Chapter 432
In the end, Nuan Nuan still didn't let them follow.

He took Zhao Yunkai out by himself.

After going around.Nuan Nuan took Zhao Yunkai to find a bar.

Zhao Yunkai looked at the bar with neon lights flashing in front of him in confusion.

"Aren't we going to investigate what happened at that time? Why did you come to this kind of place? It doesn't look like a decent place. It's not safe for you, a little girl, to come here. Let's go."

After finishing speaking, I will go to pull Nuannuan.

Nuan Nuan avoided it directly.

"Comrade Zhao Yunkai, you must always remember that I am your boss, and you must obey my orders when you are outside. Let's go in."

After finishing speaking, he walked straight forward, and when Zhao Yunkai came back to his senses, Nuan Nuan had already opened the door and entered.

He roared in his heart.

Is this little girl crazy, dare to break into this kind of place by herself, is she desperate?

I am very tired.

Hastily lifted his foot in.

I can't help but wonder in my heart.

The old man said that this girl is very powerful, and she is also straightforward in her work.He didn't see the crispness at all, but the spirit of courage and indomitableness was great.

As soon as the door of the bar was pushed open, the chaotic atmosphere and the dazzling flashing lights made him feel uncomfortable.

Especially the strong smell of smoke.

Choking Zhao Yunkai kept coughing.

A man with blond hair, blue eyes and a charming figure saw Zhao Yunkai, stepped forward and touched his chest.

She gave him a wink.

"Oh, beautiful oriental man, what a charming face. May I invite you to spend a beautiful evening?"

Zhao Yunkai knows foreign languages.

Hearing this man say that, I got goosebumps all over my body.

I was so scared that my hairs stood on end.

Hastily refused.

"No, no, I have a girlfriend."

Immediately afterwards, he fled in despair, turned his head after running a few steps.

Seeing that man still looking at him with a charming face, he felt that the whole person was not well.

Squinting his eyes, he searched for a warm figure in the crowd.

After coming in for so long, his eyes have also adapted to the light in the bar, and he saw Nuan Nuan sitting in front of the bar.

Sitting next to her was a fat man with a beard.

The two seemed to be talking about something.

Some people who wanted to strike up a conversation ran away in fright when they saw the fat man with the beard.

The bearded man looked at Nuan Nuan curiously.

"Little girl, no one has ever tried to reason with us. What qualifications do you think you have, with your bean sprouts body?"

As he spoke, he looked at Nuan Nuan with a look of disgust.

Because she was too anxious to come out, she came out directly after putting her luggage at the hotel, and she hadn't changed into this suit yet.

He was wearing a white shirt on his upper body, a pair of straight green pants underneath, and a pair of layered bottoms on his feet.

Grandma Yang made it for her herself.

She came out in a hurry, Nuan Nuan didn't change her clothes.

He picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass for the bearded man.

"Please do me a favor, I have something I want to see your boss."

After pouring the wine, he took out a stack of money from the bag.

"Is this sincerity enough?"

The bearded eyebrows raised, as if he was a little interested in the money that Nuan Nuan took out.

His fingers tapped lightly on the money.

"Little girl is really brave. Aren't you afraid that something will happen if you openly spend money in this kind of place?"

Nuan Nuan sneered.

She casually took the wine glass that the waiter handed her just now, and saw that she squeezed it hard with one hand, and the glass shattered in an instant.

The bearded man just smiled.

"You dare to show off this kind of trick here, you are really ignorant. You..."

I wanted to say more, but I saw Nuan Nuan's hand slapping the table heavily, and the whole bar shook.

When he raised his hand, the shards of glass that he had held in his hand just now had been shattered into powder, and the table was also dented by a shot.

Only then did the bearded man realize the seriousness of the matter, he quickly stood up and said "wait a moment", then hurried to the second floor.

Zhao Yunkai is here.

Looking at the back with the beard going away, he was puzzled.He hurried forward and grabbed Nuan Nuan's arm.

"Go, it's not safe here."

As he said that, he was about to pull Nuan Nuan out.

Before he could take any action, the bearded man returned.

He looked at Zhao Yunkai for a while.

Then tell Nuan Nuan that their boss agreed to meet.

Then I took Nuan Nuan to the second floor.

Seeing Nuan Nuan walk into a room, Zhao Yunkai wants to go in immediately.

The bearded hand raised to block him.

"You can't go in."

Zhao Yunkai looked at him angrily.

"Why? I'm with the girl who just went in. I have to go in."

The bearded man hit Zhao Yunkai with his thick arm.

"You are not entitled to go in."

After speaking, the two stood there with big eyes and small eyes.

After about half an hour.

Nuan Nuan came out with a smile on his face.

Politely shook hands with the man in a suit.

"Then Mr. Smith, I leave this matter to you."

Smith smiled softly.

"Beautiful Miss Dongfang, you can rest assured about this matter, you will definitely be satisfied, the result you want will be on the table early tomorrow morning, and there will be the person you want."

Nuan Nuan also nodded slightly.

"Okay, goodbye."

After speaking, Nuan Nuan took Zhao Yunkai and left.

On the way back, Zhao Yunkai looked at Nuan Nuan curiously all the way. If Nuan Nuan hadn't closed his eyes, he would have wanted to ask what they were talking about in the house.

After arriving at the hotel.

Zhao Yunkai still didn't ask what he said, and went back to their rooms to rest.

Nuan Nuan lay on the bed, rubbing the sore corners of his eyes.

With a thought, he fished out the little apple from the space, put it in his arms and slowly stroked his hair.

One second, the little apple was still in the space, fertilizing the fields, and the next second appeared in a strange place.

Meow is completely confused.

When I came back to my senses, I saw Nuan Nuan.

"Master, you are going to get married soon, why are you still on a business trip? Your work attitude is too serious, I admire you a little bit."

Nuan Nuan reached out and tapped lightly on his head.

"Stop being so skinny."

Immediately afterwards, he told Little Apple about what happened today.

When she took Zhao Yunkai out, she deliberately found those messy and dark alleys, and deliberately robbed several people before she got the news.Relying solely on the official side is useless, so Nuan Nuan considered building local underground forces.

After talking to Smith, she realized she had been duped.

He just wanted to find someone who was more influential in this city. Who knew that the path those people pointed her to was the most influential in the city.

If it weren't for her sincerity enough to impress Smith, I'm afraid this matter would not be good today.

After hearing Nuan Nuan's words, Little Apple held his meow paw.

"If I see these scumbags, I will scratch their faces. It's too much."

(End of this chapter)

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