Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 707 You are really resistant to dirt...

Chapter 707 You Are So Dirty... (Two in One)

Amuro looked at the man in the photo in disbelief, and remembered that he was Kinoshita Tomonorio who held a photography exhibition in the department store that day.

Darkness looms over him
Is he dead?

Amuro searched through his memory, except for the death of a greedy private investigator that day, there were no other dead people.

And according to the law of the shadow, as long as it appears, it will quickly paralyze the heart, and there is no chance of rescue.

But when this photo was taken, he and other people were also around, and Tomono Kinoshita's physical condition did not show any abnormalities.

What is this
Toru Amuro frowned, unable to think of the reason for it for a moment.

But tomorrow, I can send the photos to Yotsuya, who lives in the haunted apartment, to see if I can process the photos first.

The next day, Valentine's Day.

Qin Zhibo got up, washed, and watched the morning news as usual.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Toru Amuro went to work on time.

Of course, Toru Amuro in the morning had sent the photos to Yotsuya, who mastered ghost photography techniques, according to last night's plan.

"Xiao An, tomorrow is Saturday, right?"

Facing Qin Zhibo's sudden question, Toru Amuro was a little puzzled, didn't he ask this question yesterday?
And would a normal person ask the question of what day of the week is tomorrow?

I usually ask what day of the week is it?
"Yes, tomorrow is Saturday."

Qin Zhibo fixed the time again, in case he didn't go to the Toushen Forest tomorrow and wasted his time.

But even if the day of the week is determined, it may be empty, after all, I don't know how many Saturdays there are in this week.

"Xiao'an, I have to go out for a long trip tomorrow, and I expect to be back in one to two days. I'd like to ask you to take care of the office."

"Don't worry, your hard work will not be in vain. I will double your salary next month."

Qin Zhibo's statement seems generous, but when zero is multiplied by any number, the result is zero.

Of course, what Amuro Toru cares about is not money, but what Qin Zhibo wants to do.

"Teacher, do you still have a request to go out?"


"But I don't remember anyone coming to make an appointment"

"We contacted by phone. I have distributed business cards in many high-end places before."

"Business card? Does the teacher have a business card?"

"Of course."

Qin Zhibo took out the custom-made business card and handed one to Amuro Toru.

Toru Amuro took the business card. The name, telephone contact information and address were written on the simple design, without any superfluous content.

Putting the business card in their pockets, the two started their simple business routine.

In terms of daily commissions, Qin Zhibo and Mori Kogoro have different main businesses.

The Maori Detective Agency next door mainly accepts affairs related to catching affairs in daily commissions.

The Zhibo Detective Agency mainly contracts to find lost pets and items.

On the one hand, it is because Qin Zhibo's ability to find pets is really good, Mihua Town is second to none, and the town is nicknamed "Pet Detective".

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro has been drifting away since becoming famous on TV, and nine out of ten requests for finding things will not be accepted.

Of course, nothing is absolute.

Mori Kogoro has played to the extreme in his way of dealing with the world and watching people order dishes.

As long as the entrusting party is famous enough, or gives a lot, Mori Kogoro is also very willing to break the principle.

In contrast, Qin Zhibo's office is more civilian.

Although the fees for entrustment and consultation are not so close to the people, the advantage is that no matter how big or small the entrustment is, all comers are welcome.

It's just that Qin Zhibo often traveled on business before, fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days, it was not easy for the client to find Qin Zhibo.

Although there is an appointment book at the door, many of the daily commissions are urgent, and there is no reason to make an appointment first and wait a few days to resolve them.

But now with Toru Amuro, this has improved a lot.

People in the neighborhood have recently been spreading rumors that Zhibo Detective Agency has added a detective who is young, handsome, gentle, and reliable. Most importantly, he can handle large and small commissions.

In the future, I will never go to a Maori office again, because the commission is too small and I will be embarrassed by Maori detectives!
Therefore, in the recent residents' reviews in the neighborhood, Zhibo Detective Agency has faintly surpassed Maori Detective Agency.

No, not long after the business opened, a client came to the door.

"Welcome, may I ask if there is anything you would like to consult or entrust?"

Amuro revealed a standard smile for dealing with people, which flattered the middle-aged man outside.

The man scratched his head, "That... I was introduced by someone, and I would like to ask you to help me find a missing watch."

"Okay, please come in first, let's talk in detail."

Toru Amuro invited people to the sofa and went to prepare tea by himself.

Qin Zhibo also came over from behind the desk and observed this middle-aged man who looked like a monkey with a big mouth.

Goda Hideo, 49 years old, shop owner, social credit 1100.

There seemed to be no problem with the basic identity information, so Qin Zhibo formally asked the man why he came.

It turned out that the watch the man was looking for was left by his wife who had just passed away not long ago, an old wind-up watch.

Although it is not worth much money, it is very commemorative because it was an engagement gift given to my wife in the past.

"That watch should be lost somewhere in the house by now."

"My wife comes to dream every night, and she keeps asking"

"What time is it—what time is it—"

Goda's voice is low, imitating the voice of a ghost, and he wants to exaggerate the atmosphere.

But Qin Zhibo and Amuro Toru were not moved by it at all, the expressions on their faces seemed to say "Oh, so it is like this"

Looking at the calm expressions of the two, Goda felt a little uneasy in his heart, fearing that his entrustment would not impress the other party.

In fact, before coming here, Goda casually visited some detective agencies on the side of the road.

But all the firms rejected the commission on the grounds that the commission was too small. After all, they were just looking for something at home, and it was not appropriate to charge too much commission fee.

Until Goda heard about a nearby Zhibo detective agency from neighbors, and the young detectives there accepted no matter how small the commission was, which rekindled Goda's hope.

After all, without the presence of detectives, there is no way to implement my next plan.
Qin Zhibo thought for a while, and said solemnly: "We have accepted this commission, but we also want to inform you about the fee standard of the firm."

"Looking for items is charged according to the region and the type of item. If you are in Mihua Town, the fee is 4 yen."

Generally speaking, it is easier to find a dead object than a living one.

But Qin Zhibo is just the opposite here, the price of finding items is exactly double the price of finding pets.

Because when looking for a specific pet, there are usually photos, and pets are unique, so it is easier to find them with the object-finding spell.

However, unless the item is particularly valuable, there is generally no photo, and it is usually not unique, so it is difficult for the object-finding spell to work.

Double the price is normal.

Of course, there is no need for Qin Zhibo to explain these reasons one by one. The charging standard is set in this way, and it is up to you to accept it or not.

Hearing Qin Zhibo's expensive fee, Goda looked a little troubled, and glanced at the watch on his wrist.

Although the price is a bit expensive, but for the plan in mind, I accepted it with a gritted teeth.

"4 is 4."

"Then invite the two of you to my home, my home is nearby."

Goda's home is in an apartment building on a nearby block.

As soon as I entered the entrance, I saw a bottle of pink roses placed on the cabinet in the entrance.

Although today is Valentine's Day, judging by the wilting of the petals, this vase of flowers has been on display for some time.

This apartment is about 70 square meters, the area is not too big, but there are a lot of sundries, which makes it more difficult to find watches.

In one of the largest rooms, there are thousands of videotapes on shelves.

There is also a 50-inch TV with a super-large screen in this era, LD, DVD, AV amplifier, audio equipment and other equipment are readily available, and the remote control can be placed on a table.

"I like watching movies very much, so I have collected a lot of things in this area"

Before Goda finished his introduction, a bell rang outside the door.

"Wait a minute, I'll go and have a look."

Gouda heard the sound and left.

Qin Zhibo had some expectations in his heart, and followed to the corridor where he could see the door.

But when the door opened, the person standing outside was not the Conan that Qin Zhibo expected.

This is a fat aunt wearing glasses. She has a short, thick figure and is wearing a pink woolen coat. Her toad-like mouth is covered with flaming red lips.

This extraordinary temperament and safe figure reminded Qin Zhibo of a famous person in his previous life.

The eardrum horse kills the chicken, the auditory health care, and the professional household of the rich woman are all talking about her.

The fat lady stretched out her hand when she came up, "Come on, are you all ready?"

Gouda looked a little embarrassed, and took out a wad of banknotes from his arms, "Finally, we have collected 500 million."

The fat aunt took the money and said bluntly, "500 million? In this case, 1500 million is still missing?"

Gouda hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "The insufficient money can be collected when I sell this house."

Only then did the fat aunt show a bright smile, "Oh, I don't mean to drive you out~"


Goda took out another videotape from his inner pocket like a treasure trove, "Thank you very much for allowing this time. I heard that you have been looking for this videotape of "Sakura Thirty Lang" before, and I finally found it."

"Really!" The fat aunt's eyes lit up, and she immediately took the video tape from Gouda, "Then I'll just watch it on your big TV."

"Of course you're welcome, please."

Before Goda finished speaking, the fat aunt had already put on her slippers as if she had returned to her own home.

"Jin" Goda was a little embarrassed, but he still said the second word.

Qin Zhibo, who was standing in the corridor, saw this and understood that the relationship between the two was the creditor and the debtor.

It seems that Mihua also has a simple and honest folk style, unlike the folk customs in the future, the creditor is like a grandson, and the debtor is like an uncle.

The fat aunt passed by Qin Zhibo in an imposing manner, just took a look, and did not introduce her identity.

But walking next to Toru Amuro, the fat aunt's eyes lit up, and she immediately became interested.

"Who is this"

Before Goda came up to introduce him, Toru Amuro introduced himself with a smile: "My name is Toru Amuro, and I'm here for a visit."

Toru Amuro has more professional ethics and did not say that he is a detective, which indirectly exposed the client's entrustment.

Seeing Amuro Toru's confident smile as if bathed in the sun, the fat aunt's eyes widened, and the word "heartbeat" was written all over her face.

She paused for a moment before introducing herself: "My name is Yue Yingzi, and I am the landlord of this entire apartment building."

"Little handsome guy, are you interested in going out for dinner later?"

Hearing this, Qin Zhibo almost spit out.

This eldest sister is really "desire"!

And Toru Amuro, who was spotted by the rich woman, was startled for a moment, but then he adjusted his state and returned a polite smile.

"Thank you for your invitation, but I have other things to do next, so I don't have time to accept your invitation."

Aunt Chuyue showed a suspicious expression on her face, and asked, "Today's day is a bit special, don't you have a girlfriend?"

Amuro Toru still shook his head with a polite and gentle smile, "No."

"Then leave a contact information, we can communicate later when we have time."

"Actually, I not only own this building to collect rent, but I also own some real estate in other places."

Aunt Chuyue upholds the spirit of leaving the voice of others and plucking the feathers of geese, and she must get something from Toru Amuro.

Show off your wealth without taboo, this is the rhythm to keep!
And Toru Amuro didn't refuse, and wrote down the phone number neatly on a piece of paper, and handed it to Aunt Dezuki.

Aunt Dezuki took a look, put the paper with the phone number in her pocket carefully, gave Amuro a deep look, and went to the room to watch a movie alone.

With this electric eye, even Qin Zhibo, a bystander, couldn't help but shudder.

But Toru Amuro, who was the recipient, still had a smile on his face and a calm expression.

For this reason, Qin Zhibo couldn't help but raised his hand and gave Toru Amuro a thumbs up.

Toru Amuro was a little puzzled and asked, "What's wrong? Teacher?"

Qin Zhibo couldn't think of anything else to say, he could only say in admiration.

"You are so dirty"

Amuro glanced at the room where Aunt Deyue was in, and realized, "Is the teacher talking about that aunt?"

"I have dealt with this kind of people a lot before, so I can deal with it freely."

Toru Amuro did not lie. One of his part-time jobs was a nightclub bartender. With his handsome appearance and unique skin color and hair, he was targeted by rich women more than once.

Even the owner of the bar has repeatedly persuaded Amuro Toru to become a cowherd, without even having plastic surgery, and the money is huge.

However, Toru Amuro is relatively upright, and he did not fall into the sugar-coated shells of rich women.

"And the number I left for her is the teacher's number."

Amuro Toru said another word, which startled Qin Zhibo.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true." Amuro revealed a harmless smile on his face.

Qin Zhibo's brain was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, he was so frightened that he quickly took out his mobile phone and turned it off, and his actions were done in one go.

Watching Qin Zhibo's reaction, Toru Amuro thought deeply.

Could it be that Qin Zhibo's weakness is the rich woman?

 Thank you Chaos and Nothingness for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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