Chapter 165 Li Tianhong

Under the swarm of insects covering the sky and the sky-shattering buzzing sound, a young man with a strange face descended slowly stepping on black clouds. He was dressed in a jet-black gorgeous robe with gold trim on the cuffs and neckline. His skin is as fair as an egg that has just been peeled off its shell. It looks flimsy, enough to make countless women madly jealous. He has a handsome face like a young boy. The eyes are incomparably vicissitudes, like an old man who has experienced many things in the world.


The Celestial Centipede in the stone pond seemed to have sensed the breath of its master, its huge body got out of the pool, and its densely packed legs quickly swam towards the young man, making excited "squeaks" from its mouth, as if Like a puppy who hasn't seen its owner for a long time.

The corner of the young man's mouth curled slightly, showing a little smile, and said in a childlike tone to himself: "Heavenly centipede, I haven't seen you for a long time, you have grown up a lot, do you still like to eat the flesh and blood of mortal children like before? "

"Squeak, squeak..."

The giant Celestial Centipede swam around the young man's body fawningly, rubbing against his clothes from time to time with its huge dark red ferocious head.

"Okay, okay, I won't play with you for now, I'm here this time for something to do! This is your reward!" The young man flipped his hands over and threw out a piece of flesh and blood the size of a water tank.

The flesh and blood exudes a strong smell of blood, and through the mist, one can vaguely see that there are hundreds of heart-like organs concentrated on it, which looks very terrifying.


The Celestial Centipede swallowed the piece of flesh into its stomach with one mouthful, and then returned to the stone pool very obediently.

"Tread, step, step..."

The footsteps sounded in the ears of the two elders, but they remained silent, not even daring to raise their heads. Out of the corner of their eyes, they could see the gorgeous skirt and the black cloud-patterned flying boots gradually approaching.

Both of them froze in their hearts, and they both pursed their lips tightly, as if they were criminals waiting to be sentenced.

"Two elders, is there something wrong in Myriad Insect Realm?"

A magnetic voice sounded.

The old man with purple lips looked a little troubled, and he didn't know how to explain it for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a huge force attacking him.

"Boom! Boom!"

After two muffled sounds.

The two foundation building elders flew upside down and smashed two big holes in the wooden platform.

"When I ask a question, I must answer it immediately. What are you thinking in your mind?"

The cold words came out of the young man's mouth, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his vicissitudes of eyes.

The old man with purple lips didn't care to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, he quickly climbed up from under the wooden platform, knelt down at the young man's feet, and said respectfully: "Reporting to the sect master, there have been some changes in the secret realm of myriad insects. Once you enter it, you will lose all contact, it seems that a foundation-building monster was born inside, or maybe... there are strong people from other forces mixed in!"

"Hmph! When this happened, why didn't you report it?" The displeasure in the young man's eyes was even worse.

The old man with purple lips was speechless. Faced with such a question, even if he explained the words he had prepared before, it might not please him. He silently lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "It's the subordinate's dereliction of duty!"

Facing the young man in front of him, even though he felt a thousand grievances in his heart, he did not dare to express it. Although Li Tianhong, the head of the sect, only had the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan, his methods were extremely cruel, and his supernatural powers were far beyond the same level. A monk can't take advantage of him, and his prestige is like an emperor's existence in the Blood Gu Sect.

The most important point is that Li Tianhong has some blood relationship with the third-class cultivator of the Nascent Soul stage, the "Master Ling Chong", which is why he became the master of the Blood Gu Sect and enjoys the practice in this large area of ​​southern Xinjiang. resource.

The other Jindan stage masters in the Nanyue Kingdom will also be wary of this relationship and are unwilling to confront Li Tianhong. Therefore, in this southern border, he is an indistinguishable god-like existence. For the elders of the Blood Gu Sect Or the disciples can take life and death, possessing supreme authority.

There was no expression on Li Tianhong's face, his eyes turned to the entrance of the Myriad Insects Secret Realm, and he said slowly: "Go, open the formation, I want to enter the secret realm!"

Hearing the words, the old man with purple lips nodded quickly in response to "Yes", and greeted the old man in green robe. The two of them each took out a jade talisman from their storage bags. Under the urging of spiritual power, the two jade talismans quickly joined together. Together, a dazzling light burst out.


The entrance to the secret realm opened again.

"You two trash come in with me!" Li Tianhong waved his hand, and the shadows of insects all over the sky disappeared without a trace, and he walked slowly towards the entrance of the secret realm.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

The green-robed, black-thin old man and the purple-lipped old man hurriedly followed.

Before the entrance of the secret realm, Li Tianhong paused slightly, and said to the insects and beasts in the stone pond: "Centenius, guard the exit, who will swallow who!"


The huge head of the Celestial Centipede poked out from the stone pool, its pair of pitch-black compound eyes fixedly stared at the entrance, and its pincers kept trembling, making a "da da da" sound.

Li Tianhong took out three talisman papers exuding strange spiritual power from the storage ring, and stuck them on himself and the other two. The auras of the three instantly joined together, and then they walked into the random teleportation array at the entrance of the secret realm together. middle.

Between the changes of light and shadow, the figures of three people appeared on the mountain range between the periphery and the depth of the secret realm.

"How can the aura be so thin..."

As soon as he entered this place, the purple-lipped old man immediately noticed something was wrong, and felt that the concentration of heaven and earth aura here was much worse than before.

Li Tianhong's tyrannical consciousness swept out instantly, covering an area of ​​tens of miles in radius, his complexion became worse and worse, and raging anger was burning in his eyes.

The green-robed old man at the side also discovered a shocking fact through scanning the surrounding area with his spiritual sense——

All the things containing aura on this mountain range seem to have disappeared out of thin air, not even a single one can be found, including those monsters and spirit insects living in it, all disappeared without a trace, and the concentration of aura in the world has also been greatly reduced. a level.

"Who is it!"

Li Tianhong squeezed out these four words between his teeth, and there was a monstrous killing intent in his voice.

"I don't know which force in Nanyue Kingdom did it. It is so shameless and ruthless that it directly cut off the root of the myriad insects. This is simply trying to destroy the foundation of my 'Blood Gu Sect'!" said the purple-lipped old man with a gloomy face. .

The figure of the old man in green robe flashed, and when he came back from a distance, he whispered with an ugly face: "Master, the subordinates have already checked, and all the spirit insects within a radius of tens of miles have disappeared. The ordinary spirit grass that is useless for alchemy has also been wiped out. If only this area is fine, the subordinates worry that the spirit insects in the entire Myriad Insects Mystery Realm have been poisoned. It's the grand occasion where all insects are singing together..."

Li Tianhong's face was gloomy, and his heart seemed to be bleeding. He sensed a little, looked in the direction of the core area of ​​the secret realm, and said coldly: "The thief is in the core area. Be prepared, and you must not let him go. The seat wants to cut him into pieces, and taste the pain of being devoured by thousands of insects!"

(End of this chapter)

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