Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 169 Superman's body is complete!

Chapter 169 Superman's body is complete!

Seeing this, the purple-lipped old man felt a little panic in his heart, feeling a little bad, so he stepped back quietly, cast a spell to conceal his breath, and then quietly fled away.

Su Po had a gloomy expression on his face. Although the previous explosion didn't hurt him, the huge noise damaged his ears, and it still echoed the previous roaring sound. He grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, It seems to be smiling, but the tone is extremely serious, "Since you don't know what to do and insist on killing me, then I'm not polite!"

The red light in the eyes became more and more intense, and finally became like a soldering iron.

Li Tianhong sensed the terrifying murderous intent, saw that the situation was not good, and immediately raised a layer of gray body shield on his body, which was not enough for peace of mind, he flipped his hands again, and took out a small silver flying shield, Before it was fully activated, two red laser rays shot in front of him as if they were teleporting.

chi chi...

The spiritual power shield bursts like a bubble in the sun, and then two red beams of light fell on the small silver light shield. Driven by mana, the small shield became bigger and bigger, but it only supported After half a breath, it pierced through a burst of thick smoke.

Li Tianhong's face turned pale with fright, and he dodged repeatedly, avoiding the place where the laser was coming from. Before he could take out any magic weapon, Su Poman turned his head slightly, and the two fiery beams of light quickly cut past.


A smell of meat wafted out.

Li Tianhong still had a terrified look on his face, and his head and most of his right arm fell from his body to the ground with a 'wow'. Layers of scorched black and curly white flesh slowly seeped out.

" hurts so much!"

The strong vitality of the Golden Core cultivator prevented him from dying instantly. Blood and tears flowed from his eyes, his face became distorted due to pain, and he roared: "You can't kill me, my uncle is the Great Elder of the Beast Sect' Master Spirit Insect', if he finds out..."


The laser cut down vertically, and the roaring head was cut into two pieces instantly, and the white brains in it boiled because of the high temperature, and burst out from the ear canals on both sides.

"A lot of nonsense!"

Su Poman turned his head away, and once again scanned the distance with his hot gaze, the green-robed old man who was about to escape was instantly decapitated by the laser.

"It's really clever to escape one... but it's okay, they don't know my identity, even if they are looking for revenge, they can't find me!"

With a wave of his hand, he took the storage bags, storage rings and spirit insect bags on the two of them into his hands. After his spiritual sense penetrated, his face became happy, "A high-ranking monk is rich, and now my superhuman physique should be able to complete Already!"

All kinds of spirit insects were stored in different areas in the spirit insect bags. Su Poman roughly counted them. Although the number of these spirit insects was not as large as the black flying insects before, there were hundreds of thousands of the two storage bags combined. quantity.He opened the mouths of the two spirit insect bags, and released a bunch of spirit insects, which were then killed by the transparent biological force field and continuously transformed into energy points.

"Ding, detected energy, is it converted into energy points?"

"The transformation is complete, you have obtained 65 energy points!"


After about a cup of tea, the two spiritual insect bags became empty, and they were all converted into energy points.

He temporarily put aside the storage bag of the old man in green robe and the storage ring of the young man in black robe, and did not deal with it. At this moment, his mind was completely attracted by the increased energy points on the Ziyuan Roulette.

"Over [-] million energy points, it's really cool, the ability must be extracted immediately, haha!" Su Poman couldn't help laughing up to the sky, like a mental patient who suddenly fell ill.

There were still two half-burnt corpses left on the ground, and the strange smell of meat in the air made Su Poman frown. He chanted a short mantra, released two small fireballs and hit the two corpses. , and then stretched his arms and flew away from here.

After he left, a layer of scorched earth in the tiankeng suddenly moved, and a golden beetle flew out staggeringly. The red light in its eyes had completely faded at this time, and the small green eyes Revealing confusion, he flew into the dense forest.

Su Poman found a hidden cave, sat cross-legged on a boulder, his face was full of joy, he forcibly stabilized his mind, closed his eyes, and opened the light curtain of Ziyuan Roulette with a thought , click on the word 'click to extract'.

The value of energy points on the light curtain of Ziyuan Roulette changed from 600 million to 600 million in the end and then remained unchanged. A gleam of light disappeared on the Ziyuan Roulette.


The simple and mysterious roulette spins rapidly.

"Among the search targets..."

"The link is being established, extracting..."

"Ding, spent 500 energy points, the extraction was successful, and the superhuman physique bloodline block was obtained. The bronze superhuman physique was perfect. The current bloodline ability progress has reached 000%. The current ability cannot be extracted any more. Please change the extraction target..."

——Purple Source Roulette——

【Name】: Su Poman

[Boundary]: The third floor of the Qi refining period

[Bloodline]: Bronze Superman Body (100%)

[Ability]: Bronze Superman template (possesses all the abilities of a Bronze Age Superman, and can cultivate to the Silver Age by himself.)
[Energy Points]: 831 (a minimum of 901 energy points can be drawn once)
[Quantity that can be drawn]: 0 (the number of draws this month has been used up)
[Current Extraction Target]: None

In the cave, Su Poman's body floated up, his whole body was shrouded in streaks of blue light, his eyes were closed tightly, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and streaks of metallic texture appeared on his skin.

A phantom of a pitch-black half-skull emerged out of thin air, and strange golden words sprinkled from the skull, as if recording some mysterious information, it turned into a series of white lights and merged into Su Poman's body, one by one. The gene chain in every inch of flesh and blood was quickly replaced with a more perfect form.

Trillions of cells lit up one after another like little suns. Su Poman's whole body was shrouded in brilliant light, and the air around him made a hollow sound of bells. After a stick of incense passed, the light died down.

Su Poman slowly opened his eyes, and a sense of perfection and transparency came to his mind. He clearly felt that his physical body was dozens of times stronger than before in terms of strength, speed, and defense. The biological force field was as condensed as one. He can control it as he likes. He can clearly see the dust, tiny microorganisms, pollen, etc. in the air. With a thought, he casts the "spiritual eye technique", and the surrounding situation becomes more colorful, and the colorful spiritual energy of the world is in his " Under super vision', it appeared directly.The biological force field spread out and grabbed a rock in the cave at once. The best path was calculated in the moment of thought in his brain, and at the same time he also figured out a problem that had troubled him for a long time.

"It turns out that my biological force field came out of the body attached to the aura of heaven and earth. No wonder the Superman in the previous movie did not show this ability. He can only protect the plane from being damaged by the impact through physical contact. It seems that Superman's ability There are still some similarities with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and we have to develop it well in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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