Chapter 160 Wild Heroes
Su Poman called "Good guy" repeatedly, he listened to the conversation between the two, and roughly figured out the relationship between them.

In the cave, the strong wind raged, and under the effect of 'super breathing', a large amount of mud and gravel with moisture directly broke through the white mantle blocking the cave.

Li Kang's blurred expression froze for a moment, and his whole body flew up uncontrollably under the gust of wind. Countless mud covered his body, and the cold touch shocked him, and he escaped from the blurred state for a short time.

Yunniang's condition was not good either, she felt as if she was suffocating, and countless mud and gravel had been scraped over her body, but she secretly rejoiced that she had not been stained, especially her innocence.

The muddy water dyed her whole body the color of mud. She clutched the ground tightly with one hand, and took out a pill with the other hand. At this time, she didn't care whether it was dirty or not, and swallowed it directly.

The dryness and heat in her body eased a bit, but she couldn't get rid of it completely. If it wasn't for the cold stimulation around her, she might have been dazed by the drug.

Not long after the strong wind passed through, calm was restored in the cave again.

Li Kang came staggeringly from a distance, his body was covered in mud, and it was already difficult to recognize his original face.

"Cough cough cough... Sister Yun, I'm back again! Let's continue... Although it's a bit dirty, I like being so dirty, Jie Jie Jie..."

Hearing this sound, Yunniang felt a scorching heat in her lower abdomen and suddenly fell down. The hotness seemed to be awakened again, and a warm liquid sensation came from her legs. Her face was a little pale, and she quickly swallowed another antidote Dan.

"Hehe, Sister Yun, that's the top-grade Hehuan powder I bought from Fangshi. It's not a poison, and it has the effect of tonic. How can the detoxification pill be effective? Haha, don't make unnecessary struggles, give up Resist, let's go together, that fish and water, you see you are holding your thighs, can't you bear it already?" Li Kang smiled lewdly, his mud-covered face was full of perverted smiles.

"You...don't come here!" Yun Niang stepped back again and again, placing the pink ribbon in front of her body, her eyes were sometimes clear and sometimes blurred.

"It seems that the amount of medicine is not enough. It's all because of the strange wind just now, which interrupted my good work!" Li Kang casually touched the clothes under his crotch, patted the storage bag, and took out a bamboo tube, "Hey, Sister Yun, I'll give you some more!"

He gently pulled out the plug, and a puff of pink mist immediately filled the air. Just as he was about to walk towards Yunniang, a phantom in white appeared in the depths of the cave.

"What the hell, I've been annoyed by you, a beast in disguise who pretends to be a friend!"

The voice just fell.

Su Poman directly grabbed the bamboo tube and stuffed it down Li Kang's throat. The huge filling made him cough continuously, and wisps of powder mist sprayed out from his nasal cavity, and his whole mind was instantly dissipated by the powerful medicine of He Huan. Controlled by the effect, his eyes were red, and his lower body was involuntarily shaking at a high frequency.

"Oh shit!"

Su Poman grabbed Li Kang by the back of the neck in disgust, flew straight out of the hole, and threw him onto the long-dead snake corpse with a flick of his hand.


Li Kang completely lost his mind at this moment, roaring like a beast, the blood vessels on his neck burst out, his eyes were full of blood red, like a beast full of desire, he found the snake corpse The lower body of her body actually performed a life battle on the spot!

The body of the huge boa constrictor trembled slightly, being mechanically manipulated by a man covered in mud...

Su Poman turned his head away, curled his lips, "I didn't expect that another reckless hero would be cultivated unintentionally. If that python has a spirit in the sky, I'm afraid it will hate me to death!"

After saying that, Su Poman thought of Yunniang who was still in the cave, and hurriedly turned back.

In the burrow, following the disappearance of Li Kang, Yunniang breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time the effect of 'Hehuansan' began to violently attack again, she moaned softly, and couldn't help groping down with her slender white fingers ...

Su Poman came to Yunniang, seeing the scene in front of her, she couldn't help feeling angry in her heart, only to see that the muddy water had already soaked her body, leaving only a few dresses clinging to her skin, The bumpy figure is particularly eye-catching. Although it is a bit dirty, it does not prevent the original temptation from being revealed under the outline. The thin and slender waist, the fat buttocks with amazing curvature, and the seductive eyes like silk , coupled with that provocative gesture, will make every man he sees feel a little extra-legal.

Just about to use some means to force out the aphrodisiac medicine from Yunniang's body, but unexpectedly, she groaned softly and threw herself directly at Su Poman, and her greasy and fragrant carcass directly stuck to Su Poman's body.

At this time, Yunniang's face was flushed, her eyes were full of charming spring, as if she was about to breathe fire, she kept muttering, "You want me, you want me...Brother Qiao, you want me soon, I will bear it!" no more..."

"Oh... I'm not your brother Joe!"

Su Poman's mouth was a little dry, but he didn't want to take advantage of the danger, so he pushed her away with a flick of his hand, and then cut her neck with a knife. Yunniang rolled her eyes and fainted on his chest. In the crook of the arm.

Gently put her on the ground, pinched the spell, and cast a 'water flow' to wash away the dirt on her body, then took out a piece of clothing from the storage bag, and put it on her body.

Then, Su Poman squeezed his chin and thought in his heart: "This aphrodisiac should be stimulated, otherwise it may cause some damage to her body. By the way, the person outside may have an antidote!"

Thinking of this, looking at Yunniang whose face was getting more and more rosy, he no longer hesitated, and flew out directly, took off the storage bag on Li Kang's body, and shook it in mid-air, and some sundries were immediately shaken fall out.

More than a dozen low-grade spirit stones, three small bottles, and two women's underwear. Judging by their size and model, Su Poman guessed that they most likely belonged to the woman named 'Yunniang'.

Among the three elixir bottles, one of them is a elixir for healing, and the other is a 'Yunling elixir' for restoring spiritual power. As for the remaining bottle, it contains a very smelly powder. When I smell it, I feel nauseous and feel dizzy.

"A dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor..."

Su Poman held the open jade bottle and put it under Yunniang's nose, frowning on his delicate face, the rosy color on his face also quickly faded, and his body temperature also began to drop.

"It seems to be really useful!"

Su Poman watched Yunniang's reaction, nodded secretly, and then just waited for her to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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