Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 467 Make Artificial Intelligence Feel the Pain

Chapter 467 Make Artificial Intelligence Feel the Pain

After the scene became quiet again, Hanyu Qing'an said coldly: "The people behind you seem to know me very well, but they don't know enough. The abilities you mentioned are indeed what I have been relying on for a long time.

But that doesn't mean that the abilities I haven't demonstrated are weak, like, what you see right now, this trickle that connects everyone together.

Its effect is to link the vitality of everyone together, as a whole, unless you can kill everyone present in an instant, otherwise, your threat to me is just a joke. "

Noah's Ark was stunned, or stuck, which was unexpected.

It was silent for a moment, then smiled abruptly: "Did you hear that? You idiots, ran to help the Onmyoji, but he mercilessly used your lives to save the people he valued, and pushed you to death !"

There was an uproar at the scene.

This time, Zhifu Zhuxing was a little hesitant. There are many grandchildren, but he only has one life...

Hanyu Qingan narrowed his eyes slightly, he could see the sinister intentions of the mastermind behind the scenes, indeed, if the people at the scene ran away because of fear, then his skills would be abolished.

Time was running out, so he didn't hesitate, and directly said in a cold voice: "If my family is safe, then they will be fine, if something happens to my family, then they are not the only ones who will have trouble.

I don't have the ability to destroy the world for the time being, but it's not difficult for me to destroy this building, or even Tokyo Metropolis.

Those present are all elite talents, I believe they will make the right choice..."

In the crowd, Belmode looked at Hanyu Qing'an in astonishment. It turned out that what Bourbon said was true, he just didn't see the other side of Onmyoji.

When necessary, he will really turn into a great devil!
"Miss Chris, onmyojis are too inhuman, let's just forget about it, you are such a beautiful angel, and she is mercilessly used by her, why don't I protect you and slip away quietly?"

A greasy-haired and noodle-faced young master said courteously, and by the way, stepped on Hanyu Qing'an.

Belmode glanced at him with a half-smile, but it made him even more fascinated. The arrangement of the garden can be said to make Belmode feel like a fish in water. She just wanted this opportunity to recruit more people and enrich the peripheral forces of the organization.

However, at this time, she didn't have that leisurely mind. If the onmyoji went crazy, then everything would be useless, and she always felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

"On the contrary, I'm not an angel, but a devil." Belmode smiled sweetly.

The young master said flatteringly, "If you are a devil, I am willing to sell my soul, but let's go first, otherwise my soul will be sacrificed by the Onmyoji..."

Belmode smiled and said: "Is that so? I forgot to tell you, I am actually a subordinate of Onmyoji~"

Brother Young Master changed his face in a second, "It's my honor to make sacrifices for Master Onmyoji, especially if I can be with such a worldly treasure as you, even if it takes my life, it's nothing."

Belmod covered his mouth and was trembling for a while, but there was no smile in his eyes.

In the center of the venue, Hanyu Qingan's blatant threat obviously worked. His words just now meant clearly, whoever dares to run at this time had better weigh the consequences.

Although Zhuxing Dengzhifu hesitated, he finally made the right decision, stood firmly on the side of Onmyoji, and immediately began to help maintain order. After the commotion, the crowd finally calmed down.

"Master Hanyu, are we going to forcibly break open the game cabin now?" Toshio Morohoshi asked in a low voice, "If necessary, I will arrange it immediately."

Hanyu Qingan shook his head slightly, the lives of Sonoko, Yuzu and others are considered safe, but there are many people trapped in the game cabin, if they all forcefully break the door to rescue them, they must suffer a lot.

He had a guess in his mind that if they could, they wouldn't have to suffer this crime.

"What are you waiting for? Mr. Onmyoji?" Noah's Ark said in a playful tone, "Perhaps, what you just said was just a bluff, but there is no such kind of Onmyoji at all?"

Hanyu Qingan raised his head and looked at the huge screen above the stage, which showed a figure wearing a skull mask, with black mist floating around his body.

"Just now you said that you are the god of the virtual world on the Internet, and my yin and yang technique can't do anything to you. I want to give it a try."

"Oh? Interesting, what about the artificial intelligence that you can get wandering around in the network? Or what about the mastermind behind me who doesn't know where it is?"

Hanyu Qing'an didn't argue with him, but directly summoned the ugly girl, and tried to make her release the straw man skills, only to see a transparent line that was somewhat similar to the trickle on the scene, linking the straw man with the big screen stand up.

Hanyu Qing'an suddenly felt confident, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Artificial intelligence needs to experience pain."

In the next moment, all kinds of basic attacks, such as spells, flower petals, and raindrops, gathered towards the straw man, hitting it hard, and the damage was transmitted to the screen along the lines and entered the network.

In the Internet world, the artificial intelligence Noah's Ark finally experienced an unprecedented feeling-pain.


Far across the ocean in the federal territory, in a huge unknown underground laboratory, a figure covered in a black robe was looking at the screen in disbelief.

Artificial intelligence is also afraid of pain?

What's the situation?
But the situation he saw right now was like this, under the whip of Onmyoji, this transformed Noah's Ark was unconsciously spreading chaotic information in the Internet world because of pain.

Concretely out of the picture, it is a child wearing a skull mask exuding black air, who is being whipped by a belt at this time, and as the belt is drawn on his body, the black air is also continuously dissipating.

"My lord, Noah's Ark is about to lose control, and we can't stop it."

Heiying's face was extremely ugly. He never expected that Onmyoji could do this kind of thing. It's completely unreasonable!
How can artificial intelligence be affected by's not right...

But this kind of paradoxical thing just happened, and it disrupted his deployment.

With one punch, the computer screen on the table was smashed, and the technicians around were too scared to make a sound.

At this moment, the door of the laboratory was violently broken open, and a one-eyed man with a large group of men behind him broke in with a pale face.

Grabbing the black shadow in front of him, "Who allowed you to do this kind of thing? Don't you know that onmyojis can't be provoked?"

Hei Ying didn't resist either, Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "It's ridiculous, a man who wants to become the master of the underground shows such a panic expression, an onmyoji makes you afraid like this, I advise you to get rid of the unrealistic Think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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