Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 460 Huge inheritance tax, red and black cooperation

Chapter 460 Huge inheritance tax, red and black cooperation
Seeing Belmode's sincere attitude, Hanyu Qingan had no choice but to nod, "In that case, I'm not going to be polite, just say it directly, this is the chairman of the Suzuki Foundation and also my father-in-law.

He has some ideas about those golds, and he plans to talk to you.

Of course, you don't have to worry. If you have already thought of other ways to deal with it, you can completely refuse it. Don't worry.

It's just a discussion, success or failure will not affect your work here. "

Although it sounds a bit weird, it is true. This job is very important to Belmode and others who have a huge amount of gold right now.

Belmode was very happy, and nodded with a smile: "We are worrying about how to dispose of the gold. I didn't expect you, President, to have thought of it for us. Thank you very much."

Then he looked at Suzuki Shiro again, "I don't know what proposal President Suzuki has?"

Suzuki Shiro was not in a hurry either, he kindly talked to Belmode about some cooperation plans, of course, the core was to help them spend money.

Satisfy needs, solve problems, and create needs by the way, that's about it.

While listening, Sonoko secretly poked Secretary Nishino, and reminded in a low voice, "Don't forget, what I said before..."

Secretary Nishino sweated profusely, this second lady really dared to think, and let him find a way to corrupt that Miss Wynyard with all kinds of extravagant enjoyment.

Forget it, providing high-end services can be regarded as a legitimate business behavior.

However, she still wanted to introduce more handsome guys to that Miss Wynyard!

What else do you want to make her look dazzled and picky.

Secretary Nishino responded with a bitter face, thinking about sending more outstanding elite male talents from the consortium to serve this Miss Wynyard.

In addition, help arrange some high society social dances and so on, so it should be fine...

Suzuki Shiro and Belmode were discussing on the sidelines, while Akai Shuichi and Judy eavesdropped so blatantly, to see what small moves Belmode and others were making.

Anyway, everyone's identities can't be concealed, even if the president is around, they can't fight, so they don't need to be so secretive.

I have to say that this kind of feeling is actually quite good, especially when it makes Gin want to kill someone but bears it helplessly.

The matter of gold really made Belmode and others very embarrassed. The Suzuki consortium came to propose cooperation, which is indeed beneficial to them. At least the Suzuki consortium can bear it and hold it back.

Moreover, rebuilding the organization not only requires personnel and funds, but also not just underground transactions. Some things that can be brought to the public or used as a cover, there is no problem in handing over to Suzuki's family to do it.

In addition, the funds that cannot be used temporarily, how to manage money, and how to conduct financial operations are also very important. They only have a few members who are good at killing people, and they urgently need professional help in this regard.

Most importantly, Belmode and Gin will face an inheritance tax of up to 55%...

How to avoid tax reasonably is a big problem.

As Japan's current top consortium, the Suzuki family must be professional enough in this regard and will be a good partner.

In addition, the Twilight Villa was originally disposed of as unowned property, which is why those treasure hunters were able to buy this villa.

Now Belmode and the others want to go through the due process to get back the villa, and they also need to prove their inheritance and ownership. These troublesome procedures are a big headache for Gin and others.

In the past, these things were handed over to the peripheral members, and they only needed to threaten and urge them, but now that they have become the bare commanders, it is their turn to realize how troublesome these things are...


After some discussion, both parties were very satisfied, at least on the surface it was a win-win situation, Hanyu Qingan took the sneaky Sonoko away, leaving Gin and Akai Shuichi alone.

"What else do you need?" Gin looked at Shuichi Akai who was standing in front of him with an unfriendly expression.

"How about cooperation?" Akai Shuichi made a proposal that surprised Gin.

Two old enemies, old enemies who wish to take off each other's head with their own hands, dare to propose cooperation in person?
And one is a federal investigator and the other is a member of a criminal organization. How can they cooperate?

"Are you joking?" Qin Jiu frowned.

Akai Shuichi shook his head, "I'm serious."

Regarding the disintegration of the organization, he naturally got it from Kuroda Bingwei. The two are now in a tacit understanding, and neither of them mentioned the relationship between father and son, and they directly began to cooperate with each other tacitly.

The original main task of looking for Dad has now been changed to help Dad complete his goal - eradicate the remnants of the organization headed by Rum and avenge his friend Koji Haneda.

Therefore, the conflict between him and Qin Jiu is no longer so irreconcilable. Of course, the main reason is that Qin Jiu is not a big threat now and is under control, so there is no need to worry about him running away.

Now Rum is the focus. As for cooperating with enemies and members of criminal organizations, that doesn't matter. Undercover agents can't completely follow the rules. It's normal to act in a hurry.

"Rum is our common goal now, at least until we found him, right?" Akai Shuichi said confidently.

Gin stared at him without blinking, trying to see through Akai Shuichi's true thoughts.

After a long time, he said, "Bourbon wants to kill you more than I do, and he has a lot of power to speak now."

Akai Hideichi smiled confidently when he heard that, "I will take care of him."

Qin Jiu snorted, turned and left, as a tacit consent.

Belmode passed by Akai Hideichi, stopped for a moment, and said with a smile: "Welcome back to the team, rye whiskey."

After both of them left, Judy stepped forward to stand with Akai Shuichi, she was a little worried: "Is it really good to cooperate with them?"

Akai Shuichi didn't turn his head, and said slowly: "That's what undercover work is like, it's impossible to do things well if you act in an aboveboard manner.

Now they are sheltering at the shrine, we can't move for the time being, and they can't escape, so why not deal with Rum first. "

Judy hummed, and suddenly said: "Do you have anything else to do today? I'm off today."

Akai Hideo was taken aback for a moment, and said, "I have something to do."

"Well, Tomoko said she was going shopping in the city center and asked me to accompany her, so I'll go first." After speaking, Judy walked towards Tomoko Hirasawa.

Akai Hideo turned his head and looked at her back silently. After a moment of silence, he turned to look for Toru Amuro.

At this time, the shrine, except for some staff who are on vacation, is busy receiving worshipers.

Akai Hideichi searched around, but no one knew where Toru Amuro had gone. Suddenly he saw the figure of Akemi Miyano, hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward to ask Toru Amuro's whereabouts.

Miyano Akemi froze for a moment, then shook her head.

Hideyoshi Akai had to take out his mobile phone, send an email to Amuro, and ask the other party out, intending to clear up the previous misunderstanding, so as not to delay Gotake Akai.

It's just that he didn't know what Toru Amuro was busy with, and didn't reply to the message. For a while, he had nothing to do.

Miyano Akemi hesitated for a moment, took out a small notebook, and wrote: 【Do you want some tea? ], and then show it to him.

Akai Hideo was stunned for a moment, looked up into the other's eyes, and then noticed that Miyano Akemi seemed to have discovered her identity at some point.

In the Twilight Annex?or earlier?
"No, thank you, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Akai Shuichi left the shrine in a hurry.

Let's find Kuroda Hei, have a meal together, chat...

(End of this chapter)

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