Chapter 133
The two passed through simple and elegant buildings on the mountain road, and came to Tianyang Peak from the 'Guangchi Peak' where the Taoist Temple is located.

As soon as they approached Tianyang Peak, they saw clusters of irregular clouds and mist lingering on the mountainside, and the rain and mist with spiritual energy rushed towards their faces, which refreshed their spirits; the stalagmites on the broken wall were like a pillar of the sky, exquisite and exquisite Yangqiao is like a flying rainbow from the sky, connecting the two peaks, which is a spectacle; a group of yellow-haired stubborn monkeys are chirping in the distant mountains and forests, stretching their arms and jumping from one tree trunk to another. The branches and leaves on the tree are shaking...

There is only a small stone path with a width of about 2 meters on the mountain wall in front, which is close to the mountain wall, with ten steps and three turns, winding straight up to the peak like a line reaching the sky.

On both sides of the path, there are green grass, wild flowers and towering ancient trees.

The two walked along the stone path for about a stick of incense, and came to Yangqiao.

An iron lock as thick as a bucket lay horizontally in the churning clouds and mist, and this Sun Bridge was the only way out from Tianyang Peak.

Sun Jun walked in front, leaped lightly, and landed firmly on the seemingly smooth iron chain, then he turned around and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Su, this cloud and mist will occasionally obscure your vision. When walking, use your spiritual sense to observe the direction of the iron lock, so you don't have to worry about slipping!"

"En!" Su Poman nodded, and jumped, his body was like a roc spreading its wings, and landed on the chain.

Looking down, his super vision penetrated through layers of clouds and mist, and he was slightly startled.

Good guy, there is an abyss below!

However, walking through iron locks is not difficult for a cultivator at all, so Sun Jun just reminded him a little bit and then went on without looking back.

The closer he got to Tianyang Peak, the denser and denser the spiritual energy of the surrounding world became. Su Poman took a light breath and felt that his dantian was ready to move.

"If a mortal can live here often, it will be easy to live to be 80 years old..."

Su Poman thought of this, and suddenly remembered the two little maids who stayed in 'Pu Country', and his heart moved slightly, "I have to go back and see some time later..."

Stepping on the chain, the two arrived on Tianyang Peak not long after.

In front of you is the starting point of a white jade step. On both sides stands a stone hollow railing carved with patterns of auspicious clouds and strange animals. In the distance, there are some fine fluorescent pebbles. The gravel area is scattered and planted according to certain rules. Slices of exotic flowers and plants, under the faint morning light, these exotic flowers and plants are washed by the rain in the clouds, and the colors are particularly eye-catching, which makes people's eyes shine.

Going forward, spiritual bamboos grow between the roads, forming patches of shady places. A fork in the road appeared dozens of steps away. Sun Jun led Su Poman to the forked road on the left, and the two passed through it. The dense forest entangled with ancient trees comes to a winding stone road. There is no guardrail on the edge of the stone road. Standing here and looking out, you can see the sea of ​​clouds churning, and mountain peaks break through the sea of ​​fog and stand proudly under the rising sun.

At the end of the winding stone road, a strange cliff protruding from the mountain appeared. It was like a seaside pier, suspended above the sea of ​​fog.

After climbing up the stone steps of the strange cliff, an orphanage shrouded in formations appeared in front of the two of them.

"Uncle Su, this is the place. Your yard number is No. 12, and the location is pretty good. I won't go in. Let me introduce you from the outside. This yard is extremely safe. , arranged three different defensive formations, this is the jade card to open the formation, the elder Mu ordered me to hand it over to you, as long as it is in the yard, below the golden core stage, no one else can enter without your permission, At the same time, shielding and sound-proof formations are arranged around the courtyard, so you don't have to worry about privacy issues..." Sun Jun said, and handed over a blue jade tablet with a faint aura.

Seeing this, Su Poman was not polite. After receiving it, he scanned it with his divine sense, and found that there were many formation patterns with different purposes engraved on the jade tablet. These uses also need to be tested one by one before they can be known.

Su Poman walked to the main gate of the courtyard, and poured spiritual power into the first pattern on the jade tablet.

A ray of blue light shot out from the jade tablet, and there was a faint wave of formation around the courtyard, as if resonating.

Immediately afterwards, at the main entrance, a huge passage appeared.

"Come in and sit for a while before leaving, Sun Jun?" Su Poman turned around and invited with a smile.

Just as Sun Jun was about to agree, he suddenly thought of something, quickly waved his hand and said, "It's getting late, so don't delay Master's cultivation, let's do it next time!"

"Okay, thank you very much! You can come to me if you need anything in the future!" Su Poman smiled faintly.

Sun Jun's face brightened, this sentence is not light, it is equivalent to a petty favor, he hastily replied respectfully: "Okay Master Su, that disciple will go first!"

Su Poman nodded, turned around and walked into the formation.

After the blue light like water waves dissipated before him, the real appearance of the whole courtyard was revealed to Su Poman. He saw that the entrance was a winding corridor, and the fluorescent stones under the steps formed a narrow path.At the end of the Yonglu Road is a huge house, one is bright and the other is dark, inside are beds and chairs built together, and all kinds of furniture are available.There is another small door behind the screen in the main hall, and the backyard is where there are large willows and a pond with a depth of Zhang Xu. In addition, there is a row of bungalows with very classical door faces, and a firewood room and a kitchen are set up at the corner. , which seems to be reserved for minions.

There is a gap under the wall of the backyard, and there is a clear spring. The ditch is only about a foot, and it is poured into the wall. The depths are poured under the crevices of the rockery.

The exit of the clear stream is a stone sculpture with animal face, and there is a small pool below it. The bottom of the pool is clear, and there are a group of red-headed or black-headed fat carp wandering in it.

A few steps further north of the rockery, there is a flat and spacious site, with flying towers on both sides, carved and embroidered sills, all hidden among the trees in the valley.If you stand on the rockery and look down, you can see the clear stream pouring snow, the stone steps piercing the clouds, the white stones as fences, surrounding the edge of the pool, the three stone bridges, and the torrent with the beast's face.

The entire yard occupies a vast area, and it is empty and silent, with only the sound of gurgling water and a few faint chirping of insects in the grass.

Su Poman was standing at the gate of the yard, his super vision had already seen the whole yard, and he liked the layout and exquisite design of this yard very much.

"Although the courtyard is big, it is less popular. It seems that we really have to take the time to go back to 'Pu Country'!"

Su Poman walked into the house, and found many unique designs in it. There is not only a practice room with a skylight, but also an underground fire room specially used for alchemy or weapon refining. In addition, there are alchemy rooms, Study room, living room, etc.

When we came to the backyard, there was a stone pillar seven to eight feet high in the center of the martial arts arena. Su Poman didn't know the function of this stone pillar, but he felt a strong fluctuation of the formation around it. He tried to inject spiritual power into the formation jade. On the second pattern on the card.

The uppermost part of the stone pillar bloomed with a blue brilliance, and a blue hood spread from the top of the stone pillar to the surroundings, and soon covered the entire courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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