "

Speaking of which, Belmode bowed to Hanyu Qingan, his whole person was so soft and weak no matter his tone or movements.

This scene inexplicably made Hanyu Qingan suddenly think of Masuyama Mami from before...

Well, they are all very reasonable and outstanding women.

Originally, Hanyu Qingan was ready to face the grievances of his family members, but he did not expect to meet a reasonable person again this time. Both times, the deceased was related to him, and both times, the family members were reasonable... Good luck?
Hanyu Qingan suddenly felt a strange sense of instant vision, but the point is not this now.

"I heard from Amuro that you hope to wake up the dead so that he has time to deal with his funeral?"

Belmode nodded slightly, "That's right, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Hanyu Qingan waved his hand, "You're welcome, are you waking up now? Amuro should have told you, right? There is a limit to the time for waking up."

Belmode nodded again, "I understand, Mr. Amuro has explained everything clearly, and we don't have any more extravagant demands. It's just that Lord Zhen hopes to talk to him in the end."

Hanyu Qingan looked at Gin, Gin turned his head slightly uncomfortably, and was really not used to being called "Jingjun" by Belmode.

Especially in the tone of an elder...

This performance, in the eyes of people who don’t know the truth, is simply a arrogant boy——Besides helping Gin to outline the corners of his eyes so that his eyes don’t look so sharp and aggressive, Belmode also helped him He looks younger with makeup.

It's all bad fun.

"I understand." Hanyu Qingan replied, and then walked to the ice coffin, and through the transparent coffin lid, he saw an old and ugly corpse inside.

In addition, he found that the ice coffin was very high-tech, with a bunch of strange structures on it, and he didn't know what it was for.

(End of this chapter)

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