Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 101 Ask the Heart Formation

Chapter 101 Ask the Heart Formation

On the stone table, under the thick dust lay a strip-shaped signboard with lines engraved on it. Su Poman picked it up and shook it vigorously, then put it in his storage bag.

Pan Shuang stood there and waited. Not long after, everyone gathered here again and went to the Internal Affairs Building to collect their belongings.

The internal affairs building is not far from here. White high-roofed buildings stand on the slope of the mountain, one after another. In front of each internal affairs building, there are three or five disciples of the Lieyang Sect performing guarding tasks. The use of items must be recorded in detail.

Everyone stood at the door and stepped forward one by one to get their things.

It was a low-grade storage bag with red lines. There were five low-grade spirit stones in the storage bag, a long-necked jade bottle with a middle finger length, and a low-grade standard magic sword. Although the magic sword was only low-grade, it was also It belongs to the level of magical weapons. In terms of sharpness and hardness alone, it can already surpass many magical weapons circulating in the world. It can not only cut iron like mud, but also guide spiritual power.

Finally, there was a red identity token and two sets of clothes for the disciples of the Lieyang Sect's lower court. Many casual cultivators took out the tokens and hung them around their waists, with happy smiles on their faces.

They had been coveting this token for a long time. Every time they saw a disciple of the Lieyang Sect passing by in the square market, they would feel envious of the small token around their waists.

Now that they have tokens too, it's the turn of others to envy them.

"Fat Master, I can be regarded as a big disciple now, and I will learn from the crabs in the sea in Fangshi in the future, and walk sideways!"

With a smirk on his face, Nie Rongchuan kept fiddling with the badge on his waist, and his face was overjoyed. At this moment, he was already imagining how to show his identity in the market.

"Brother, look at how stupid he is, if no one cares about him, his tail will go up to the sky!" Lu Xiner couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said.

Lu Man hurriedly said: "Sister, stop saying a word! This is too impolite, you forgot what your father said about you..."

Su Poman couldn't help but laugh, feeling that Nie Rongchuan and Lu Xiner really seemed like a pair of enemies, they hated each other like this all day long, if it followed the plot of an idol drama, they would end up getting together inexplicably.

"Others can go back after receiving their things. Brothers and sisters who have practiced before, follow me to go through the heart-inquiring formation!" Pan Shuang came out, glanced at Su Poman and the others, and said slowly.

"Okay, Senior Brother Pan!" Lu Xiner was the first to respond, her voice was particularly clear and loud, and she looked at Pan Shuang with burning eyes.

Startled by the sudden enthusiasm, Pan Shuang quickly coughed lightly to cover up her embarrassment, turned her body around, and walked slowly in the other direction.

Lu Xiner grabbed the corner of her clothes, and hurriedly dragged her elder brother to follow.

Lu Man looked helpless, and sighed, "This girl is going crazy again!"

Su Poman winked at Nie Rongchuan, then pouted at Lu Xiner.

Nie Rongchuan was a little dazed, and asked suspiciously: "Brother Su, what's wrong with your mouth, is it cramp?"

Su Po's face darkened, and he thought that the fat man was really a fool, so he didn't explain any more, and followed him directly.

"Brother Su, what's the matter? Could it be that you are so happy that you have successfully entered the Lieyang Sect?" Nie Rongchuan couldn't figure it out. He flicked his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, and deliberately revealed the token on his waist , walked up in high spirits.

The Lieyang Sect's questioning heart formation was set up in a valley, surrounded by dense vines, and strips of green vines spread down from the top of the valley.

Strips of white light interweave to form a square area, with brown futons placed in the middle, with a distance of seven or eight meters between each futon, and each formation stands separately A disciple of the Lieyang Sect wearing a crimson costume.

Pan Shuang stood at the entrance of the valley entrance, smiled and explained to everyone: "After you enter later, you can sit down when you see the empty futons. Senior brother, they will activate the formation for you and record the fluctuations of the Wenxin formation, don't worry, the Wenxin formation will not cause any danger, just treat it as a dream..."

Su Poman followed the crowd into the valley, randomly found a piece of unoccupied futon and sat down cross-legged.

Seeing that Su Poman was ready, the disciple of the Lieyang Sect from the Upper Dao Academy outside the formation, moved his fingers together, and hit the magic formulas with flashing red lights on the formation disk, and then Su Poman felt his ears The voice suddenly disappeared, and the eyes were plunged into a white world.

A series of images involuntarily flashed across his mind, modern cities, high-rise buildings, airplanes, high-speed trains, video games, island country literary films, campus life...

This feeling is like putting a comic book in my mind, going through my whole life quickly, except for the purple source roulette in my mind, other things flashed quickly.

Su Poman was intoxicated by it. He saw his childhood, saw the little note hidden in his schoolbag at the same table, saw the doting eyes of his parents, and saw the girl he had a crush on when he was young. The final perspective It was frozen in the clouds above Mount Tai.

All the white in front of his eyes faded instantly.

Su Poman opened his eyes, with a deep look of nostalgia in his eyes. He looked at the sky outside the valley, and secretly vowed in his heart that in this life, he must return to the planet that made him dream about, and then return to himself. next to your loved ones!

Outside the array.

The disciple of the Lieyang Sect's Upper Daoist Academy had a strange look on his face, because this was the first time he had seen someone pass the heart-inquiring formation so quickly.


Su Poman forcibly suppressed his emotions that were about to erupt, and after exhaling a long breath, he walked out of the formation with a calm expression.

After walking to Taniguchi's place and saying hello to Pan Shuang, Su Poman returned to his residence alone.

Insert the stone tablet into the hole next to the door opening, and the stone door slowly rises. Su Poman quickly cleaned up the weeds and gravel in the stone house, and took out another 'Dust Repelling Talisman'. The dust and filth in the stone house were brought out of the room, and the whole stone house instantly became clean and bright.

It was getting late at this time, and there would still be drizzle falling from time to time, so Su Poman closed the rock roof, and then closed the stone door, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

Although Su Poman has the ability of night vision, he felt that this environment was a bit weird, so he patted the storage bag, found two moonstones from the pile of sundries stored by Liu Baoer before, jumped up, and took them out The sword dug two fist-sized holes on the roof, and inlaid the moon stone in the center of the roof.

Light silver light bloomed from the moonstone, and sprinkled in every corner of the stone house.

on the stone bed.

After Su Poman sat down cross-legged, he rubbed his palms expectantly, and said to himself, "Now I can finally draw a lottery. I don't know how far my physique can evolve with more than 1 energy points... It's a bit of a surprise." look forward to!"

(End of this chapter)

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