Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 457 Funeral agency?Winery factory!

Chapter 457 Funeral agency?Winery factory!

Belmode looked at Miyano Akemi through the black veil, and there were shocking words on his delicate lips, "I especially like the ones with delicate and small bottles, I remember correctly, right?"

Miyano Akemi's eyes widened suddenly, and Toru Amuro, who was beside him, also changed his eyes. Unexpectedly, Belmode knew the information about Shiho's shrinking, and he was able to bear it until now before using it!
Belmode continued: "Speaking of which, my family has also recorded a secret recipe that can restore the original taste of sherry wine. Miss Umezawa must be very interested. If you have a chance in the future, welcome to my house as a guest and study it together. The secret recipe."

Hanyu Qingan didn't understand what they were talking about, but seeing that Umezawa didn't deny it, he believed Belmode's words.

"We're all our own people, please ask President Hanyu to help, you can't bear to see us all die in this golden villa, right?" Belmode turned around again, begging Hanyu Qing'an in a low voice.

Although Toru Amuro didn't know the existence of A drug before, Belmode had revealed to him before that the organization ordered the Miyano couple to develop the elixir, and Miyano Shiho became a child again.

Then it is not difficult to link the two together, and what turned Zhibao into a child should be the elixir of life that the organization has been researching, or a semi-finished product.

And Belmode's meaning couldn't be more obvious. She was using the research data of the medicine to blackmail Miyano Akemi for help.

Amuro glanced at Miyano Akemi, smiled and said, "I didn't expect Umezawa to know Miss Wynyard.

President, why not ask Miss Wynyard to help Umezawa take care of the body.

Recently, the funeral home has been very busy with work. I just want to discuss with you about recruiting again. Why don't you let them come.

Anyway, there are already so many people in the funeral home, how many of them are there?What do you think? "

Hanyu Qingan saw that Amuro also helped to talk about Xiang, Umezawa seemed to agree, he thought about it for a while, and then agreed.

The main reason is that what Amuro said is correct, shrines and funeral parlors are full of messy people, and these few people are not bad, this is a small matter.

Anyway, no matter who they are, as long as they are under their own hands, they just stay there and it's over, no matter what their origins are, and what troubles they have behind their backs.

Under the watchful eyes of dozens of people, Hanyu Kiyosuke made a decision, "Since both Amuro and Umezawa have said so, then let's do it, you can arrange them later, Amuro.

Alright, it's getting late, hurry up and prepare for the funeral, even though the client has become your colleague, you can't slack off because of this. "

Everyone responded abruptly, each with their own thoughts, scattered in all directions, and began to get busy.

Onmyoji saved them, and the gold probably won't be able to move, but we still need to find a chance to report this matter...


It was raining harder and harder, and Hanyu Kiyosuke went to the annex to shelter from the rain.

Belmode, on the grounds that he was familiar with the work of the shrine and the funeral home, brought gin and others to help, but the real purpose was to discuss the next plan with Toru Amuro.

"You didn't kill Akai Shuichi. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed." Toru Amuro said dissatisfied with Gin.

Gin didn't bother to argue, just snorted coldly, Belmode smoothed things over and said:

"Thanks to Gin Jiu not being impulsive, otherwise we probably wouldn't be able to get out of here today.

These golds are elixir and life-threatening charms. Our current power is too weak, and we can't keep it if we don't take shelter under the hands of the Onmyoji. "

"I'm afraid it won't be easy if you want to break away from the Onmyoji's subordinates?" Qin Jiu frowned worriedly.

Amuro smiled, "Why did you leave? Isn't it good now? You seem to have forgotten that there are still many members of the organization in the funeral home.

They... didn't know the news of the organization's disintegration. "

Belmode and Gin's eyes lit up, and they immediately understood, "That's right, Rum sent them all out early. They don't know anything about the organization change, and they can continue to be used by us."

As for all spies and traitors?That doesn't matter, it's just used anyway.

Amuro narrowed his eyes slightly, "More than that, apart from them, the rest of the funeral home are the undercover agents of various consortiums, big families, and other forces. We can definitely continue to use the banner of the organization to try to recruit them.

In order to try to figure out the organization's intentions, they will probably pretend to agree, and take advantage of the situation to undercover the organization.

But that's okay, isn't it?We're just using them anyway. "

Both Belmode and Gin nodded in approval. This method is very suitable for the current situation. It pulls the tiger's skin of the organization and continues to develop members, so as to re-establish the airs.

"You should still have some information in your hands, right? You can use it to bluff people. With this gold, you can completely rebuild the organization. Just rebuild it in the funeral home, and the dove will occupy the magpie's nest!" Toru Amuro continued to fool.

He felt that he was in a very good state of fooling people today, and he already had the power of the president's three successes.

Because his suggestion was reasonable, Belmode Gin didn't object, so it was decided.

The matter of developing members of the organization in the funeral club naturally fell into the hands of Toru Amuro.After all, he is the "big steward" of Onmyoji, and this position is good for him.

Amuro looked at Belmode and Gin, with a smile from the heart on his face, and turned around to pull in the police officers who came to play shikigami this time. This so-called "organization" has a third of them own people.

The other two-thirds are a mess of loose sand, and everything will be under his control.

Whether it is tracking down rum, controlling gin, or gathering intelligence, you will be more comfortable.

Well, the most important thing is that I don't need to have two jobs in the future, and now I can combine the two jobs into one, which can get twice the result with half the effort, so it can be a little easier.


On the other side, Akai Shuichi didn't have to keep concealing his identity anymore, he directly took Kamel to find Judy and revealed his identity.

"Xiuyi?!" Judy's eyes widened.

Akai Hideo nodded, "It's me. Kamel and I found out as soon as you entered the shrine. It's just that you were exposed too early, and we have no way to contact you directly."

"Then you now..." Judy looked around vigilantly, for fear that anyone would notice.

Akai Shuichi Furui said without a wave: "Don't worry, Kamel and I have already been exposed, so there is no need to be careful."

At this time, Judy suddenly noticed that the coat on his body didn't fit well, and subconsciously reached out to help him tidy it up, but found blood stains inside, and immediately looked worried.

"This is……"

Akai Xiuyi looked down, and said as if nothing had happened: "It's nothing, Gin just set up a trick to kill me, let's get down to business first.

The current situation is like this. Some people have been exposed by all parties, but because of the president's relationship, no one has exposed it. It is a semi-open secret.

In addition, Amuro is apparently a member of the organization Bourbon, but his real identity is the Japanese police.

But don't think of him as an ally..."

(End of this chapter)

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